The Holy Lily and the Fragrant Rose

时间:2022-10-23 06:41:23

【Abstract】Jane Eyre is recognized as the representative work of early British female literature. The author, Charlotte Bronte, through her true female experience, described one new female figure with rebellious and revolutionary spirit――Jane Eyre. Her dignity is like the beautiful lily, holy and noble; her pure love is like the fragrant rose, intoxicating and sweet. This paper expands on the source of Jane Eyre’s dignity and her idea of equality in love and marriage through analyzing Jane Eyre’s living environment and her life experiences. Finally, it points out the importance of women’s striving for independence and freedom and maintaining personal dignity by self-struggle.

【Key Words】Jane Eyre; dignity; equality; freedom; love


Charlotte Bronte is a famous female writer in Victorian Age. She is the eldest of the three Bronte sisters whose novels have become enduring classics of English literature. Jane Eyre is by far the best known of Charlotte Bronte’s novels. It was punished in August 1847. In literature history, there are many immortal classics, and Jane Eyre is one of them that influence people's life. This work awakens people’s sympathy by portraying a female image who dares to pursue her own dignity and equality of love. Her dignity is like a lily―holy and noble; her love is like a rose―fragrant and beautiful. It also sets a model for “new woman”, Charlotte tried to let them know what is worth pursuing, what should be abandoned in their short lifetime, and mind them to pursue their everlasting aim with unremitting efforts.

This paper conducts the research on Jane Eyre’s dignity and love, expresses the importance of women striving for independence and freedom and maintaining personal dignity by self-struggle.

2.The Holy Lily ―Dignity

What on earth does dignity mean? Dignity is not a separate thing; it is a thing that you can get only if you get other people’s recognition in interpersonal relations. When we think of Jane Eyre, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her dignity and her personality which blooms just like a lily. Through Jane Eyre, we can have a deeper understanding of dignity, especially for female friends.

2.1 Poverty Wakes Up the Holy Lily

At the beginning of Jane Eyre, there is such a passage: “You have no business to take our books; you are a dependent mama says; you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to beg, and not to live here with gentlemen’s children like us, and eat the same meals we do, and wear clothes at our mama’s expense. Now, I’ll teach you to rummage my bookshelves: for they are mine; the entire house belongs to me, or will do in a few years. Go and stand by the door, out of the way of the mirror and the windows.” (Jane Eyre, 7) From this passage we can see that the idea of “Money before dignity” was very common at that time. Even for a child of fourteen or fifteen years old like Reed, that idea is deeply-rooted in his brain. Poverty wakes up Jane Eyre’s dignity―the holy lily is now in bud.

Shortly after Jane Eyre was born, her parents died, and the ten-year-old girl had to live with her aunt and cousins who dislike her. The maltreating of the aunt and the insult of the cousin leaves her immature soul a deep scar. The little girl who loses maternal love was treated unequally since childhood, and her personality was deeply insulted. This made her pure heart in germination of the instinct of resistance. The poor life at Lowood School let Jane grew up. When her friend Helen Burns was beaten by pointer, the spirit of revenge and resistance in Jane’s heart burst into flame. Now, the holy lily is growing.

In the novel, there is such a passage: “If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust , the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter, but would grow worse and worse, When we arrest truck at without a reason, we should strike back a gain very hard” (Jane Eyre, 83). Jane Eyre rose up in resistance and fought for the independent personality and the value of life and fight against the evil force. During this period, she learned to adapt to the new environment, and in the pursuit of the personality, she changed from hating the environment instinctively to understanding the environmental and even to fighting for the dignity and independence. At this time, although Jane Eyre was still very poor, she could acquire respect through her hard work and goodness. Now, the holy lily is ripe.

In the new industrialized society, most of the women became work force. Even if you were a petty-bourgeoisie, your way out was a problem. And the only way out for them was to be a teacher or governess. But the status of this kind of job was of the same as the maids. With a high generalization of the unfair phenomena, the author overviewed Jane Eyre’s statue and position, and through Jane Eyre’s relentless pursuit of destiny and personality, she sent out the ictus of fighting towards the society and noble classic. More importantly, from the development of Jane’s personality, the novel suggested that people should enhance their understanding of their blindness to reflect oneself, renew oneself, perfect oneself, and thus reach the lofty goal of life. Now, the holy lily exudes scents of sweet.

2.2 Character Helps the Holy Lily Grow

Longing for independence is one of the most enchanting characteristics of this heroine. On the other hand, Jane and Rochester’s love were by no means clear sailing. Mason interfered in Jane Eyre’s happiness, Jane faced a serious crisis in her life, and she left Thornfield resolutely. She didn't know where to go, she only had a wish: to leave Thornfield, the place where she was cheated and insulted. A girl who once lived in comfort suddenly became a poor beggar; she lost her little poor savings, and had to sleep on the road. Weak Jane Eyre was tormented day and night. Kindly readers may feel dreadfully sorry for Jane Eyre’s choice. Why didn't she stay at Thornfield but run away, and nearly starved to death? Jane knew that if she stayed at Thornfield, she could not be a governness anymore, and she would fall to a sad position―Rochester’s mistress. She would rather die than live in dishonor. She wanted the dignity and had no choice. Jane Eyre flew out the door of Thornfield courageously, breaking through the shackles of the secular society. By far, Jane Eyre’s spirit reached the acme.

In the aspect of pursuing love, she is frank and bold. Those taboos and commandment which forbid the woman to enjoy their right of equality of love were nothing for Jane Eyre. When Rochester pretended to marry with Lady Ingram, Jane Eyre announced her love boldly to Rochester: “Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am automation? ―A machine without feelings? And …Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? ―You think wrong!” ( Jane Eyre, 237). Jane Eyre has her own dignity, and defends her dignity diligently, just like the noble and pure lily that is always sending forth a delicate fragrance.

3.The Fragrant Rose―Love

Rose is the flower of love, and love is the essential theme of life. In the reality, the value of women was embodied by love and marriage. Love could reflect a woman’s inner world. Jane Eyre dared to put aside the traditional idea of marriage, pursue love actively, and persist in pursuing equal love. All those showed that Jane Eyre was the representative of “new women”. This is Charlotte Bronte’s deep understanding about the independent personality of women, and it is the reflection and renewal of the value of women.

3.1 Love Needs Dignity

Love is sacred, in my view. A dignified man’s love must also have dignity. Through Jane Eyre and Rochester's love story, the author of the novel created a strong woman who was born low but always maintained an independent personality and pursued individual freedom and equality. In front of Rochester, she thought they were equal, though she was just a family teacher. Also because of her honesty, nobleness, and purity, her soul was not contaminated by the secular society. Rochester respected her, and fell in love with her Rochester’s sincerity moved her, and she accepted him. Later, when Jane Eyre found that Rochester had a wife, she didn’t hesitate to leave him. I admire Jane Eyre’s unique view about love. Finally, Jane Eyre knew that in order to save his wife in the miserable fire, Rochester was blind. He was disabled, totally incapacitated for life, while at the same time his wife was dead. Jane Eyre with her utmost enthusiasm returned into his arms. She should not be despised by others just because she is a servant.

3.2 Jane Eyre’s Successful love.

Jane and Rochester’s telepathic love let them get together again. When Jane Eyre returned to Thornfield House, she was faced with a Rochester who has been blind and disabled. But in Jane Eyre’s eyes, it could be negligible. As long as Rochester loved her and she loved Rochester, it was enough. She and Rochester got married, and became Rochester's wife and nurse. Two years later, they had their own children, and Rochester had restored vision of one of his eye, and they lived a happy life. After Jane Eyre went through the numerous sufferings, she finally realized her longing for love equal and free love. Through such stories, the author tells us that women can win freedom and true love through their struggle, and the lovers will get together.


Jane Eyre is an image of female rebellion and resistance; she sets a dazzling image of women in literary history and adds a beautiful landscape for the liberation of women. Jane Eyre’s awakening represents the awakening of the consciousness of women. She sneaked into the woman’s individual spiritual world and woke them up.

From Jane, we can see that it is important for women to stand up and fight for their dignity and love. In fact, one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm. I always think if the road of time no longer curves, if I try my best to walk to the end, will I be able to see the bright sunlight? Only when you struggle through your trials, can you realize the real meaning of life; Only when you suffer all the bitter misfortunes, can you realize the value of your life. Then we will see the true radiance of the sun.


[1]Bronte,Charlotte. (2006). Jane Eyre. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

[2]Wu Weiren.(1998).History and Anthology of English Literature. Shanghai: Donghua University Press.



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