
时间:2022-10-20 11:56:28



>> 商业地产开发运营策略研究 商业地产开发运营模式的分析与选择 商业地产的开发建设及运营管理 商业地产的电商试验 商业地产的开发与运营 商业地产开发的风险分析及对策防范 电商能否击败商业地产? 商业地产开发与运营 完善商业地产开发与运营模式探析 刘爱明电商对商业地产的冲击是伪命题 商业地产或是开发商转型机遇 快时尚:紧跟商业地产开发商 商业地产开发的风险管理 商业地产同质化的对策 商业地产去库存的对策 基于宏观视角的商业地产企业走出融资困境对策 论中国现代商业地产的运营模式 整合运营商业地产的经营之道? 商业地产的收益与运营管理模式 浅析重庆商业地产的运营模式选择 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.







Predicament and Solutions of the Commercial Real Estate Development and Operation in E-Commerce Times

FU Yan-wen

(Xiamen City University,Xiamen,Fujian 361008,China)

Abstract:With the development of the Internet,the rapid popularization of portable electronic products and the change of E-Commerce consumption and payment platform have led to major changes in consumer's channels. Consumers in the traditional shopping district has been sharply separate to a lot of other places,Consumer behavior has changed fundamentally. The development of commercial real estate market has faced to the predicament of business saturation,this caused the supply increased,the stock is difficult to digest and the risk of investment has increased. The developers should be innovative business model by thinking of the Internet,complete the transformation from the simple development vendors to the business operators,and carry out diversified marketing through O2O and other new media platform to realize the coordinated development of online and offline.

Key words:E-Commerce Timese;commercial real estate;O2O

上一篇:对外汉语教学中的近义词辨析 下一篇:新课标背景下通过初中化学实验教学提升学生思...