
时间:2022-10-19 01:40:31



Ⅰ. 语篇阅读 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

Mr. Harris taught third-grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a talk about an animal called ‘birdcat’, which died out during the Ice Age. We passed around a skull (头骨) as he talked. We all make notes carefully and later we had a test.

When he returned my paper the next day, there was a big red ‘X’ through each of my answers. I had failed! There must be some mistakes! I had written down exactly what Mr. Harris said. Then I learned that everyone in the class had failed. What happened?

“Very simple,” Mr. Harris said. He had made up all that ‘birdcat’. There was never any such animal. The information in our notes was not right. “Did you think you would get good marks for wrong answers?”

Needless to say, we felt that was unfair (不公平). What kind of a test was this? And what

kind of a teacher?

“We should have figured it out,” Mr. Harris said. Before that, at the moment he was passing around the ‘birdcat’ skull, in truth a cat’s, didn’t he tell us no other findings about this animal except the skull? He told us many unbelievable (不可相信的) things about the animal, such as the size, the color, the strength ..., but none of us had questioned.

Mr. Harris said he hoped we would learn something from this lesson. Teachers and textbooks are not always right. In fact, no one is. He told us not to let our minds go to sleep, and speak up if we ever thought he or the textbook was wrong.

Up to now I haven’t made any great scientific discoveries, but Mr. Harris’s class gave me and my classmates something just as important: to look people in the eye and tell them they are wrong.

( )66. I failed the science test because .

A. I didn’t answer all the questions B. Mr. Harris made some mistake

C. I didn’t answer the paper according to what Mr. Harris said

D. the information Mr. Harris told us was not true

( )67. Which of the following is true?

A. The students didn’t listen to the teacher carefully enough.

B. Everyone in the class passed the test.

C. The skull Mr. Harris used in class was a cat’s.

D. Many students asked questions in class that day.

( )68. The phrase “figure out” has the same meaning as .

A. answer B. find out C. work out D. turn out

( )69. We can learn from the passage that .

A. Mr. Harris was the only person who found the animal ‘birdcat’

B. we should be brave to speak out against what we don’t believe

C. teachers and textbooks are usually not right

D. the writer and his classmates learned a lot about the animal ’birdcat’

( )70. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. An Unfair Test. B. Wrong Information.

C. An Unforgettable Test. D. A Strange Animal Called ‘birdcat’.

Ⅱ. 书面表达



1. 上课时要认真听老师讲、做好笔记、课后经常温习;

2. 学英语最重要的是要多说、多听、多读、多练习;

3. 每天写一篇日记提高写作能力;

4. 谈谈自己的建议(一至两点)。


1. 词数60-80 2. 参考词汇:① review v. 温习 ② exercise n. 练习 ③ diary n. 日记


1. D 由第一段最后一句“交际失误随时都有可能发生”可知,他们在交流方面有困难。

2. B 细节题。答案在第二段最后一句。

3. A 最后一段讲到在印度各个地方点头和摇头的意义是不同的,Tom不知道这种印度文化。

4. A 有第三段可知在保加利亚,摇头意味着“是的”。

5. C 根据文章大意可以看出这篇文章讲的是不同文化中的交际失误。

One possible version:

Lang Mountain is a famous place of interest. Every day a lot of tourists come here to enjoy its beauty. But a few years ago, some of them paid no attention to protecting the environment. They threw their litter, such as plastic bags, fruit skins and waste paper on the ground. Sometimes they broke trees, picked flowers and killed birds, and some even made fires in the woods to cook food. How dangerous it was! Luckily, great changes have taken place here. Tourists have got used to putting their rubbish into dustbins, and they are doing their best to protect the birds and plants as well. They bring their own meals instead of cooking to prevent starting a forest fire in the mountains. All the changes make us very happy.

上一篇:培养学生自主学习的几点体会 下一篇:高三英语复习中开放性教学摭谈