完形突破Passage Three

时间:2022-10-19 05:32:08

Many years ago, I worked as a volunteer at Stanford Hospital. Then one day I got to know a little girl named Liz who was 1 from a rare and serious disease. But it’s difficult to cure her of the disease, for there’s no 2 medicine against it. The doctor said her only chance of 3 appeared to be a blood transfusion (输血) from her 5-year-old brother, who had 4 survived the same disease and had 5 the antibodies (抗体) needed to fight the illness.

The anxious parents asked whether the blood transfusion would do any 6 to their son. “No, 7 will it do anything to the boy,” said the doctor. “All that we have to do is to try to 8 the boy to agree to save his sister.” 9 the doctor explained the 10 to her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him 11 for only a moment before taking a 12 and said, “Yes, I’ll do it if it saves Liz.”

As the transfusion 13 , he lay in bed next to his sister and 14 , as we all did, 15 the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face 16 pale and his smile faded. And then he closed his eyes. Half an hour later, the transfusion was over. The boy still closed his eyes. As we woke him up, he 17 at the doctor and asked with a 18 voice, “Where am I? Am I dying? Am I going to die right away?”

All of us were 19 into tears. “Boy, you’ll never die and you have just saved your sister”. Being 20 , the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood.

1. A. recovering B. examining C. suffering D. treating

2. A. formal B. effective C. extra D. original

3. A. success B. failure C. preparation D. recovery

4. A. fortunately B. simply C. hardly D. actually

5. A. killed B. knew C. developed D. lost

6. A. good B. harm C. right D. wrong

7. A. still B. ever C. never D. none

8. A. force B. promise C. cheat D. persuade

9. A. Thus B. But C. Otherwise D. Though

10. A. danger B. operation C. influence D. situation

11. A. laughing B. hesitating C. crying D. waiting

12. A. risk B. breath C. chance D. rest

13. A. removed B. fixed C. stopped D. progressed

14. A. smiled B. slept C. struggled D. prayed

15. A. hearing B. watching C. feeling D. checking

16. A. started B. began C. kept D. grew

17. A. called off B. shouted at C. looked up D. looked down

18. A. trembling B. frightening C. shy D. confident

19. A. changed B. amused C. moved D. scared

20. A. loyal B. brave C. clever D. young

上一篇:为了生命的芬芳 下一篇:高考真题短语总汇(三)