
时间:2022-10-17 10:39:27

【前言】迷路的美国小男孩(结局篇)由文秘帮小编整理而成,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。1. 语言背后的文化知识 2. 固定英语表达法 3. 阅读难点解析 Situation Dialogues 情景对话 Part One: Meeting Grandpa 凯文的爷爷 (在保罗的带领下,小强一行来到了北京和睦家医院,看望在这里住院的凯文的爷爷。凯文爷爷对小强照顾凯文的行为十分感激,一再肯定小强...



凯文终于回到了爷爷的身边,小强等人如释重负。晚上,小强、Sabrina、Lily和Paul 四人一起来到了后海的一间酒吧,回想起这一天的情景,小强还是不敢相信奇迹真的就发生在了自己的身上。前几天还在为寻找投资伙伴而四处碰壁,今天“贵人”就从天而降,而且是国际知名财团的巨额资助。虽然小强一直在嘀咕着“这怎么可能”之类的话语,但事情就这样发生了,而Lily也含情默默地向小强多次表达了自己由衷的祝贺(见对话二)


Language Focus / 语言点:

1. 语言背后的文化知识

2. 固定英语表达法

3. 阅读难点解析

Situation Dialogues 情景对话

Part One: Meeting Grandpa 凯文的爷爷


Kevin's Grandfather: Hello you youngsters, I really appreciate what you've done for Kevin and me these past few days.

Xiao Qiang and Lily and Sabrina: Don't mention it, we are just glad we could help.

Kevin's Grandfather: You know, before I arrived in China for this trip I was rather hesitant about investing my money into a Chinese-managed company. Honestly, I didn't have a great deal of faith in the morality or work discipline of Chinese management. Thanks to you all though, my eyes have been opened and I realize now how wrong my own assessment of China has been. So really, thank you all.

Xiao Qiang: Grandpa - I hope you don't mind me calling you that - I am so glad that we could help to change your impression of the Chinese. I know a lot of foreign businessmen misunderstand China. I mean, it's easy to do when you only spend a few weeks a year in the country. The thing is, though, that China is changing faster than even I can keep track of and I live here! Believe me, make the right investment choice in China and you'll be stunned by the speed at which you see returns.

Kevin's Grandfather: What about your small company?

Xiao Qiang: My company? How do you know about my company?

Kevin's Grandfather: Before I got acquainted with this hospital room, I had a couple of my people look into some parts of your life and please don't be angry about this, but I reviewed your business plans and forecasts. I mean, come on, I was trusting you with the well-being of my grandson. I had to know a little more about you.

Xiao Qiang: No worries, I know you were just taking precautions. My company has a pretty simple security clearance protocol anyway.

Kevin's Grandfather: I didn't realize you had a security system in place.

Xiao Qiang: Sure, if you knock and someone opens the door, you have clearance. Otherwise you have to reapply for clearance at another time.

Kevin's Grandfather: My people tell me you are focusing on the 3G project is that right?

Xiao Qiang: Yes, it is a very new concept, but I believe it's going to be the foundation for a new future.

Kevin's Grandfather: A new future, huh? So, how much are you putting on the line to realize this new future?

Xiao Qiang: Well, other than all my savings, I'm spending my youth, and that's priceless - right?

Kevin's Grandfather: I like the way you handle your affairs, Xiao Qiang, both in your life and in your company, which is small, but you've got a big vision and that's a good recipe for success. I tell you what, I'm going to invest in your company for the next three years and see where that takes us.

Xiao Qiang: What?

Kevin's Grandfather: Is that a problem? I guess we could say four years. It really depends on your business forecast, which of course I'll need so my suits can get this thing moving.

Xiao Qiang: No, no, I mean great! Yes I just, I'm so surprised. Thank you for having confidence in my company, Grandpa. Good bye1

Kevin's Grandfather: Not so fast, Xiao Qiang, I have faith in you, the man behind the company fa_ade. Remember that, it's the people that count - not the logo.

Sabrina and Lily: Wow! Your dream has come true, Xiao Qiang! We are so happy for you.

Kevin's Grandfather: You have a lot of character and serious business potential, youngster. Stay focused and remember that helping a little boy in need is how we met. Keep that in mind.

Xiao Qiang: I'm not the only one who would do that, you know. Many people would do the same if they met Kevin.

Kevin's Grandfather: But Kevin only met you, so I only chose you!

Part Two: The Luckiest Man Alive 鸿运当头的小强


Xiao Qiang: I still can't believe this, it's like my life changed today. If this is a dream, don't wake me up.

Paul: I am very surprised too. Kevin's grandpa is my client. I've been looking for partners for him to invest in for over a year. Many Chinese companies made presentations to him but he just brushed them all off, showing no interest at all. You have to be the luckiest man alive - at least today!

Xiao Qiang: I don't think he understands how small my company is. Including me, there are only five people working in that office.

Paul: I have worked for him long enough to understand his bottom line. He doesn't care if the company is big or not, he cares about the business model and concept, and he thinks the people running the business are the most important piece of the puzzle.

Xiao Qiang: That's why he chose me?

Paul: Yes, he has great confidence in 3G, and he likes and trusts you! It's a perfect match.

Xiao Qiang: I can't believe this!

Lily: Why not? You are a nice person, kind, hard-working, motivated and creative!

Xiao Qiang: You really think so?

Lily: Really. I am so happy for you.

Sabrina: So are you ready to admit...

Lily: Admit what?

Sabrina: You know, "such a nice person, kind, charming, passionate..."

Lily: Sabrina! Stop while you're ahead.

Xiao Qiang: Sabrina, don't make fun of her like that. This might really be the beginning of something new though, Lilly, you can think about that. In any case my company is funded and Lilly complimented me three times in a row - both my dreams have come true!

Lily: Xiao Qiang! I better get some cold water so we can wake you up, because you sure sound like you're dreaming to me! Unbelievable.

Sabrina: Don't put on an act, Lily. Take Xiao Qiang's lead and just do what you want to do! No matter what.

Xiao Qiang: Lily, what do you say? Can we give it a try, you and me? Maybe you'll be surprised at what you discover.

Lily: It's a good thing I don't just do what I want, because if I did you two would both be at the bottom of a river real soon!

【Language Focus / 语言点】

1. I didn't realize you had a security system in place.

在这句话中,“in place”并非是当“在适当的位置”的意思讲,而是相当于“in use”的意思。凯文的爷爷说此话的意思是,虽然小强说他们公司有“security system”,但他却没有发现他们在使用类似的措施。

2. Sure, if you knock ...reapply for clearance at another time.

这两句话表现出了小强所具有的那种幽默感。凯文的爷爷刚说完小强公司没有“security system”。小强就来了这么一句,说什么如果你敲门,若是有人开门你就可以进入,没人开就再等等,直到有人来为止,而这就是他们的“security system”。其实,就是在变相承认自己公司没有真正的“security system”。

3. So, how much are you putting on the line to realize this new future?

在这句话中,“put sth on the line”是一个固定搭配,意思是“拿做赌注”或“拿冒风险”。举例来说,如果某人做了一些可能会导致自己被炒鱿鱼的事情,你就可以说“He is putting his career on the line”。

4. I tell you what...


5. ...which of course I'll need so my suits can get this thing moving


6. Not so fast...

由于小强刚跟凯文的爷爷说了句“Good bye”,准备道别离去,可后者还有话要跟他讲,于是凯文的爷爷便赶忙说了句“Not so fast”,让小强先别急着走,要等他把话说完了。

7. Stop while you're ahead.

这句话曾经在0601期的《北京爱情故事》中出现过,原形是“stop whileis ahead”,是固定词组“quit whileis ahead”的一个变体,来源于赌博行为,指的是在赢了很多钱以后,就要适时住手,以免再把钱给输回去,相当于汉语中“见好就收”的意思。

8. Don't put on an act, Lily.

“put on an act”是一个词组,意思是“装腔作势”。Sabrina这么说,是因为她觉得Lily说的那些话言不由衷,因而奉劝她不要故作矜持了,掩饰自己的真实情感和想法。

9. Take Xiao Qiang's lead...

“take sb's lead”是一个词组,意思是“以某人为榜样”。在文中,Sabrina是建议Lily向小强学习,去做自己想做的事情。

10. ...if I did you two would both be at the bottom of a river real soon!


【Links / 相关链接】

1. 关于北京的涉外医院


2. 中国第一家中美合作医院――和睦家

随着“王菲生子”事件被炒得沸沸扬扬,和睦家医院也再次成为媒体及的焦点,而凯文爷爷入住的也是这家“洋”医院。说到这家美资医疗机构,它的构想早在1992年就产生于了,但由于对国外医疗程序和管理制度等领域的陌生,直到1997 年和睦家医院才开始正式营业。他们秉承国际标准,追求卓越医疗,表达温馨呵护,处处以人为本,身心并重,医患互敬,营造温馨又热情的环境,经过近十年的发展,已经成为成千上万北京家庭和在华外籍人士的首选医院,为全社会提供着全方位的国际标准医疗保健服务,受到了中外人士的普遍好评。







门诊时间:周一至周六:上午9:00 ~ 下午5:00
















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