On the Significance and Effect of Ideological and Political Education in Cultiva

时间:2022-10-16 05:58:21

Received 5 April 2015; accepted 8 June 2015

Published online 26 July 2015


Talents is a critical driving force for the progress of social civilization, the well-being of citizens and the prosperity of countries. Cultivating talents are crucial to construct socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics and realize the great renaissance of the Chinese nation. The key is to cultivate good quality of talents. As an important part of talents cultivation, ideological and political education raises young talents’ moral standard, develops their intelligence and improves their physical and psychological health, which in turn calls for better methodology, the establishment of human-centered development ideas and the integration of educating and self-educating. The idea of cultivating talents through practice also needs to be strengthened.

Key words: Talents; Quality of talents; Ideological and Political Education


Human resource is the most important resource in promoting social and economic development of China. It also fuels the progress of social civilization, facilitate the well-being of citizens and national prosperity. The world is under drastic change now, with political multi-polarization, economic globalization, cultural diversification along with rapid advance in science and technology and an emerging knowledge-based economy. In such a context, promotion of talents cultivation, especially the quality of talents, is strategically important to ensure an advantageous position in the fierce international competition now and in the future. Ideological and political education is not only significant but also effective in this regard.


Talents distinguish themselves from non-talents with their superiority in quality. Related study should start with the understanding of its connotation and basic components.

1.1 Connotation

The word quality has more than one definition when viewed from different perspectives. Semantically, it means: a) the nature of something; b) competence; for example: enhance one’s military competence c) intrinsic features of human neural system and sensational organs (psychology) (补编者XXXX, 2012, p.1241). Cihai, a Chinese dictionary, gives three definitions: a) certain nature of someone or something; b) a competence which increases over time, such as political or cultural competence; c) intrinsic features of human neural system and sensational organs; (psychology) It’s the biological preconditions for psychological development yet it cannot decide what people think about and to what degree their minds may develop (补编者XXXX, 1999, p.1479). Based on its denotation, quality was long regarded as a physiological feature and was used as a term in psychology to represent it. For instance, according to The Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychology authored by Zhu Zhixian, the word quality refers to physiological features of organism, especially the neural system, brain, sensational and motional organs. It is where competence comes from (Zhu, 1989, p.650).

All that mentioned above limits the understanding of quality to a gene-determinate range. However, researchers who study on talents believe that quality is far more than that. It’s also a product of society. Quality, according to them, is what talents gradually develop through self-cultivating and social practice, with the influence of environment and education. The quality of talents refers to the shinning points which they build on who they were born to be, with the influence of education and environment, by learning theories and put them into practice.

1.2 Components

No final conclusion has been reached in terms of the components of talents’ quality. There are different categorizations from various perspectives. According to researchers studying on talents, quality can be divided into.

1.2.1 Morality

Morality is the stable mental state, political ideas and moral sentiments which talents demonstrate in social activities. It is the soul of talents’ quality and directly decides their intelligence and physical and psychological condition. To be more specific, morality should be understood from three dimensions: a) ideologically: thoughts, thinking patterns and beliefs that individuals have. Among them, the last one is essential. b) politically: correct stand, proper behaviors and positive participation. A is the basis while B is the core of talents’ quality. c) ethically: cognition, emotion, will and behavior that talents form while growing up and being educated. It includes a good understanding of virtues, proper behaviors and the awareness of being ethical.

1.2.2 Intelligence

Intelligence, composed of knowledge and ability, is critical to talents’ quality. If morality is the soul, then intelligence must be the core. It includes: a) knowledge, especially the structure of knowledge. Talents are expected to have a knowledge structure which is superior in not only quantity but also quality. Ideally, it should be made up of both general and specialized knowledge. A rich reserve of general knowledge broadens one’s horizon, adds more divergence and flexibility to his thinking and thus plays a fundamental role in the progress and sustainable development of talents. Specialized knowledge, on the other hand, is directly related to how talents can make use of their ability. Being the basis of different disciplines, specialized knowledge help to establish an intellectual framework and it has a direct effect on whether a talent can realize his goals and make great achievement. b) ability: the ability to recognize, practice and innovate. The last type of ability is essential and superior since it combines the other two and works throughout the process of learning and doing.

1.2.3 Physical and Psychological Condition

Physical and psychological condition is basic to the quality of talents. Young talents cannot expect an all-around development without physical and psychological health. The physical condition of a person is who he was born to be, including his growth parameter, physique, life span, stamina and developmental level. It is the physical basis for a person to take up jobs or take part in activities. The psychological condition of a talent formed and developed from its physical counterpart, is reflected by what he acquires culturally and psychologically while learning about and reforming the world. It mainly includes one’s cognition, emotion and will. These three connects and interact with each other, forming an integral psychological structure. A good psychological condition includes broad interests, proactive attitude, adequate adaptability, emotion regulation ability and healthy personality.


Improving the quality of talents is entailed by the construction of socialistic modernization. Ideological and political education, as a special educational practice, plays a significant role in this regard.

2.1 Cultivating Talents With High Quality as the Aim

Ideological and political education, by its nature, is human-to-human interaction. The ultimate goal is to cultivate youths with lofty ideals, moral integrity, a better education and a good sense of discipline and enable them to contribute to the cause of socialism. Ideological and political education is intended for a free and all-round development which requires talents to grow ideologically, politically, morally, intellectually, physically and psychologically. The content of ideological and political education includes education concerning one’s world outlook, values and his view of life. It includes education which promotes patriotism, collectivism and socialism. Education concerning public ethics, professional ethics, family virtue and individual character building is also part of it. The goal behind all these forms is to cultivate high-quality talents who are able to better construct modernization.

2.2 Ideological and Political Education Is the Direct Way to Improve Ideology and Morality

Ideology and morality is core to the quality of talents. As a direct method, ideological and political education plays a dominant role.

Firstly, ideological and political education enhances the ideology of talents. Being a starting point, ideological education guides talents to set up a series of correct ideas which are closely related to the development of modern society and their individual development. Talents are expected to liberate their mind, seek truth, adapt to changes and stay realistic. They are supposed to embrace democratic, scientific, liberal and innovative ideas. They will also embrace the idea which emphasizes an endless pursuit of development, truth and new theories. The core socialist values call for the construction of a strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious China. It speaks highly of liberty, equality, justice and the rule of law. It also requires members of the society to love their country and their jobs and be honest and friendly to others (XXXX, 补作者2012,). Ideological and political education helps young talents to think in a more scientific way. They are introduced to the Dialectical Materialism of Marxist, general principles in biological, social and mental dimension, and the way of viewing things from different aspects. Their ability to find, analyze and solve problems will be improved.

Secondly, ideological and political education helps talents to be more politically qualified. Specifically, through educational and political activities, it helps them to acquire and internalize political ideals and qualities which are in accordance with the demand of the society, including a clear and firm political stand, strong political belief and correct political values. It also helps talents to access to and make good use of resources, channels and different means to participate in politics, exercise their right and defend their interest within legal and reasonable limits. By doing so, talents will increase their political perspicacity, participate in politics and gain sufficient insights. Ideological and political education inspires the young to engage in politics more enthusiastically and actively, increase related knowledge and ability and strengthen their sense of responsibility in terms of the future of their motherland.

Thirdly, ideological and political education helps to cultivate virtues. To be more specific, it provides talents with a profound understanding of ethics. With this understanding and constant internalizing comes a strong motivation to conform to the code of ethics. Talents are encouraged to learn and accept moral principles and moral norms of a certain society, internalize them and transform them into proper behaviors or habits so that they will become noble and virtuous. At the same time, talents will consciously exercise moral norms. Internally, this consciousness becomes a driving force for self-disciplining and self-monitoring. Externally, it is reflected in their behaviors. That’s how a talent is shaped into a role model who obeys moral norms, demonstrates honesty and fights for justice.

2.3 Ideological and Political Education Fuels Intellectual Development of Talents

Although Ideological and political educators don’t impart professional knowledge or nurture professional skills directly, they fuel intellectual development of talents by encouraging them to establish clear goals and beliefs.

Firstly, though ideological and political education doesn’t include specialized knowledge which is in great need for talents’ study and career, it facilitates talents’ accumulation of knowledge by inspiring and guiding them to learn more, use what they have learnt and build a good knowledge structure. In this way, talents will come to realize the significance of adjusting and updating the structure of knowledge and thus have enough incentives to do so. Talents are encouraged to absorb the latest specialized knowledge as well as general knowledge and to broaden and deepen them. They are also encouraged to abandon outdated knowledge so that their knowledge structure will be optimized.

Secondly, ideological and political education helps to cultivate the ability of talents, including cognitive, practical and innovation ability. Talents are guided to develop the ability of understanding themselves. A case in point is how they horn the cognitive ability while accessing information. Observation and memorization are strengthened during the delivering, gathering, analyzing and processing of information. The ability to find, analyze and solve problems is improved and as a result talents are more imaginative and sensible. Moreover, ideological and political education arouses the awareness of cultivating talents through practice so that they can acquire theoretical knowledge and put into use what they have acquired in as many ways as possible. That’s how talents are incentivized to enhance their practical ability. Great interest helps them to develop specialized skills. Also, ideological and political education cultivates the creativity of talents. Instead of sticking to the thinking set, talents are encouraged to learn and adopt creative thinking pattern such as associating, analogizing and synthesizing in order to unlock potential creativity. Last but not least, with the power of all sorts of social resources and the influence of environment, ideological and political education helps to develop the potential of individual’s personality which includes creativity and curiosity, thirst for knowledge, perseverance, and the willingness to explore and cooperate.

2.4 Ideological and Political Education Fuels the Physical and Psychological Development of Talents

All-around development of talents cannot do without physical and psychological health. Ideological and political education strengthens the body of talents with propaganda, education and organized activities. It empowers the mind of talents with mental health education and psychological consultation.

For one thing, ideological and political education encourages talents to make their body stronger when educators select and organize recreational activities for talents, combining entertaining to educating, which will exert influence on the physical, emotional and mental condition of them. In this way, talents will come to know the importance of taking exercise. The idea that a strong body is necessary in the study, work and life will push them to exercise more actively. Besides, talents will be encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle because ideological and political education promotes positive attitude, stable pace and good habits. A balanced diet and a regular schedule help them keep fit.

For another, ideological and political education is good for the mental health of talents. The popularization of psychological science and knowledge concerning psychological health is the first step. Psychological consultation then builds a safety net for young talents by offering advice when they are confused or challenged mentally and psychologically. Finally, frustration education and adaptability education make it easier for talents to face psychological problems bravely, control their own feelings and emotions and thus better achieve inner peace.


The ideological and political education is an important way to improve the quality of talents and it demands that measures on ideological and political education should be further optimized to improve the quality of talents.

3.1 To Implement the People-Oriented Scientific Outlook on Development

Putting people first means that people should be the fundamental goal of development and people should be freely and fully developed. Putting people first and the scientific outlook on all-round, coordinated and sustainable development are the guiding thoughts that the ideological and political education should adhere to. The ideological and political education is the work of dealing with people. Putting people first and improve the quality of talents in an all-rounded, coordinated and sustainable way is something inherent in the ideological and political education. The scientific outlook on development requires that improving the quality of talents in ideology, intelligence, mind and body is the nature of its content. Putting people first is therefore the best choice to improve the quality of talents in all aspects. In order to reach this goal, the following aspects should be followed. First, the needs of talents should be considered and meanwhile we should fully consider the unity of talents’ personal needs and society’s demands. We should show respect to the practical needs of talents, thus driving the lasting formation of talents’ quality and ideological and political activities forward in a gradual way.

Secondly, it show concern about talents’ individuality. In the course of formation and development of talents’ quality, it will presents obvious difference in individuality. To improve the quality of talents, individual differences should be taken into full consideration and we should develop individual quality.

Thirdly, it show concern about talents’ subjectivity. Putting people first means that we should consider the subjective initiative of talents and affirm that people can have influence on the activities as subjects in quality formation and the ideological and political education practices. People should give play to individual’s enthusiasm, initiative and creativity.

Fourthly, it show concern about the development of talents. The full development of talents is the fundamental goal of improving the quality of talents and the final ends of the ideological and political education. Putting people first demands that the full development of talents must be realized. All in all, in the course of improving the quality of talents, the ideological and political education should adhere to think of putting people first. Only by thoroughly implementing the people-oriented scientific outlook on development, can we better improve the quality of talents.

3.2 To Realize the Combination of Education and Self-Education

The ideological and political education is first an educational practice. The ideological and political education, as a social phenomenon, is playing an indispensable role in cultivating the quality of talents and is an important way to cultivate it. The so-called education here means the ideological and political education conducted by educators. To strengthen education’ influence on quality of talents has great significance and is the important tool to improve the quality of talents.

Firstly, education has great impact on the sound development of talents’ mind, body and quality, as well as on the basic material base of cultivation of talents’ quality. Secondly, education realizes the harmonious combination of artistic and scientific quality of talents and is the necessary condition. Self-education is the other effective tool to improve the quality of talents and an important means and method to internalize the quality of talents. Self-education is first the common way to conduct the ideological and political education. The contradictory ideological movements within a talent can make people accept advanced thoughts and good behavior and overcome false thoughts and bad behavior, thus making his or her political tendency and ideological quality towards a good direction. Besides, in the course of cultivating the quality of talents, self-education can better bring out the consciousness and subjectivity of talents’ improving self-quality. The quality of talents, especially the quality of ideology, ethics and intelligence cannot be formed and developed without talents’ subjectivity. To gain and demonstrate the elements in intelligence and competence is full of individual endeavor, but out of this system quality like ethics and merits requires that talents should consciously abide by the social conventions on behaviors. During the self-education, we should pay attention to the following points: First, we should adhere to using the Marxism and its up-dated viewpoints and methods to analyze and solve problems; second, we must see problems with dialectical and critical points; third, we must hold the attitude of independence, self-confidence and self-supporting. Education and self-education connect with each other and supplement with each other. The combination of education and self-education is the inevitable choice to improve the quality of talents and strengthen the influence of ideological and political education.

3.3 To Combine Education With Practices

Combining education and production, labor and social practices is the inevitable demand of the Marxist view on education, an important form of education principles that the Communist Party has carried out all the time and the guarantee of cultivating the all-rounded competent builder and inheritors of the socialist cause. Combing education with social practice is beneficial to improve talents’ innovation ability and practical competence. In order to fully improve the quality of talents and enhance the ideological and political education, we must combine education with practice: Firstly, cultivating people through practice is an important way to develop the quality of talents and it can form an effective pattern of the quality of people cultivation, build up a long-term mechanism of cultivating people by practice and then realize the normalization of the work which is good for the sustainable development of the quality of talents. Second, cultivating people by practice is an effective way to improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political education. Practice education, as a significant way to enhance and improve the ideological and political education, helps set up the platform and better the system which makes people learn to reach the unity of knowledge and action from the practices. The affection with the mass formed during the labor has great significance in cultivating the innovative talents. We must take the full development of talents as the starting point, improving the mechanism as the breakthrough point, widening the covering areas and favored areas as the focus point, grass-roots development as the connecting point, thus reaching the goal of people cultivation. Adhering to the thought of cultivating people through practices means that we should meet the following demands: first, we must take the Marxism as the guiding thought in practice education , constantly deepen practical education’ thoughts towards the quality of people cultivation, cultivate talents with knowledge, competence, innovative spirits and social responsibility, and improve the quality of talents in all aspects. Secondly, we should further improve the practice education system and optimize the environment. We must say goodbye to the traditional ideological and political education, go deep into the social class, combine the first class with the second class and create an effective way to conduct practice education. Third, we should constantly explore the cultivation pattern of practice education, set up the goal of cultivating innovative people and combine practical tradition and the characteristics of the time, foreign experiences and Chinese conditions, the goal of talents cultivation and the keynote of the time. We should further form the system covering teaching practice with teachers as the leading part, students as the subjects and their combination, social practice, science and research practice and production practice to improve talents’ all-round quality and innovative ability. All in all, adhering to and implementing the thought of cultivating people through practice is to enhance the practice education and to pay attention to both the ideological and political education and the improvement of the quality of talents. In this way can we enhance the effectiveness of the ideological and political education and cultivate talents with high quality.


In the process of talent quality, ideological and political education occupies the important position and plays an important role. We must strengthen the ideological and political education measures, set up the “people-oriented” concept of scientific development, realize the unity of education and ego education, the concept of education and strengthen practice. REFERENCES Hu, J. T. (2012, November 9). Firmly march on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and strive to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. People’ s Daily. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Linguistic Dictionary Editorial Office. (Ed.). (2012). Modern Chinese dictionary (p.1241). Beijing: The Commercial Press. Xia, Z. N., & Chen, Z. L. (Eds.). (1999). Ci hai (p.1479). Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House. Zhu, Z. X. (1989). The comprehensive dictionary of psychology (p.650). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group.

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