
时间:2022-10-16 10:23:34































Only Helmswoman Steers Xue Long Expedition to Antarctic Waters

By Shan Shan Lu Qing

Xie Jieying, born in 1982, was the only helmswoman on Xue Long Science Research Ship in China’s 26th expedition to the Antarctic waters from October, 2009 to April, 2010. As a matter of fact, she has been the only helmswoman since China’s first Antarctic expedition in 1984.

Xie was the third officer on Xue Long to the Antarctic, working with three other male colleagues to steer the huge vessel. When the ship sailed, each worked for four hours and took the next 12 hours off and came back on duty again. They did not have days off.

Ten years before, Xie Jieying has been a senior student at Caoyang Middle School in Shanghai, preparing for the upcoming national college entrance examination. She had even never seen the sea. One day, she learned that Shanghai Maritime University was recruiting female students for maritime navigation for the first time in its history. After studying the enrollment announcement, Xie was excited. Steering a big ship on the sea was a future that appealed a great deal to her.

She talked to her parents about the opportunity and her wish. Her father tried to change his daughter’s mind, stating “No woman should work on an ocean-going ship, for she wouldn’t be able to come home for months and even years. What is more, waves and winds on the sea are most hazardous.” Her father pointed out that she was so brilliant academically that she could go to better universities. The daughter said very probably she would not get recruited even if she qualified because the university was going to enroll only 18 girls. Her mother believed applying to the university was all right, thinking the daughter wouldn’t make it but the experience would be valuable.

But Xie Jieying passed the examination and got enrolled as one of the 18 female students for the major of maritime navigation. After intensive studies of theories and essentials for two years, they began to intern on ships. The student sailors took their first ocean-going trip on a huge ship bound for the Southeast Asian. During the first few days, most of her classmates got seasick seriously. She did not feel a thing. She joked that she was probably predestined to be a sailor.

While working on a ship that navigated the Yangtze River, the longest and most busy inland river of China, Xie Jieying often caused sensations among fellow helmsmen on other ships. River helmsmen chat with each other on radio and sometimes they do not respond to calls for capricious reasons. Whenever this happened to the ship where Xie was on duty, the captain would ask Xie to call out. Helmsmen would most gladly respond, for they had never met a helmswoman on radio before. This made Xie very proud and satisfied.

After graduation, however, she failed to land a job on any ship. Her applications for a steering job were all turned down. None of the other seventeen female graduates got employed to steer ships. Most male classmates got very good job offers even before their graduation. So Xie went on to take a postgraduate course. After the completion of the postgraduate program in 2007, she became a teacher of English at her alma mater.

As a teacher of English she worked normal hours on weekdays. In winter or summer vacations, she traveled and did sightseeing. She sometimes worked as a team leader to accompany students to intern on ships. Her national helmswoman’s certificate was even forgotten by her colleagues.

In the summer of 2009, China’s 26th Antarctic expedition team sent a request to Shanghai Maritime University for a qualified helmsman. The application notice was distributed to all the staff offices and it became a topic among teachers. The person to be chosen would go away for 180 days. While in a discussion, Xie said, to everyone’s surprise, that she had a third officer’s certificate that qualified her for application. She had worked as an intern for 12 months and passed all the tests before she managed to get the certificate. She believed she must use her certificate at least once in her lifetime.

The university had sent male teachers as helmsmen to the Antarctic expeditions before. But this time a woman teacher sent in application. The university paid attention and gladly made special arrangements for Xie to work on the university’s ship for intensive training. She was happy, believing that the odds were in her favor. However, she later learned through a grapevine that the team might prefer a man. The rumor hugely disappointed her. But her colleagues encouraged her to hang on, saying she should not give up hoping since the matter had not been decided yet.

Then Xie Jieying was officially notified that she was chosen as the third officer of Xue Long and she would work on the ship for 181 days. Electrified by the gratifying news, she called her husband immediately. However, she became worried after the call. Their wedding had just taken place two weeks before. She was still in her honeymoon. What would her husband think of her choice? Her husband backed her up, saying he would have resigned to take the job offer if he had qualified. Her parents-in-law were astounded to hear the news. They were mostly perplexed: how come a university teacher of English could steer a huge ship? It was not until then that it came to their knowledge that the English teacher married to their son had studied navigation as her major at the university and had a “driving license”. Her father objected again. But what could he do this time with his daughter’s determination? He most reluctantly said yes before he found that her daughter would be away for six months and would not be home for Spring Festival in 2010.

So Xie went off on the trip to the Antarctic. The first two months were exciting. Then she saw no land at all. The ship sailed southward in the endless ocean. Some colleagues even made a countdown chart when they were 90 days on the sea.

Xie Jieying kept in contact with her husband through email. Telephone call was out of the question, for signal was extremely poor and international phone calls were too expensive. She sent a daily log to her husband, so the families would know what was going on. But her father was computer illiterate. His way to keep contact with his daughter was to wait for his daughter to call home. One day an ongoing telephone call between the father and the daughter went dead and the father panicked thinking something terrible had just happened to Xue Long. He immediately called his son-in-law and switched on television for news. Nothing bad had happened. Poor telephone signals happened frequently. The senior gradually got used to it and stopped worrying.

The experience was unique for the girl born in 1982. Of the 100-plus-person team, there were altogether 12 women. Xie was the only woman of the four steering officers. When she first got the uniforms and other supplies, they were all for males. The supply officer had not expected to see a helmswoman. On the ship, the bath time was three minutes. Most men on the ship had crew cut and some had their heads shaved. Xie Jieying had her hair cut extremely short.

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