
时间:2022-10-14 03:29:11


摘 要:新高考改革方案迫使学校推行走班制。走班制教学改革带来了高中生学业生活的转变,表现在拥有课程选择权、教学班成为授

>> “走班制”下高中生人际交往策略研究 高中生压力事件、生活取向和学业成绩的关系 高中生学业责任心及其与自尊、生活满意度的关系 新高考视野下高中化学选课走班学习的思考 影响高中生不良学业情绪的因素及调节 高中生数学学业情绪的现状及影响因素研究 新高考背景下“走班制”走进河北高中的可行性分析 美国高中生的学业评价简介与启示 高中生学业拖延现象的调查与分析 高中生学业嫉妒问卷的初步编制 普通高中走班制模式中存在的问题及对策 高中选修课程“走班制”教学存在的问题及原因分析 高中走班制的文化阻力及其超越 实施高中“走班制”的几点思考 心理健康教育视野下高中生涯教育的思考与实践 成才视野下的90后高中生心理问题透视 人才成长视野下高中生心理健康教育问题的探讨 多元智能视野下的高中生物教学浅析 微课视野下高中生政治求异思维的培养探究 高中生视野下的英语自我学习思考 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:




[5]周 彬.如果不给学生选择权――走班就是折腾[N].文汇报,2016-01-15(7).

The Transformation of High School Student’s Academic Life

and the School Action under the Background

of the System of Walking Class

DU Fangfang1,JIN Zhe2

(1. Tin Ka Ping School of Education,Jiangnan University,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214122,China;

2. Department of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China)

Abstract:The new reform of college entrance examination forces high schools to implement the system of walking class. The system of walking class has facilitated in the transformation of student’s academic life in high school,which is manifested in the student’s course option,the appearance of teaching class,the expansion of student’s peer relationship and the new role of teachers as mentors. As a new thing,the implementation of the system of walking class has brought some problems,including the student’s confusion in course choosing,the disorder of teaching and the decline of the class educational function. It is urgent for schools to carry on the systematic reform to make the system of walking class effectively in order to serve student’s individual growth.

Key words:new college entrance examination;high school;the system of walking class;the richness of curriculum

上一篇:中国百年少数民族教科书政策的连续与断裂 下一篇:基于大数据的高校网络安全问题与对策