
时间:2022-10-13 10:21:39


We wear gloves in cold weather, but it is still thought polite to remove them when we shake hands. For people, like the Eskimos, who live in the polar north in conditions of extreme cold, it would be hazardous2 to remove their hand-coverings each time they greeted each other. It is thought that Eskimos have always used another part of their body for greeting, one that is not tightly muffled3 even in the vast, snow-covered Arctic areas. Everyone has to breathe, and the best place to breathe is through your nose.

And that's why rubbing noses is such an appropriate4 way of saying 'hello'. It's the only part of the body that's not beneath layers of clothing!




1. Eskimo n. 爱斯基摩人

2. hazardous adj. 危险的,有危害的

3. muffle vt. 围裹,裹住

4. appropriate adj. 适当,恰当的


(一)1--5 DABDC

1. Henry从椅子上摔下来,椅子砸了那个孩子的狗,他才哭了起来。

2. 由于Henry太粗心,闹出一些笑话,他女朋友的兄弟们才嘲笑她的。

3. Henry上错了车,他当然要在下一站下车。

4. 由“It was difficult to find hishouse.”能够看出,他找不到家了。

5. 从Henry向水中扔了一个硬币就能得知,他认为他钓不到鱼是因为鱼饵不好。


1. 从第一段所介绍来看,Mr Clark是由于不好好工作才被解雇的。

2. 两个朋友十年没有见面,Mr Black对他的朋友的变化不了解,一如既往地邀请他去家里。

3. Mr Clark赖着不走,让Mr Black和妻子伤透了脑筋,才要想办法要他离开。

4. 这个词在这里显然是“得罪”的意思。

5. Mr Clark听了Mrs Black的话,又不想走了,很明显,他是要吃了鸡再离开。

上一篇:冠词 第6期 下一篇:老鼠嫁女儿