The Social Prism: Behind The Racism

时间:2022-10-13 06:15:51


Bad Influence of Racism on Young People


However, for young victims of racism like “Nonsense” and Gaster, words do hurt.

In school yards, rather than physical assault, racism is more likely to appear as sarcasm and isolating, which hurt victims psychologically and cause stress, anxiety and depression.

Some experts also believe that it is likely that discrimination contributes to physical health problems like heart disease and diabetes. This is because the health problems that are known to be caused by discrimination, such as stress and anxiety, are risky factors for these conditions. Some reports also find that young victims of racism experience an inability to concentrate on school work. Those who had been subjected to severe racism reported constant headaches, anticipatory anxiety and post-traumatic stress, which affected the way they ate and slept for weeks at a time.

There are some studies that suggest that people who experience discrimination may be more likely to take part in risky behaviors, such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs. They fail in making friends, establishing their own community groups and fitting in the social life, in other words, they are forced to be excluded. These young people can have problems in trusting others in the future and may develop human communication disorders. As a result, there will be more chances for them to seek for comfort from addictive products. Some people become criminals and take revenge on the society.

One of the most horrendous case is The Virginia Tech massacre which was the worst act of massive murders targeting college students in the United States. On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, before committing suicide. Cho had previously been teased for quite a long time during school and been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder. On April 18, 2007, an American mainstream media received a package from Cho time-stamped between the first and second shooting episodes, in which he states, “You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today, it is your option” and “you forced me into a corner”. His hatred finally became evil bullets.

Although racists often consider their races are superior to the others’, if we trace its source, this idea can be explained by self-abasement and fears.

When people meet others from other community groups with different skin colors, languages, beliefs and lifestyles, they can easily feel scared and become unconfident because of lack of knowledge. As a result, discrimination caused by the sense of insecurity becomes a weapon to protect them.

For the young perpetrators, their lack of the sense of security mases them to turn fears into racist attitudes and behaviors towards other people. Such young people may develop defect in personality and moral quality, or even harm other people.







Who Are The Models?


While young people are sometimes perpetrators of racism, they don't learn to behave that way on their own. In the early years of life, parents and caregivers often have the most influence over children’s perceptions on race and racial differences. In later childhood and adolescence, schools, wider community and media increasingly influence young people’s attitudes and beliefs towards race and cultural diversity. However, little research has been done to explore these issues amongst children and young people now.

Attitudes and decisions of education departments also play an important role on racism issues.

When anencounters racism such as offensive comments on his/her biological characters, the person can always fight back or turn to law for help. However, sometime, while students report their racism experience to teachers or schools, they cannot obtain justice they supposed. More often, directors don’t take such kind of conflicts seriously, but see them as jokes and random incidents among students. And such cases are less likely to be handled as racism behaviors. Eventually, little effective measures are taken to help the students being bullied for racial reasons.

On the other hand, in some countries, there are researches accuse that the education systems are racist. For example, in American public schools, numbers of black students who have been punished are times of white students. Youth of color are at much greater risk than their white peers of being punished for discretionary violations―that is, actions for which the school can choose whether or not to punish the student, as contrasted to offenses that must be met with specific punishments. African-American students in their first year of high school are 31 percent more likely to receive a discretionary school disciplinary action than white students with similar academic profiles.

In 2008, New Jersey, the number of expelled African American students is as many as 60 times of expelled white students. In Minnesota, the number of suspended African American students is 6 times of suspended whites. In Iowa, African American students only take 5% of total students; however, they take 22% of suspended students. Schools in low-income communities remain highly unequal in terms of funding, qualified teachers, and curriculum, which affect the educational level of Latino American descents as well as African American descents.

In American, the Applied Research Center publishes a research focusing on 18 to 25 year olds to answer these questions on racism:

‘If someone asked you to define contemporary racism, what would you say?’

‘What would be the first things that came to mind? ’

‘And do you think your answer would be any different from people of a different racial or ethnic background?’

When 18-year-old first-year college student Justin, who is white, is asked if the public school system is racist, said, “In my experience in my life, from the schools I have been to, I haven’t experienced racism. I haven’t seen my schools deny service to any specific race. It is just predominantly white, predominantly Jewish, because that is where I live, and that is how it is. I have never witnessed, you know, someone’s race being a factor in school.”

Justin’s answer revealed a broad tendency among our participants who were white college students, and came from comparatively privileged backgrounds. They don’t believe that their high schools intentionally discriminated against anyone; the segregation they witnessed and the corresponding difference in resources were just “the way it is”. And there was no need to question that fact. Participants like Justin generally did not talk about the policies and practices that created their public school systems.

Most young people of color had little hesitation pointing out at least two or three of the systems as racist, particularly criminal justice system and employment, and in many cases argued that “all” of them were at least somewhat racist and intertwined in their inequity.













上一篇:还有什么会发生在经历过约会暴力的年轻人身上 下一篇:非洲草原千里大迁徙
