
时间:2022-10-10 08:39:19

孩子们的世界未必就像我们想象中的那么纯真,也有恃强凌弱,也有伤害无辜,也有尊严被践踏。而那些天生就很特别的孩子能否在不轻松的校园环境中依然保持自己的独特个性,勇敢做自己呢?在根据真人真事改编的成长题材影片《这就是我》(That's What I Am)中,一位特别的老师与他那些特别的学生们的故事或许能回答这个问题。


上世纪五六十年代的美国表面歌舞升平,其实却暗流汹涌,对外发动冷战、越战,对内对非洲裔族群、同性恋人士、左翼政治家等特殊群体的歧视和迫害可谓登峰造极。马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)等人权斗士应运登上这个时期的历史舞台,写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。

不过,正上中学的男孩Andy Nichol对这样风云变幻的社会形势却并不关心,他关心的是文学课老师Stephen Simon将他和绰号Big G的书呆子Stanley分到了一组,让他俩共同完成期末作业。这意味着在本学期接下来的时间里,他要和这个身形高大却屡屡被同学们嘲笑欺负的家伙长期共处。Andy不明白自己最敬佩的Simon老师为什么会做出这样的安排,但Simon老师却自有他的理由。

Mr. Simon: Mr. Nichol, I want you to know I paired you with Stanley for a reason. You're very fortunate, so please don't disappoint me. [Andy面露难色] Andy? Your thoughts?

Andy: Well, Mr. Simon, I just don't think I'm the right partner for Big ... I mean, Stanley.

Mr. Simon: And why is that?

Andy: Uh ... well, he's a lot smarter than I am. And I'm not a very good writer. I could screw him up (使……紧张).

Mr. Simon: Well, I beg to differ from you (恐怕我想的和你不一样), Andy. I find your writing fascinating. You're a keen observer with colorful perspective. In fact, underneath the poor grammar and the atrocious (糟透的) spelling, I believe there lies the heart and soul of a great writer.

Andy: Really?

Mr. Simon: Really. Do you enjoy writing?

Andy: Sort of. Sometimes. The making-up-the-story part at least.

Mr. Simon: Well, if you enjoy something and you're good at it, then first you must define yourself as what you wanna be.

Andy: I don't ...

Mr. Simon: Repeat after me. I am a writer; that's what I am.

Andy: I am a writer; that's what I am?

Mr. Simon: Let's try that again. Stand up straight. Shoulders back. Deep breath. I am a writer, that's what I am.

Andy: [自豪地] I am a writer; that's what I am!

Mr. Simon: Excellent. Now go, Andy. And write.

Andy: Yeah. Yes, Sir.

Simon老师果然不愧为学校里的传奇人物,只是简短的几句话,就令Andy暂时忘掉了自己和Stanley同组的顾虑,而且还让他找到了自己人生的初步定义:a good writer。Simon老师拿手的还不止这个,据说他曾经参加过一个以“和平”为主题的短文大赛,只用一句话就赢得了一辆跑车。


可惜的是,Simon老师的劝慰和鼓励并没有彻底打消Andy的顾虑,回到家的Andy依然闷闷不乐。妈妈Sherri一眼就看出了Andy的异样,Andy只好如实交代了有关Geek Corner (编注:“怪胎角落”,指像Stanley一样的“怪人”午餐时经常聚在一起的地方)和Big G的事情以及自己的担心。

Sherri: Geek Corner?

Andy: Yeah, that's ... that's what they call it.

Sherri: "They" again? Andy? Isn't that what you just called it?

Andy: Yeah, but I didn't mean ... I didn't ...

Sherri: Did it occur to you that Stanley studies there because that's the only place he feels comfortable? How would you feel if everywhere you went people made fun of you and play tricks on you?

上一篇:缤纷前沿 第8期 下一篇:6月号“英乐天堂”歌词秀点评