
时间:2022-10-09 03:01:12





Question: According to Dr. Andy Field, if a child is afraid of a cat, parents should .

A. tell the child not to be afraid of it

B. show the child how to approach it

C. keep the child away from it

D. ask the child to stroke it

Passage:...Dr. Andy Field, a researcher of childhood fears, says:“You shouldn’t force, for example, a doganxious child to go up to a dog. But you can approach it yourself, show them there is nothing to be afraid of, stroke(抚摸)it, and talk about the dog being friendly...”

从以上例题可知,问题句与文段中共同含有的是一个名词——Dr. Andy Field。如用集合的概念可以这样表示:Q∩P= Dr. Andy Field(n.), 这样通过中介词Dr. Andy Field就把问题句与文中相关的句子快速联系起来,经分析,答案为B选项。



Question: Diet products indirectly harm people physically because such products .

A. are overconsumed

B. lack basic nutrients

C. are short of chemicals

D. provide too much energy

Passage: ...Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分)...

从该阅读细节题可知,问题句与文段中共同含有的是一个动词——harm。如用集合的概念可以这样表示:Q∩P= harm(v.), 这样通过中介词harm就把问题句与文中相关的句子快速联系起来,经分析,答案为B选项。



Question: According to the text, a housewife with a baby less than one year old may work .

A.66 hours a week

B.71 hours a week

C.80 hours a week

D.90 hours a week

Passage: ...While the average mother with a child under one puts in 90 hours weekly, the figure drops to 80 hours from one to four and to 66 hours from five to ten...

乍看此细节题,问题句与文段中似乎不含关键的相同的词或短语。但换个角度从意义上来看,housewife(家庭主妇)对应的是average mother(普通的妈妈),而 a baby less than(少于……的婴儿)对应的是a child under(在……以下的孩子)。如用集合的概念可以这样表示:Q∩P= housewife(average mother), a baby less than (a child under),这样通过中介词a housewife 和 a baby less than 就把问题句与文中相关的句子快速联系起来,经分析,答案为D选项。

经上述分析可知,中介词往往由名词或动词充当。快速而准确地找出中介词是解细节题的关键一步,学生一定要多加练习,掌握这种技巧。在平时的学习中应长期有意识地运用公式:Q∩P=i(中介词)并及时归纳、总结和探究i=?(v. , n....),目的就是为了完成i= Q∩?,从而在短文中快速定位信息句。“功夫不负有心人”,相信有一天学生会培养出这样一种语感:看完问题句后,能快而准地“感觉到”中介词是什么,从而快速准确定位信息句,提高解题效率。

上一篇:《牛津初中英语》语法教学刍议 下一篇:谚语 第8期