Be A Good Observer In The Classroom

时间:2022-10-08 07:29:57

Abstract:People are born to be different.Even with our lessons planned,there can be other needs to be met at times,so we should always be prepared to adapt our plans and be flexible about our plans,cause we are not teaching textbook,we are teaching children.

Key words:Understanding Observation Resposibility


It is really not easy to be a good primary school teacher.She may have to play many different roles,like a parent,a teacher,a friend,a motivator,a helper,a story-teller,an actor,an organizer,an evaluator,an observer,etc.Besides many the qualities,a good primary school English teacher need to develop competence in at least three areas:the English language,the understanding of children,and the techniques and methods for teaching children English.Among these,understanding how children think and learn is the key to undertake primary education.Even with our lessons planned,there can be other needs to be met at times,so we should always be prepared to adapt our plans and be flexible about our plans,cause we are not teaching textbook,we are teaching children.So be a good observer in the classroom is a clever way.

II.Some methods of being a good observer

1.In class,if we find most of students' are happy,listening to the teacher carefully,that means the activity designed is suitable for students and they are enjoying learning.

2.But if most of the students are overexcited,at this time,we may adjust a more settling activity,like reading quietly or listening to the recorder.

3.If we see most of children look like boring,we should ask ourselves whether the task is too mechanical,too easy or they may have done it before.For example,after a long presentation or some individual work,like copying or listening,children will feel bored and may not be able to concentrate on the same activity.The teacher should understand students and vary the activities by using some stirring activities,like playing some games,or having a competition.So when I teach numbers I will use the game,“bingo game”,teach new words I use “I spy with my little eyes” “touch and guess”,or “rock,paper,scissors” when help students remember how to spell the words,I will use “ hung man”,when I teach the drills,I will use “ pic-a-boo”.etc.The activities that involve children in singing songs and saying rhymes,telling stories,total physical response activities,tasks that involve coloring,cutting and sticking and simple speaking activities that have an obvious communicative value would present no problems to children but rather add to the excitement and interest of learning.

4.Sometimes we will find students look confused,which may mean they don't know what they should do.It's maybe because our designed task is too difficult,or teacher's target language is not meaningful,real or doesn't have a clear purpose.So teachers should adjust their original teaching accordingly.

5.In the teaching procedure,when we see those students who try to get attention,we may satisfy this need by giving the children the opportunity to the right thing and praise them when it is done well,for example,we can give them chances to answer teacher's questions.

6.To a child who seems to be doing wrong things,we simply need to look for something positive to say to him and believe it or not,it can sometimes be more effective than scolding for leading to good behavior.

7.And we can find in our classes some of the students are very shy,especially girls,their faces will turn red when I ask them to answer my questions.

8.And there are some children,who are so called “ disabled students.” usually can't do well in language.Every time I ask them to answer my questions,they will be nervous and most of times they can't give correct answers.As a teacher,we should know those children may have their own needs and they may learn in different styles and achieve the objectives with different speed.That demands we should observe them and understand them.I know they need more love,care,encouragement and patience.And if we find they feel embarrassed we should care more about the pupils' feeling and change another way to correct their mistakes in order not to lose their confidence.


Therefore,we need to be very sensitive to observe students’ facial expressions and adjust our teaching accordingly.But we will say this is only one partly true.What we should not be neglected at the same time is children’s overall development in an all round way as human beings.We need to care for“ the whole child” instead of just caring for the language that we are teaching.So be a good observer in the classroom and meet students’ different needs.


[1]Klein,W.Second Language Acquisition.Cambridge University Press,1986.

[2]Ingram,D.First Language Acquisition :Method,Description and Exploration,Cambridge University Press,1989.

[3] Claire Kramsch.Context and Culture in Language Teaching,上海外语教育出版社,1992.

[4]Ellis,R..The Study of Second Languge Acquisition.Oxford University Press,1994.

[5] Harmer.J .How to Teach English ,上海外语教育出版社,1998.



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