
时间:2022-10-08 06:29:19

[摘 要]如何加强学生对文本的深层次理解能力,是当前中学英语阅读教学中遇到的问题。从认知隐喻的角度,阐述隐喻认知与文本解读之间的内在联系,并结合英语课文教学实际,从隐喻认知与词汇理解、隐喻认知与句式理解、隐喻认知与语篇理解三个方面,探讨隐喻认知策略在英语阅读教学中的作用。

[关键词]隐喻 文本解读 阅读教学

[中图分类号]G633.41 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]16746058(2016)160027

隐喻无处不在,它能够影响人类的思维方式和语言表达。隐喻的本质就是用一种事物,来理解和体验另一种事物。语言学家Ricoeur(1975/1986)认为隐喻具有语篇功能。另外,隐喻认知伴随着思维的演绎和推理。所以,隐喻认知理论应用于语言教学是必要的。通过提高学生对隐喻认知的理解,能提高学生的综合语言能力。本文结合北师大版高中教材Module 8 Unit 23 的lesson1 War Memories的内容,就隐喻认知在文本解读中的作用进行具体分析:


隐喻思维在理解和掌握生词和词组的过程中意义重大。Maclennan(1994),Gibbis(1992),Lazer(1996)等认为隐喻应用于词汇习得有助于降低学习难度,提高理解和灵活应用能力。Zoltan Kovecses and Peter Szabo (1996)有关匈牙利英语学生词汇教学的实验肯定了隐喻策略的积极作用。文本为用已知的概念去诠释陌生的概念提供了生动的语境,学生不仅了解了词义发展规律,同时提高了深层次阅读理解能力。如下面文本的解读:

We were on the frontier and on Christmas morning we stuck up a board with “A Merry Christmas” on it. The enemy had stuck up a similar one. Two of our men then threw their equipment off and climbed out of the trench with their hands above their heads as our representatives. Two of the Germans did the same. They greeted each other and shook hands. Then we all got out of the trench. Bill (our officer) tried to prevent it but it was too late so he and the other officers climbed out too. We and the Germans walked through the mud and met in the middle of noman’sland.

We spent all day with one another. Some of them could speak English. By the look of them, their trenches were in as bad a state as our own. One of their men, speaking in English, remarked that he had worked in England for some years and that he was fed up to the neck with this war and would be glad when it was over. We told him he wasn’t the only one who was fed up with it. The German officer asked Bill if we would like a couple of barrels of beer and they brought them over to us. Bill distributed the beer among us and we consumed the lot. The officers came to an understanding that we would celebrate Christmas in peace until midnight.

Just before midnight we all decided not to start firing before they did. We’d formed a bond and during the whole of Boxing Day we never fired a shot and they the same; each side seemed to be waiting for the other to set the ball rolling. One of their men shouted across in English and asked how we had enjoyed the beer. We replied that we were very grateful and spent the whole day chatting with them. That evening we were replaced by other soldiers.

(Adapted from Old Soldiers Never Die by Frank Richards)




上篇例文最后一句“That evening we were replaced by other soldiers.”就是一个隐喻式的句子,就是这个隐喻,把之前的不合常规的士兵行为合理化,同时点明战争的本质和文章的主题:尽管厌恶战争,但和平和友谊在战争中是不被允许的,战争摧毁一切形式的和平,回归杀戮的本来面目。下面的文本能够深刻体现隐喻句式对文本解读的影响:

The general was coming to give him the award because he happened to be number twenty thousand to come through this hospital. They had this little ceremony, saluted him, and then gave him a Purple Heart and a watch. As the general handed him the watch, “from the army, to show our appreciation,” the kid more or less threw the watch back at him. He said something like, “I can’t accept this, sir; it’s not going to help me walk.” After this little incident, I went over and took him in my arms. If I remember correctly, I started sobbing and I think he was crying too. I really admired him for that. I swear that it was the only time I let somebody see what I felt. It took a lot for him to do that, and it sort of said what this war was all about to me.

(Adapted from A Piece of My Heart by Keith Walker)

本篇的“award”本身就是一个隐喻,源域指“由于好的作为而被奖励”,映射到目标域则变为第两千个伤员的“lucky number”,进而道出了战士死伤的意义所在。句中的“watch”源域为一个计时器,目标域指“规律的生活”,显然这个失去双腿的战士无法正常生活了。失去双腿也意味着失去了正常的生活。所以,通过熟悉的经验。我们很容易从源域的意义拓展到目的域的意义。

句式隐喻的联动,体现将军、护士和病人对颁奖不同态度,也含有生动的隐喻丰富的表达方式。将军held a ceremony, saluted的行为表明这个奖励是重要的、光荣的,而战士“threw it back”暗示这个奖励毫无意义。护士的拥抱和哭泣,表达了对战士的同情。篇章就三者的行为进行对比,进一步发展了隐喻信息,即战争中立场不同,感受不同。通过对隐喻认知策略的使用,从模仿思维到自主思维转变,培养了推断能力。




1. Together with other villagers they were marched a few hundred metres into the village square where they were told to sit.

2. Then, in surprise he watched as the soldiers set up a machine gun.

3. The calm ended. The people began weeping and begging.

4. One man showed his identification papers to a soldier, but the American simply said, “Sorry.” Then the shooting started.


1. What voice is used in sentences? Why?

2. What does “In surprise” imply?

3. Are there any metaphors through the contrast of the description of villagers and soldiers?




[ 参 考 文 献 ]

[1]Ricoeur, P. The Rule of Metaphor[M]. London: Routledge& Kegan Paul, 1975.

[2]李佐文,刘长清.论隐喻的相似性基础[D].河北大学学报,2003 (3).


[4]肖名丽.隐喻的认知方式及其文化阐释[J].山东外语教学, 2000 (1).

上一篇:浅析羽毛球步伐训练在体育教学中的重要性 下一篇:浅析现代化教学手段在会计教学中的运用策略