Qualities of Success

时间:2022-10-07 10:42:44


Some people succeed,while others may not. This is because some people possess certain qualities, which others do not.

The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed,it is a 1 for you to be optimistic. You must 2 in yourself and in your ability to succeed, otherwise you are not very 3 to win, or even to try.

You also need to have a clear 4 and a reason for doing something because motivation(动机) is a key to achieving success. Having proper motivation is 5 ―it is another key to success. You need to work 6 and soul. When you really have a 7 for success, you put your performance under the microscope(显微镜) to 8 that every little thing you do works towards your goal.

Another quality that helps people succeed is 9 ―thinking about things in a different way and wondering how others would do the 10 thing. Most successful people are not as conventional(常规的) as the people 11 them. Where others see failure, they see possibility. Where others see a 12 , they see a surplus(多余). Where others see a closed door, they see an open 13 . They are more than just optimistic―they 14 the world in a different way, and do things in a different way.

To become successful, you may find it important to 15 about successful people, to see how they have achieved success. Their stories will 16 you as you climb the ladder(楼梯) of success. While everyone’s path to success is different, many successful people have the same 17 . While you may not be the next Bill Gates, for example, by learning from people like him you may become just as famous, if not more so, because of your success.

Practicing is just as important if you want to succeed, because practice makes 18 . Practice every day at whatever career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself and your business begin to 19 . This will also help you feel confident about what you do, and make other people believe in you as well. Your colleagues will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more 20 .

Success is yours for the taking!Cheers!

1. A. sign B. must C. connection D. way

2. A. fear B. tell C. believe D. feel

3. A. likely B. lovely C. possible D. probable

4. A. figure B. aim C. key D. result

5. A. honest B. general C. necessary D. final

6. A. heart B. head C. body D. foot

7. A. power B. worry C. anxiety D. thirst

8. A. make sure B. find out C. look out D. work out

9. A. activity B. creativity C. ability D. possibility

10. A. different B. same C. right D. wrong

11. A. above B. across C. around D. beyond

12. A. search B. place C. reality D. lack

13. A. window B. floor C. ceiling D. wall

14. A. seize B. control C. see D. guess

15. A. argue B. set C. care D. read

16. A. inform B. insist C. interrupt D. inspire

17. A. qualities B. quantities C. questions D. answers

18. A. correct B. perfect C. proper D. successful

19. A. decrease B. fall C. differ D. grow

20. A. money B. skill C. responsibility D. experience


1-5 BCABC 6-10 ADABB 11-15 CDACD 16-20 DABDC


1. B。根据语境,此处句意为:你必须记住的第一件事情是为了成功,你必须乐观。sign意为“符号,痕迹”;must 意为“必须做的事情”;connection意为“联系”;way意为“方法,方式”。

2. C。believe in是固定短语,意为“相信”。句意为:你必须相信自己,相信自己有能力获得成功,否则你不可能赢,甚至不会去尝试。

3. A。固定句型:sb./sth. is likely to do sth.某人/某物有可能做某事。句意见上题。lovely意为“可爱的”;possible和probable意为“可能的”,通常不能用人作主语。

4. B。根据语境,此处句意为:你也需要一个清晰的目标和做某事的理由,因为动机是取得成功的关键。故选B项。

5. C。honest意为“诚实的”;general意为“大体的”;necessary意为“必要的”;final意为“最后的”。根据句意:拥有恰当的动机是必要的。故选C项。

6. A。heart and soul是固定短语,意思是“全身心地”。句意:你需要全身心地工作。

7. D。根据语境,此处句意为:当你真正地渴望成功的时候。power意为“力量,权力”;worry意为“担心”;anxiety意为“焦虑”;thirst意为“渴望”。故选D项。

8. A。make sure意为“确保”;find out意为“发现”;look out意为“向外看;当心”;work out意为“计算;解决;锻炼”。句意为:你要确保你做的每一件事情都是让你离目标更近的。故选A项。

9. B。activity意为“活动”;creativity意为“创造力”;ability意为“能力”;possibility意为“可能性”。根据语境,第二个成功的品质是创造力,故选B项。

10. B。根据下文,此处句意为:用不同的方法思考事情并且了解其他人怎样做相同的事情。故选B项。

11. C。above意为“在……之上”;across意为“穿过,横过”;around意为“在周围”;beyond意为“在远处,超过”。句意:多数成功的人和他们周围的人是不一样的。

12. D。根据下文的关键词surplus可知应选择lack,意为“缺少”。句意:其他人看到失败,他们看到机会;其他人看到短缺,他们看到多余。

13. A。此处句意为:其他人看到一扇关闭的门,他们看到一扇敞开的窗。根据生活常识,此处填window。

14. C。根据上下文,此处表示他们用不同的方式看世界。与下文的do things in a different way形成对比。故选C项。

15. D。根据上下文联系,此处应该填read,意为阅读,可引申为“关注,了解”。argue about意为“争论”;set about意为“开始着手做某事”;care about意为“在乎”。

16. D。inform意为“通知,告知”;insist意为“坚持”;interrupt意为“打断”;inspire意为“激励”。句意:在攀登成功的阶梯时,他们的故事将会激励你。故选D项。

17. A。根据第一段,可知此处填qualities,意为“品质”。quantities意为“数量”,questions意为“问题”;answers意为“答案”。

18. B。常用谚语Practice makes perfect.意为“熟能生巧”。故选B项。

19. D。你会看见自己在成长,你的事业在进步。grow可表达“成长,进步”之意。decrease意为“减少”;fall意为“跌倒,降落”;differ意为“不同”。故选D项。

20. C。句意:你的同事将会非常高兴和你一起工作,你的老板将会给你更多的责任。根据语境,选择C项。


1. When you really have a thirst for success, you put your performance under the microscope to make sure that every little thing you do works towards your goal. 当你真正地渴望成功的时候, 你仔细对待你的行为,确保你做的每一件事情都是让你离目标更近的。

when引导一个时间状语从句,主句中make sure后接一个宾语从句,在宾语从句中you do是定语从句,修饰先行词every little thing,后面省略了关系代词that。

2. While you may not be the next Bill Gates, for example, by learning from people like him, you may become just as famous, if not more so, because of your success. 比如说,你或许不会成为下一个比尔・盖茨,但是通过向他那样的人学习,即便不能比他更有名,你也或许可以因为你的成功变得和他一样有名。

这是一个复合句,while引导让步状语从句,by learning from people like him为方式状语,for example和if not more so都是插入语。

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