
时间:2022-10-07 01:44:44


摘要:《新标准大学英语综合教程.2 词汇手册》,提供了每一单元的New words 和Phrases and expressions,其中还列举了大量的实例。尽管有助于读者掌握相关词汇的用法,但该手册中有部分例句语言不规范,不符合英语的搭配用法,有语法或词汇方面的错误。针对这类实例,指出错误的原因,并纠正其错误。



笔者发现《新标准大学英语综合教程.2 》所配套的《新标准大学英语综合教程.2 词汇手册》中,每一单元提供了New words 和Phrases and expressions,其中还列举了大量的实例。尽管有助于读者掌握相关词汇的用法,但该手册中有部分例句语言不规范,不符合英语的搭配用法,有语法或词汇方面的错误。考虑到本教材是大学英语用书,发行量极大,有些例句的错误用法可能会误导使用者。笔者觉得有必要把这类实例指出来,并加以纠正,供读者参考,同时也和编者商榷。

1. He keenly realized that actions must be taken at once. (p.10)

2. The prices have been dangerously high and the government must take immediate actions. (p.57)

在英语中,通常的搭配是take action,而不用take actions。例如:

1) Immediate action must be taken to stop the fire spreading. 必须立刻采取行动阻止火势蔓延。

2) The police were criticized for failing to take action during the riots. 警方因在骚乱期间没有采取行动而受批评。


1) be killed in action 阵亡

2) be quick [slow] in action 行动迅速[迟缓]


1) Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。

2) You must judge a person by his actions, not by what he says. 判断一个人,要看他的所作所为,而不是听他所说的话。

3) I can tell by his actions that he is unhappy. 看他的举止我就能猜到他不高兴。

综上所述,take action为固定搭配,action不可改为actions。在表示“采取措施”时,我们还可用take measures/steps,相当于take action,不过,名词要用复数形式。

3.We walked in darkness for a mile or so and finally saw lights in distance.

在英语中,无in distance的搭配用法,而要用in the distance。例如:

1) In the distance was a small village. 远处有个小村庄。

2) We saw a light in the distance. 我们看到远处有灯光。

3) I made out three figures moving in the distance. 我隐约看见远处有三个移动的人影。

因此,原例句:We walked in darkness for a mile or so and finally saw lights in distance. 宜改为:We walked in darkness for a mile or so and finally saw lights in the distance.

4. The shop deals with washing power and other household products. (p.16)

原句中deal with 的用法有误。Deal with 和deal in在用法上是不同的,deal with有以下一些用法。

1) deal with sb. 作“对付;对待;和……打交道”解。例如:

(1) Such people are difficult to deal with. 这种人不好对付。

(2) You should deal with him more politely. 你应该待他更客气些。

(3) She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job. 她已习惯于和工作中遇到的各种各样的人打交道。

2) deal with sb./sth. 作“与……做生意”解。例如:

(1) We’ve been dealing with their company for ten years.我们跟他们公司做生意一直做了十年了。

(2) We have dealt with that firm for many years. 我们和这家公司做了多年的买卖了。

(3)They don’t buy their office supplies from a store―they only deal with its manufacturers. 他们不去商店购买办公用品,他们只跟制造商做买卖。

3) deal with sth. 作“解决;处理”解。例如:

(1) In spite of his illness, he continued to deal with a variety of problems. 尽管生病,他还继续处理各种各样的问题。

(2) All complaints will be dealt with by the manager. 所有投诉都将由经理来处理。

(3) Such problems may prove fatal if not properly dealt with.这类问题如果处理不善,会造成严重的后果。

4) deal with sth. 作“涉及;论及;讨论”解。例如:

(1) The story deals with the problems of poverty and unemployment. 这篇报道讨论的是贫困和失业的问题。

(2) Her poems often deal with the subject of death. 她的诗通常是关于死亡这一主题。

(3) The book deals with the troubles in Ireland. 这本书讨论爱尔兰的各种纠纷。

而deal in 有其自身的用法。

1) deal in 作“买卖;经营”解,例如:

(1)This shop deals in wooden goods. 这家商店经营毛货。

(2) The company deals in computer software. 这个公司经营计算机软件。

(3) Slater made a good living by dealing in stolen car radios. 斯莱特通过买卖偷盗来的汽车收音机过上了阔绰的日子。

2) deal in作“作为……的依据加以接受”解。例如:

(1)We don’t deal in rumours or guesswork. 我们不听信谣言,也不胡乱猜测。

(2) As a scientist, I do not deal in speculation. 身为科学家,我不会胡乱推测。

综上所述,deal with和deal in 用法不同,不宜混用。因此,原例句:The shop deals with washing power and other household products.宜改为:The shop deals in washing power and other household products.

5. She is thinking how to frame the question more clearly. (p.22)


1)think of sth. /doing sth. 例如:

(1) I’d thought of blue for this room. 我曾考虑这个房间用蓝色好。

(2) It’s a nice idea, but think of the cost! 这是个好主意,但要考虑一下费用!

(3) I had never thought of becoming an actor. 我过去从来没有考虑过要当演员。

(4) We’re thinking of going to France for our holiday, but we haven’t decided for certain yet. 我们正考虑去法国度假,但还没有决定下来。

2) think about sth./doing sth./wh- to do /wh- clause,例如:

(1) I’ve thought about it for some time. 这事我已考虑了相当时候了。

(2) She’s thinking about paying a visit to Yanna. 她在考虑到延安去一趟。

(3) He thought a lot about how to improve the crops. 他想了很多,应如何使庄稼长得更好。

(4)Think about what you are going to do next. 好好考虑一下下一步该怎么办。

3)think over sth./wh-clause 例如:

(1) I’d like to think it over. 我想好好考虑一下。

(2) We have thought carefully over your proposal of yesterday. 我们仔细考虑了你昨天的建议。

(3) Think over what I’ve said. 把我说的话好好想一想。

(4) Let’s think over what we’d better do. 咱们想一想最好怎么办。

综上所述,原句:She is thinking how to frame the question more clearly.中的think用法有误。宜改为:She is thinking about how to frame the question more clearly. 也可改为:She is considering how to frame the question more clearly. 动词consider作“考虑”解时,其后可跟doing sth. 也可跟wh- to do sth.。

6. The hours ticked away while we could do nothing but to wait. (p.43)


1) do nothing/anything/everything but do, 有时可用except替代but。例如:

(1)She did nothing but complain the whole time she was here. 她在这儿时一个劲地抱怨没完。

(2) I could not do anything except sit there and hope. 我除了坐在那儿盼着,简直毫无办法。

(3)My dog does everything but speak. 我的狗除了说话不会,其他什么都会。

2) want/remain/desire nothing but to do,nothing前如用动词do,but 后用动词原形,但如用其他动词,则but 后要用to do形式,to 不能省略。例如:

(1) He wanted nothing but to stay there. 他只是想留在那里。

(2)Nothing remains but to die. 除死以外,别无他法。

(3) She desired nothing but to get it. 她只想得到它,别无他求。

3) have nothing to do but (to) do。例如:

(1) You have nothing to do but wait. 你只好等着,没有别的办法。

(2) I am sure we had nothing to do but to fight the battle out. 我确信我们只有战斗到底之一法。

4) there is nothing to do but (to) do。例如:

(1) There was nothing to do but wait till he came back. 没有办法,只好等他回来。

(2) There was nothing to do but to remain. 只有留下来,没有其他办法。

7. They’re hoping the trade talks might evolve into a political dialogue. (p.48)


1) I sincerely hope you will be successful. 我真诚希望你能成功。

2) I hope (that) it will be fine. 我希望将是晴天。

3) I hope he comes (or will come). 我希望他会来。

此外,也可用It is hoped that-clause句型,从句中的谓语动词同样不可用虚拟语气,用陈述语气。例如:

1) It’s hoped that you will give due attention to the above points. 希望你适当注意上述各点。

2) It is hoped that over £10,000 will be raised. 希望筹款能超过1万英镑。

3) It was hoped by everyone he would sing. 每个人都希望他演唱。

因此,原例句They’re hoping the trade talks might evolve into a political dialogue. 宜改为:They’re hoping the trade talks will evolve into a political dialogue. 也可改为:They wish the trade talks might evolve into a political dialogue. 动词wish后宾语从句中的谓语动词可用虚拟语气。

8. it’s no use (in) doing sth. (spoken) 做某事没有用 (p.54)

在 It is no use doing sth.这一句型中,名词use后不可加介词in,因为doing sth.是句中真正的主语,而it是形式主语。例如:

1) It is no use crying. 哭是没有用的。

2) It’s no use complaining―you just need to take the test again later. 抱怨没有用――以后你得重新考试。

3) It is no use reasoning with him. 跟他理论没有用。

而在There is no use (in) doing sth.句型中,介词in可有可无,其意义相当于It is no use doing sth. 例如:

1) There is no use (in) discussing the matter further. 进一步讨论这事没有意义。

2) There is no use in arguing with him about it. It is no use arguing with him about it. 跟他争论此事是无益的。

3) There’s no use talking about it, is there? 谈论此事没用,是吗?

综上所述,It is no use doing sth. 和There is no use (in) doing sth. 所表达的意思一样,但前者不用介词in,后者介词in可省略。因此,原句型:it’s no use (in) dong sth.宜改为:it’s no use dong sth. 或也可改为:There is no us (in) doing sth.

9. The book is worthy of reading. (p.59)


1) Sth. is worth doing. 例如:

(1) The food’s not worth eating. 这种饭菜不值一吃。

(2) This idea is well worth considering. 这个想法值得考虑。

(3) His advice is worth taking. 他的劝告值得一听。

2) It is worth doing sth. 例如:

(1) It isn’t worth waiting for him.不值得等候他。

(2) It’s well worth making the effort to learn how to do it.值得花一番功夫去学会怎么做这事。

(3) It is worth making an appointment before you go. 去之前预约一下是值得的。

3) Sth. is worthy to be done. 例如:

(1) This is worthy to be done. 这事值得一做。

(2) This question is worthy to be considered. 这个问题值得考虑。

(3) The proposal is worthy to be considered. 这个建议值得考虑。

4) Sth. is worthy of being done. 例如:

(1)The book is worthy of being read. 这本书值得一读。

(2)The event is worthy of being remembered. 那事值得记忆。

(3)This article is worth of being studied carefully. 这篇文章值得仔细研究。

5) It is worthwhile doing sth. 例如:

(1)It is worthwhile seeing the museum. 该博物馆值得一看。

(2)It is worthwhile discussing the question again. 这个问题值得再讨论。

(3) It didn’t seem worthwhile writing it all out again. 把这再都写出来似乎不必要。

6) It is worthwhile to do sth.

(1) It is worthwhile to include really high-quality illustrations.把真正高质量的插图包括进去是值得的。

(2) It is worthwhile to discuss the question again.这个问题值得再讨论。

(3) It is worthwhile to take his advice. 他的劝告值得一听。

综上所述,原句:The book is worthy of reading.宜改为:The book is worth reading. 或改为:1)The book is worthy of being read. 2) The book is worthy to be read.

10. Numerous attempts have been tried to hide the truth. (p.61)

根据英语的表达习惯,名词attempt 不跟动词try 搭配使用,而要用make。例如:

1) She has made no attempt to contact her mother. 她不曾想跟母亲联系。

2) The couple made several unsuccessful attempts at a compromise. 这对夫妇几次试图和解均未成功。

3) Could you at least make an attempt to smile? 你起码试着笑一笑,行吗?

4) The climbers will make another attempt to reach the summit today. 登山运动员今天要再一次尝试登上山顶。

5) A systematic attempt has been made to improve his health. 为了增进健康,他已进行了有计划的努力。

因此,原句:Numerous attempts have been tried to hide the truth.宜改为:Numerous attempts have been made to hide the truth.

从以上10个实例中,我们可以看出,在《新标准大学英语综合教程.2 词汇手册》中,确有一些词语在搭配用法上存在着错误。笔者认为有必要及时指出和纠正,否则该教材的使用者有可能会被误导。笔者建议,教材编写者在介绍英语词语用法时,所给的实例应符合英语的搭配用法,只有这样,教材使用者才能学到地道的英语用法。


[1]Jonathan Crowther, Sheilla Dignen, Diana Lea. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2003.

[2]Sidney Greenbaum, Janet Whitcut. Longman Guided English Usage [M].London: Longman Group Limited,1988.

[3]A.S Hornby.Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary[M].北京:商务印书馆,1997.

[4]Longman Group UK Limited. Longman Language Activator[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.

[5]Tom McArthur. Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.

上一篇:基于概念整合理论的爱情隐喻剖析 下一篇:《世说新语》动词作定语语义及句法分析