
时间:2022-10-04 06:43:34








此类语块一般是固定的短语,用于话题转换、事物列举等。如:by the way(转换话题);generally speaking(概括)等等。


习俗语语块通常包括谚语、格言、警句及社交会话的套话等。如:How do you do?(问候); A watched pot never boils.(劝告)等等。


短语架构语块主要是短语,语块中可用有聚合关系的同类词语填充。如:1.a ____ ago:a week ago; a long time ago; a minute ago.2.Good _____: good morning; good afternoon; good evening.


此类语块为整个句子提供一个框架,有一个空槽。可以填充一个从句或动名词、不定式等,表达完整意思。如:1. I think (that)…: I think it’s interesting.2. It seems (to sb)(that)… : It seems to me that we have to go home on foot.



在笔者的写作教学实践中,对现行英语教材每个单元的语块都进行了归纳和整理,以便学生能更好掌握本单元的词汇、短语和句型,理解语块的作用。现以英语第二册UNIT 5 SELLING CLOTHES为例,将本单元的语块进行展示,如下表:


多元词语块 Well ,not really

习俗语语块 Can I help you?You’re welcome. Thank you.

短语语块 go upstairs fitwell go well with sth

turn leftlook beautiful offer help to sb

look good onintroduce sth toadviseto do

句子语块 Try it on? I’ll take …

I prefer … I think

How much is it? How can I get to

Which one do you like?This is your size.

It’s on sale for... She is trying to do


预制语块包含常规性的日常语言和语言学习者还不能自我生成的表达。如果学生能够熟练掌握这些语块,把预制语块作为整体储存在大脑中,一旦有表达需要,便可以整体提取。现以英语第二册UNIT 5 SELLING CLOTHES为例,展示预制语块教学的实例。


Name Department Things they are doing at the moment


Wang Yang

Li Xiaonian


Pa.1: part-time, at a department store

Pa.2: in the women’s department, fashion items, get her a red one, both…and…, looks beautiful, both of

Pa.3: struggle to decide, looks better on him, advise him to take… Pa.4: enjoy their part-time jobs




Pa.2: introducing the fashion items to customers, The red skirt goes very well with the white blouse, offering help to a young mother, showing her the way to…

Pa.3: a 15-year-old boy


Pa2.:1.They are introducing the fashion items to customers.

2.The red skirt goes very well with the white blouse.

Pa3.:1.a 15-year-old boy

2.He is struggling to decide which one to buy.


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a. She is trying to choose a suit for herself.―She is trying to pass the exam./ They are trying to make it better.

b. Wang Yang is showing her the way to the children’s department.―He will show me the way to my seat./ Let us show the visitors to our classroom.

c. Wang Yang is offering help to a young mother.―The company offered this job to him./ He was offered this job by the company.



Read the chart and help Li Xiaonian finish the practice report.

The Practice Report

Date: From August 21st to 31st, 2009

Reporter: Li Xiaonian

Department: children’s department

What to say when the customers come in: Hello!/ May I help you?/ What can I do for you?

Experience: offer his help to the customers, discuss what colors are good for them and what clothes fit them, advise customers to choose the better items, learn to get on well with others, etc.



Li Xiaonian will report his part-time job to his teacher and classmates. Help him write a passage about his practice experience.

The Practice Report

I have done part-time job in the children’s department at a big department store from August 21st to 31st . When the customers come in, I would say “hello” to them. Sometimes, it would be “May I help you? ”or “What can I do for you?”

I usually offer help to the customers. If they struggle to choose which items to buy, I will discuss with them about what colors are good for them and what clothes fit them. I often advise customers to choose the better items, not expensive but in good quality. And I have learned to get on well with others since I took this part-time. I am now more patient and kind to others.

I enjoy this job. I think it’s a good experience for me. I will do part-time again during my vacation.


c. 改写作文(对话),如下表:

(At the children’s department)

Li Xiaonian: What can I do for you?

Customer: I’d like to buy a jacket.

Li: Well, how about the black one? Try it on!

C: Yes, it’s nice. How much is it?

Li: It’s on sale for only 2OO yuan. Here is a blue one. Would you like to have another try?

C: Great, I like it!

Li: It fits you very well. I think it is much better than the black one.

C: Is it higher in price?

Li: It is 350 yuan, but it’s better in quality. What’s more, it goes pretty well with you.

C: Ok, I’ll take it. Here is the money.

Li: Thank you.

C: You’re welcome.



在语块教学过程中,学生作文畏难情绪得到很大缓解。在最近的高三模拟考试中的作文“How to Be A Popular Vocational School Graduate?”,提示内容在英语教材中都出现并学习过,只要把内化了的语块利用语法和语用功能生成新的短语和句子,写作就得以顺利进行。比如专业技能(professional skill)、工作努力(hard-working)、对某事负责(be responsible for)等等。从作文卷面来看,英语基础扎实、语块掌握较好的学生能写出较好的语篇。而实验班比非实验班的作文成绩平均分高3分以上。








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