Exploration of the effective way of the training management of the "apprenticesh

时间:2022-10-03 09:39:08

Abstract. Implement the innovation of the "apprenticeship" training method in the teachers, explore the effective ways of cultivating the young teachers and the transferred teachers, determine the guidance teachers and the training objects through the combination of recommendation and self-recommendation, sign the mentoring agreement, establish the scientific and effective assessment and incentive mechanisms, to promote the healthy growth of the groups of teachers and the orderly cohesion the replacement of the old and new teachers.

Keywords: Apprenticeship; training management; way

"Apprenticeship" training is not a new training mode. After thousands of years of inheritance and continuity, although in each period, it has its own special continuation method, the main line of "working while learning" has not changed, and especially in today's society, the "apprenticeship" has a wider range of applications. To enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprises, we must improve the qualities of the staff, and to improve the qualities of the staff, it cannot do without the "apprenticeship" training, which is the effective way to guide and cultivate the excellent talents, and the training agencies of the companies are even more so.

1. It is imperative to carry out the teachers

"apprenticeship" training

With the continuous deepening of the reform of the national educational systems, the functional orientation of the training institutions of companies has larger changes than ever before. The pre-service education is shifted into the post-service education, and the tasks of the short-term in-service training, skill identification, competitions and exams increase year by year. The knowledge structures and the age structures of the teaching staff are not reasonable, and the structural vacancy phenomenon highlights.

As the training institutions of the companies, in order to adapt to these changes, we have adopted a variety of measures, carried out the job-transfer training of the teachers, and gone deep into the production sites to do the survey. Over the three years, the integral lifting project of the rural power quality and competitiveness and exam activities provide opportunities and platform for the development of the training institutions. Facing the new opportunities and challenges, we must have a profound understanding of the fundamental, strategic and global role in the construction of the teaching staff with a high sense of responsibility and a sense of mission, grasp the nettle, solve the difficult problems, and continue to explore the effective ways to construct the teaching staff.

2. Preliminary exploration of the teachers "apprenticeship" training and management

Any good management is difficult to carry out effectively without good mechanisms as the safeguards, and the teachers "apprenticeship" training and management is no exception. In order to implement the teachers "apprenticeship" training, we must first start from the system. Therefore, on the basis of the extensive investigation, we formulated the "Interim measures of teacher apprenticeship management", established the scientific and effective appraisal and incentive mechanisms, set up the apprenticeship leading group and the working group. Through the combination of recommendation and self-recommendation, we determined the guidance teachers and the training objects, and signed the mentoring agreement, to give full play to the strengths and expertise of the backbone teachers, and inherit and spread the rich teaching experience, skilled professional skills and good working habits, to promote the healthy growth of the groups of teachers and the orderly cohesion the replacement of the old and new teachers.

2-1. Determine the cultivating targets and the guidance teachers

The training targets include the following personnel. First are the young teachers who have just graduated from colleges and whose seniority is no more than three years. Second are the transferred teachers whose new post and the profession of the post (job, task) are different. Third are the teachers who already have certain foundation, and want to learn the specific expertise from the guidance teachers. The list of the training objects is determined by the departments, and the department of human resources puts it on record.

The guidance teachers should be engaged in the professional (job) teaching work for more than 8 years, and have taught two or more courses of the profession independently. And they should have the professional and technical positions above the intermediate level. At the same time, they should have good occupational morals, and can make themselves an example, and teach by precept and example. They should have a higher theoretical level and practical abilities. In the past three years, they should have better performances or have achieved certain scientific research achievements. The selection of the guiding teachers should be through the self-recommendation or the recommendation by the department, and the Ministry of human resources and the training management department will audit, and the leading group will determine comprehensively.

With the above requirements, on the basis of the combination of recommendation and self-recommendation of the both sides, and the voluntary combination, the guidance teachers and the training objects will form the one-to-one mentoring pairs, and reach the consensus. The mentoring pairs should generally be in the same department, and the same teams or classes will form the pair, and the staff is relatively stable, and will have regular contact at work, which is conducive to the face to face, hand in hand guidance.

2-2. Determine the training objectives and the training programs

To ensure the training effect, to avoid the randomness and simplification in the apprenticeship work, we must develop the clear training objectives and standardized training programs. After the expiration of the apprenticeship protocol, the training objectives should be clear about what the training objects should be proficient in, what they should grasp and understand, and what the main teaching work is they can carry out independently. The training programs should be specific, targeted and maneuverable, and easy to implement and evaluate.

2-3. Sign the mentoring agreement, and make clear the responsibilities and requirements of the mentoring

After the determination of the training plans, the training management department organizes the drafting of the apprenticeship protocol, and on a voluntary basis on both sides, signs "the apprenticeship agreement", to clarify the mentoring responsibilities and requirements.

2-3-1. Responsibilities and requirements for the guidance teachers

First, analyze the business status of the training objects, make the training plans, and determine the training contents, schedules and the specific measures according to the training targets. Second, teach with enthusiasm and help the training objects pass four tests. The first is the knowledge test (syllabus, standards and textbooks). The second is the test of the preparation of the lessons (methods and plans). The third is the test to have classes (teaching methods and counseling). The fourth is the test of the skills (the multimedia technology and the practical training skills). We should be responsible for the guidance and answering the problems of the technology, and timely find and correct the existing problems. Third, carefully guide, to offer the training objects good demonstration classes, listen attentively to the classes, and guide them to have the good report classes. Through various forms of the teaching and research activities, jointly research, timely improve, and promote the overall qualities of the training objects. Fourth, create the conditions to guide the students to participate in the teaching and research activities, learning, lectures and practices, and guide the cultivation objects to write the teaching and scientific research papers. Fifth, care about the study, work, and life of the training objects, carry out the daily assessment work on the cultivating objects, and make a comprehensive record of the morality, diligence, attendance, and accomplishment of the training objects.

2-3-2. Responsibilities and requirements of the training objects

First, respect the teachers in the work and life, obey the teacher's arrangement, careful read the training programs, understand the objectives and requirements, make the study notes, and regularly submit to the teachers to check. Second, under the guidance of the teachers, earnestly deal with the "four tests". In the training operations, strictly abide by the relevant technical standards and the operational procedures, to ensure the safe operations. Third, insist on listening to the classes, and make notes of the lectures. Take the initiative to invite the teachers to listen to their classes, consult with them with an open mind, and continuously improve. Fourth, actively participate in the public classes, the collective lesson preparation, and other teaching and research activities, and spare no efforts to have the report classes, and improve their own qualities in the teaching practice. Fifth, actively participate in the professional practice and researches that the teaching departments, identify, and carefully take notes, write the essays or teaching practice articles or the teaching and scientific research papers, and gradually develop their own teaching characteristics. Sixth, at the end of the study period, in accordance with the requirements of the assessment, submit the relevant information, and participate in the examination.

At the same time, according to the requirements of the training schemes, the guidance teachers should develop the specific training programs within a week based on the consent of the training objects. The training plans should be informative and clear, highlight the important points, with a strong operability, such as the learning contents, and the learning methods and so on. The training plans should be reported to the business department, the training and management department and the department of the human resources to store for future reference.

2-4. Establish the incentive mechanisms, and strengthen the "apprenticeship" management and assessment

The daily management of the apprenticeship should be in the charge of the training and business department. In the practical work, the relevant departments should always pay attention, and in accordance with the relevant provisions and the contents in the "apprenticeship agreement", conduct the evaluation, testing, assessment and tracking. Summarize and compare the apprentice activities regularly, fill out the opinions, and constantly improve the contents of the activities. Timely reminds and rectify the problems, to provide convenient conditions for the teachers, and ensure the effective development of the work of apprenticeship.

After the training period, led by the department of the human resources, organized by the training department, supplemented by the training business sector, establish the evaluation group that is composed of the apprentice leading team, the working team members and the external experts, to focus on the assessment on the training objects one by one. The assessment contents include a multimedia public class, an operation of the typical training contents, a comprehensive written examination, a complete study notes, a learning experience or the teaching and scientific research papers, and the professional debate. The examination results will be recorded in the performance records of the teachers, the mentoring pairs should be rewarded if all the evaluation of the training objects is qualified, which should be reserved as the file information for the evaluation of the performances.

2-5. Pay attention to learning from each other and improve simultaneously

In the exploration and practice of the teachers "apprenticeship", the guidance teachers should seriously study the relevant documents, consider the overall training plans, and implement the plans in detail that are operational. In the process of the cultivation, guide the training objects to improve their learning. At the same time, actively learn the advantages and expertise of the training objects, and through the guidance, discussion, and the study together, achieve the purpose to improve commonly. The training objects will cherish this opportunity to learn, and humbly ask for advice. In the training of the guiding teachers, while learning to improve, they should teach the relevant courses. And in the learning, they should dare to express their own views, forming a harmonious relationship with the guidance teachers that they can speak without reserve, and also by the short apprentice work, construct the continued team cooperation in the teaching.

3. Conclusion

The apprenticeship is a long-term educational work, whose effect cannot be seen in a short duration of time, and it needs to be insisted for a long time, and it needs more powerful ideological guarantee, organizational guarantee, system guarantee and environmental guarantee. We should continue to improve the systems, strengthen the accountability contents, and sublimate in the process of management. We should vigorously expand the connotation of the apprenticeship, create a good environment of mutual learning, equal exchanging, adopting other's strong points while overcoming our weak points, which is conducive to the development of the teachers. Establishment the long-term mechanisms, incorporate into the performance management objectives to be tested, and continue to improve and perfect in the practice, and thus we can achieve good results.


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