Analysis of the status’ current situation and reflection on the development of c

时间:2022-10-02 07:28:08

Abstract:It is the mainstream of the times building a moderately prosperous society, build a harmonious home, guiding economic development with scientific Outlook on Development. It is the objective requirements of social development, current more and more prominent, ecological construction and environmental protection increasingly grim situation along with China's rapid economic growth and increasing population, water, land, mineral, etc. like this it is particularly important and urgent. According to the scientific development concept, vigorously develop the circular economy; accelerate the establishment of a resource-saving society.

Keywords:circular economy; sustainable development; saving society

中图分类号:F049 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2013)35-0259-02

1. The status of the development circular economy

In our country it is slow development of recycling economy. In most places they still used the mode treatment after pollution. Since the mid- 1980s, China's economy entered a stage of rapid growth, since the mid- 1980s, China's economy entered a stage of rapid growth, with an average annual GDP growth rate of over 9 %, and development continues unabated. But also caused a phenomenon of unconventional natural resource using , emissions of pollutants unconventional , serious of restricting the sustainable development of China's economy. If we continue to follow the traditional model of economic development, till 2020, even we can quadruple the GDP , but the resources can not sustain. The introduction of the concept of circular economy just mentioned only a few years time, there is a depth in the conceptual stages of learning a practice such a progressive development. At present, China is still in the testing cycle of economic practice , the initial stage of the demonstration , a small universal scope, depth is not enough, the quality is not high.

2. The current situation and problems of the development circular economy

Circular economy is a policy guiding the economy; it has a great dependence for the national policies and macroeconomic management. As the reasons of extensive areas of historical and technical, the circular economy in a variety of industries penetration and integration among the extremely complex affiliation, in the development of circular economy has not an effective unified management department. The department of Environmental Protection is also attached to the existing born many sectors of mechanical, chemical, metallurgy, instrumentation, energy, and lack of coordination between the various department.The departments lack of policy awareness of environmental issues, achievements and interests of the sector of eco-environmental work seriously, it is difficult to form a complete system of relatively independent, leading to decentralized management, policies from different departments lack of special measures to encourage support, can not effectively mobilize enterprise enthusiasm for new technology development of products, and then in the development of circular economy blindness and unplanned, it is difficult to achieve complete sets, serialization standardization and quality requirements of environmental protection products.

2.1 Extensive growth, negative ecological effects

In the past traditional model of economic development, we rely on good environmental resources to implement the extensive growth mode, even on the basis of low-technology portfolio, with a lot of investment capital, labor, and by high consumption of resources to achieve rapid economic growth. And long-term use GDP as a measure of the level of economic development, and officials at all levels of the core indicators of national conformity assessment area, ignoring the cost of resources and environmental degradation and other social development costs are difficult to calculate.

2.2 The system is imperfect; the implementation mechanism is not perfect

In the traditional planned economy system due to the asymmetry of macroeconomic regulation and control, and is not conducive to the development of circular economy. The existing system of national accounts, tax system, fiscal and financial regulatory systems and other basic economic policies, can not suitable system of circular economy system and enforcement mechanisms.

2.3 The relevant regulations are incomplete, low standards of environmental

Since the reform and opening up, China has established the "Environmental Protection Law" as the core of a more comprehensive environmental legal system, but with the establishment of a socialist market economic system, some of the existing legal provisions can not meet the need for new forms of development, some of the existing laws is the policy of the majority, lacking of maneuverability.

3.The development of circular economy counterme-asures and suggestions

3.1 Developing appropriate laws, regulations and policies

Circular economy is a new, advanced economic form, is economic, technical, social, environmental system together, scientific planning, strict management is an important guarantee to do this economy. Governments need to develop and enact a series of laws and regulations, a strong activity for the entire social behavior norms. Establish a modern model economic growth which meets the needs of the present without compromising and social progress for future generations. In the market economy, use a native resources and renewable resources, such as price differentials and interest-driven economic incentives, to activate the pulse development of circular economy. In recent years, the state developed a series of preferential and preferential policies to renewable resources, non-ferrous metal industry. Such as industrial development policy, fiscal incentives, make this industry is developing rapidly. The State promulgated Clean Production Promotion Law make a a good foundation for the implementation of circular economy. Therefore, in China law today, the legal form to be sure and make provisions for the recycling economy has practical significance of institutional innovation.

3.2 Highlighting the government guidance and services to promote the development of circular economy.

Government departments actively do the eco-industrial and construction of circular economy demonstration. Eco-industrial development model is sustainable development. Put forward new demands to industrial and agricultural production areas. Industrial enterprises must clean the production. Agriculture must no toxic pesticides, heating by gas or electricity and gas and natural gas, reducing the wood to cut and so on. Government should create to promote the development of circular economy policy environment and external conditions, according to market economic laws, put the focus from purely administrative changes to the public service, to the point, and promote the recycling economy, and promote the healthy development of the economy, the environment, accelerate achieve well-off society.

3.3 Rely on technological innovation, promote the new model of benign cycle

The development of circular economy must play to the role of science and technology. It should not only pay attention to the development of related technical team, and should pay attention to absorbing foreign advanced experience of the construction of the circular economy and technology. Scientific and rational design is the premise of the implementation to circular economy. In carries of the macro national economic development planning and layout, according to the concept of circular economy, the relevant macroscopic planning and plan earnestly, on the basis of high and new technology to build the basic framework of circular economy, the science and technology in the process of developing circular economy, to save energy resources, protect the environment, eliminate pollution, increase the economic efficiency, optimize the quality of economic development play an important role. Increased investment in green technologies, and take effective measures to break through some countries set the green trade barriers.

In short, in the construction of socialist modernization, we should be people-oriented, and establish a scientific concept of development, the development of eco economy, and promote comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable development as an important purpose, strive for the realization of turning China into a high degree of material civilization, spiritual civilization and ecological civilization?of the all-round well-off society grand goal.


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