
时间:2022-10-02 03:08:47



Dave Grohl…Dave Grohl

Paul McCartney…Paul McCartney

Rick Springfield…Rick Springfield

Neil Young…Neil Young

Tom Petty…Tom Petty

Keith Olsen…Keith Olsen

Paula Salvatore…Paula Salvatore

Shivaun O’Bruen…Shivaun O’Bruen

Kevin Cronin…Kevin Cronin

Lee Ving…Lee Ving

Tom Skeeter…Tom Skeeter

2012年,前涅乐队(Nirvana)鼓手、喷火战机乐队(Foo Fighters)主唱戴夫・格罗尔在第54届格莱美奖上夺得五项摇滚大奖时说道:“音乐最重要的部分就是人性。”2013年,由戴夫导演并制作的音乐纪录片《声音之城》(Sound City)就完美地呼应了这句话。“声音之城”是一个传奇的录音室,一个成功录制了超过一百张白金唱片和金唱片的音乐摇篮。戴夫联合了众多摇滚传奇人物为我们讲述了“声音之城”的兴衰以及唱片业40年的变迁,呼吁“让音乐回归真实”。

保罗・麦卡特尼、尼尔・杨、瑞克・斯普林菲尔、汤姆・佩蒂……当这些叱咤乐坛的摇滚传奇出现在大屏幕时,摇滚迷们立马就不淡定了。看着他们一起回忆年轻时在“声音之城”度过的不羁岁月,我们仿佛也被带到了那个为摇滚疯狂的理想年代;看着他们为录制电影专辑《Sound City: Real to Reel》而忘情歌唱、激情演奏时,我们仿佛也被点燃了热情;看着这群大老爷们在录音室里集体卖萌时,我们不禁莞尔一笑。如果你热爱摇滚、热爱音乐,那么你就不能错过这部纪录片。

1 9 9 1年,满怀梦想的涅乐队坐上开往“声音之城”的卡车,来到了这个改变他们一生的破旧录音室。在这里,他们仅仅花了1 6天的时间录制一张后来被乐评家认定为“有史以来最好的摇滚专辑”―《没关系》(Nevermind)。

Dave Grohl: We were just kids...with nothing to lose and nowhere to call home. But we had these songs and we had these dreams. So we threw it all in the back of an old van[厢式货车] and just started driving. Our destination―Sound City. Watching the world through a windshield[挡风玻璃], there’s no looking back. We left everything behind. When you’re young, you’re not afraid of what comes next. You’re excited by it. We were driving a van that could break down at any moment; going on tours that could be canceled at any moment; and playing music with people who could disappear at any moment. We had no idea that the next 16 days were gonna change our world forever. But I remember pulling into[(车)进站] the parking lot[停车场] and thinking, “Really? This is Sound City?”


1969年,乔・戈特弗里德和汤姆・斯基特在洛杉矶附近的圣费尔南多山谷创办了“声音之城”录音室。创立后不久,为了达到顶尖的录音效果,他们斥巨资买下了当时全世界仅有四台的新一代调音台―尼夫调音台(Neve console)。

Butch Vie (Producer): A recording console[调音台] is like the center of the spaceship. If you’re gonna fly to Mars, you got to have something with all the master controls. Neil Young (Singer): It looks like, you know, the enterprise on steroids, from a long time ago.

Josh Homme (Vocals & Guitarist of Queens of the Stone Age): A desk that’s like a giant stereo[立体声], except instead of doing bass[低音], middle, and treble[高音], it’s, like, you can do that on each drum, you know, each mic, each thing.




Butch: All the microphones in the studio are routed into that console. From there, you can change E.Q.注1, add effects, change the levels. And that goes into the tape machine, where it’s recorded.

Jim Scott (Producer & Recording Engineer): This board, if you put a fader[音量控制器] up and turn the mic pre[话筒前置放大器] up, and somebody hits a tom-tom[手鼓] or a snare drum[小军鼓], it sounds great. It sounds wide-open. It sounds huge. If you turn the mike pre up too loud and it distorts[失真], it still sounds great.

John Fogerty (Vocals of Creedence Clearwater Revival): That’s analog[模拟信号]. It’s how it sounds. Especially Neve’s, you know. I mean, everything is just better. You know, the human voice sounds better. When you got harmonies[和声] going together, they kind of meld[融合] together.

Butch: The Neve console really embellishes[润色] things in the context of rock ‘n’ roll. It’s good on drums. It’s good on bass. It’s good on guitars.

Keith Olsen (Producer & Recording Engineer): It’s the facilitator[促进者].

Butch: It’s a pretty badass[了不起的] console.

Nick Raskulinecz (Record Producer): It’s unlike any other Neve console that I have ever worked on, and I’ve been lucky enough to work on a ton of them now.

Joe Barresl (Producer & Recording Engineer): It would always be the greatest-sounding desk I’ve ever tracked[录制] on.










“steroid”指类固醇,是一种常见的兴奋剂。“on steroids”从字面上理解就是“吃了兴奋剂的”,也可翻译为“打了鸡血的;开了外挂的;加强版的”。例如:

1) I think Macau is Las Vegas on steroids. (我认为澳门是加强版的拉斯维加斯。)

2) This summer job is like an internship[实习] on steroids, allowing students to subsidise[消退] their study and try a different career. (这份夏季工作就像是加强版的实习工作一样,可以让学生们放下学习,尝试一份不一样的职业。)


Nick: I did. I made guacamole all the time. As a runner[打杂], I would go in there, you know, and empty the ashtrays[烟灰缸] and dust the console and vacuum[用真空吸尘器清扫]. And that’s when I started to learn the board.

Tom Skeeter (Sound City owner): We had runners that became engineers. Then, they became producers. Lot of people that hung around here became really successful in the record business.


史蒂芬・皮尔西( Ratt乐队主唱):是的,我记得。当时录音室前台的女孩?宝拉――那个深发色的姑娘吗?卷发的?

宝拉・萨尔瓦多( 1981年至1990年任录音室经理):我是“声音之城”的宝拉,这个名号跟了我很多年。

凯文・克朗宁( REO快速马车合唱团主唱、吉他手):宝拉是那种,你愿意为她一个人演奏的人,你知道吗?无论何时我们做出一段自己满意的录音或者是演出,我总是拿去跟宝拉说,“宝拉,进来听听这个,看看我们刚做的。”





茜维纶・奥・布鲁恩( 1991年至2011年任录音室经理):我雇佣尼克是因为他会做鳄梨酱,这非常重要。




“in the thick of sth. ”表示在……当中;在……深处;在…正起劲时;最炽烈的时候。例如:

1) We were in the thick of the fighting.(我们那时候正在酣战。)

2) In the thick of the crisis, his prediction appeared to be coming true. (在危机严重时,他的预言好像有所印证。)


Shivaun: In the end, it was a little hard to swallow. You know, we started selling off the gear[装置] in studio“B”, ’cause the studio was way behind on bills.

Rick Rubin (Producer): Most of the great studios have gone out of business, and a lot of what you hear on the radio was made on people’s laptops.

James Brown (Producer & Recording Engineer): I think Pro Tools注3 just really was, to a lot of people, was the death knell[丧钟].

Josh: It always was an insider place...always. But it could not survive against Pro Tools. You know, the Internet’s cool for some stuff, but, like many things, there’s no bookstore, there’s no music store, and there’s no Sound City.

Dave: I had heard that Sound City was about to close. Someone said, “You should call Shivaun.”And I talked to Shivaun, and she was in tears, man. It was...it was heavy.

Shivaun: Sound City was my home. And, basically, after all those years...after 19 years, laid off[下岗], no severance pay[遣散费], no medical, nothing.

Nick: Shivaun was like...she was like a mom to me, you know? I...I left my mom. My mom was in Tennessee and then I was out here, and Shivaun was so cool, man. I love her so much. (Weeps) Sorry.

Shivaun: Yeah, I...it’s been hard. It still...I try to move on, but it’s...it’s hard.



詹姆斯・布朗(制作人、录音工程师):我觉得对于很多人来说,Pro Tools敲响了他们事业的丧钟。

乔希:对于专业人士来说,尼夫调音台永远都有用武之地……永远。但面对Pro Tools却无法幸免。你知道的,其实网络从某些角度来说还是挺棒的。但是很遗憾,网上没有实体书店,没有实体音像店,当然也没有“声音之城”。






在口语中,“hard to swallow”表示难以下咽;难以忍受;难以接受;难以置信。例如:

1) His explanation was really hard to swallow. (他的解释实在是令人难以相信。)

2) I found it hard to swallow his insults[侮辱]. (我真的很难忍受他的侮辱。)

2011年,“声音之城”录音室倒闭后,戴夫找到了录音室的老板,买下了那台创造过无数摇滚传奇的尼夫调音台,并叫上一群因为这个录音室而功成名就的摇滚大咖,用尼夫调音台录制新专辑《Sound City: Real to Reel》。 Dave: Looking back, I was just a kid when I walked into Sound City, and that board is the reason I’m here right now. I’d do anything for it.

Tom: This big room and that Neve console is what got us all the big rock ‘n’ roll bands.

(Dave is in Tom’s officer, 2011.10.13) Tom: We’re digging out all this stuff, and I never dreamed, in a million years, I could find this. Here’s the original order for the Neve console.

Dave: Oh, my god. Really?(Looks at the document)Wow! And whose signature...is that Rupert Neve’s signature? Who’s that?

Tom: I’m gonna give that to you if you’d like it. Dave: Tom, thank you so much, man.

Tom: You’re welcome. Historic document, there. Dave: It really is. Thank you very much, my friend. Tom: Thank you.

Dave: Tom, that’s great, man. Wow!

Tom: That Neve console, we sold to Dave, and that’s how all this all started.

Dave: To me, it’s, like...it’s a living, breathing piece of the music that we’ve made. It’s just as instrumental[乐器的] as any instrument that’s run through it. It’s the sound of the records that were made at Sound City. This thing is a piece of rock ‘n’ roll history. I thought that board would just go straight to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame. I thought no one was gonna get that board.













每年一度的美国“摇滚名人堂”(Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame)入主仪式其实就是西方摇滚乐界成就奖,其基金会成立于1983年,第一届颁奖典礼于1986年举行。入主的音乐人被提名的时间必须距离首张专辑发行25年以上,此外要对推动摇滚乐发展做出了足够大的贡献,并且在摇滚史上具备不朽的地位。然后由摇滚历史学家组成的评委会提出5至7人的提名名单,并通过互联网传递给700位摇滚乐专家进行投票,获得最多票且得票率过半者方可入主。“摇滚名人堂”比其他奖项更看重摇滚文化,可入主其内的并不只是摇滚乐手,词曲作者、制作人、录音师、音乐记者等“业内人士”均可入选。


注2:美国唱片广播公司(Radio Corporation of America)成立于1901年,总部设在纽约,是一家规模庞大、历史悠久且品质上乘的名牌唱片公司,也是立体声萌芽时期的三大发烧品牌之一。

注3:Pro Tools是一个数字音频工作站平台,用于音乐录音和编辑、电影配乐制作以及电影和电视后期制作中。它被整个音频行业的专业人士和音乐制作人广泛应用,类似于一个多轨磁带录音机和混音机。

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