Dalian Children and Youth Art Delegation’s Visit to Russia

时间:2022-10-02 04:30:32

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, a Dalian Children and Youth Art Delegation led by Ju Wenhua, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Dalian Municipal People’s Congress, went to Russia on March 25 to take part in a series of celebration and exchange activities at the invitation of the Rus- sia-China Friendship Association (RCFA).

Paying official call on president of the RCFA. On March 26, the delegation paid an official call on Mikhail L. Titarenko, president of the RCFA. During the meeting President Titarenko talked about the prospects of the development of Russia-China friendly relations and said that the Russian people have special feelings for Dalian. He praised the achievements Dalian had made and said that Russia should learn from China’s successful experience.

Taking part in the VI Moscow International Festival―Contest of Children’s and Youth Creative Art “Open Europe”.The festival is held once a year. It is sponsored by the Federation Council of the Russian Federal Assembly, the Russian Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications and the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO and jointly undertaken by the RCFA and the Russian International Association for Culture Promotion. More than 2,000 contestants from 18 countries took part in the contest. 18 children and youth from Dalian took part in the dance, musical instruments and painting contests and won 5 first prizes in the group folk dance, the traditional wind and stringed instruments, the traditional plucked instruments and the solo folk dance contests. One painting won the second prize.

Visiting art academies and schools. During its visit in Moscow, the delegation and the students of the No. 11 Secondary Boarding School carried out various forms of activities for strengthening the bonds of friendship. The delegation also visited the Svetlanov Arts School for Children and the Balakirev Arts School for Children and had exchanges with the teachers and students of the two schools. During its stay in St. Petersburg, the delegation visited the Repin Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. The two sides had talks on exchanging students and teachers and jointly holding painting exhibitions.

Visiting museums and meeting with Red Army veterans. During its visit in Russia, the delegation visited the Victory Square built in commemoration of the victory over fascism in World War II and the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, and had a meeting with former Soviet Red Army veterans who had participated in the battle to liberate Dalian. In a solemn atmosphere, the members of the delegation together with the veterans cherished the memory of the martyrs who had laid down their lives for the victory of the anti-fascist war and stood in silent tribute in front of their tombs.

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