时间:2022-10-02 01:41:19

The mouse is, perhaps, one of the most useful, yet least respected, computer accessories, drawing attention to itself only when it malfunctions or stops working. It’s used by almost all computer workers, even those with netbooks and laptops (whose touchpads are often dodgy in comparison), yet most install it with drivers (many are plug and play) and then get on with their digital lives.

In doing so, they are not tapping into its potential, which can be unleased with the right software, as in the case of a computer or a smartphone. So, while the main task of the mouse is to let you navigate the computer screen and select what appears on it, it can do much more. Try out the following free applications, which will not only help erase screen irritants but also make it more convenient to work—and maybe increase your respect for the mouse.


Imagine being able to launch an application simply by drawing a circle on your computer screen using the mouse. You can do this and more through Gmote, a freeware that allows you to download this application to try it out. All you need to do is specify what each mouse gesture will do—open a browser, access a mail account, fill in your e-mail ID—and you will be able to carry out a bunch of functions without having to go through the list of applications and launching them manually. Just remember not to make all the gestures near identical.



There is a lot more that you can do with Apple’s Magic Mouse if you install MagicPrefs. The application adds an entire level of customisation to the Magic Mouse, allowing users to assign tasks to several mouse gestures, ranging from a four-finger click to taps by multiple fingers (the app does warn that these are not easy to execute). There is a sensitivity sensor, which lets you specify how hard you want to tap the mouse for a particular gesture. There is also an option to change the mouse’s tracking speed and increase it by 25%.



This application lets you scroll through a window without having to click on it and select it. You just have to place your mouse over the window and move the scroll wheel. It may not seem like a radical application, but you will realise its potential when you have to work with multiple windows and need to look at one without losing sight of another. A blessing for multi-taskers, it even works with applications that do not support scroll wheels.

Download: /web/software/softwa re/wizmouse- makes-your-mousewheel-work-on-the- window- under- the- mouse/


One of the biggest irritants is to keep jabbing at the keyboard or clicking the mouse to prevent the system from slipping into the sleep or screensaver mode. Turning off the sleep setting or removing the screensaver is an option, but a rather wasteful one in terms of power consumed. A better move is to install Mouse Jiggler, a small application that keeps sending fake mouse inputs to Windows, jiggling the cursor and thus keeping the screen alive. Again, it may not seem like an important tool, but you will appreciate it once you start using it.


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