
时间:2022-09-30 04:30:08





关键词:干扰 抗干扰 信号

Abstract: along with the computer control technology, network technology and the development of information technology, intelligent building automation level to demand more and more, the electronic equipment is more and more, integration more and more high, information storage volume is more and more big, but stress levels are low, extremely sensitive to outside interference, very vulnerable to all kinds of interference. Intelligent building environment there is a lot of electrical interference sources, such as large variable power distribution equipment, elevator computer room equipment, the central air conditioning equipment up/stop signal interference and thunder. Low voltage system in operation of often due to improper anti-interference measures, light is the work of equipment reliability is reduced, produce error, error action, system, wrong words.if it lose data, heavy then make the system in a crash, fault and paralyzed state. Therefore, in intelligent building elv systems from the construction of not only to pay attention to performance index and equipment advanced, more to do well the system of the interference.

Intelligence engineering system anti-interference mainly has: the system design anti-interference signal lines, the interference and treatment measures on the way, overvoltage protection measures, preventing electromagnetic interference, grounding anti-interference and software anti-jamming.

System design is the most effective anti-interference the fundamental measures, software anti-interference is to perfect the system of anti-interference remedial measures, do not belong to the construction process of technical measures, and construction technology of good and bad no direct relationship. In the construction process such as well on the way of anti-interference signal lines, over-voltage protection, preventing electromagnetic interference, grounding anti-interference measures such construction techniques, can greatly improve the intelligence of the equipment operation reliability and stability. Next, we will talk about the construction process of some anti-disturbance measures.

Key words: anti-interference signal interference

中图分类号:TN97文献标识码: A 文章编号:




式1:Z = ZF ZJ / ( ZF + ZJ )

式中:ZF ——发送端内阻抗

ZJ ——接收端内阻抗


式2:U = jωCAB ZUo /1 + jω(CAB + CB ) Z≈jω


式中CAB ——线间分布电容

Uo ——干扰电压

上一篇:河头里小区住宅楼的质量管理和研究 下一篇:桥梁板式支座安装质量控制