英国问答 第9期

时间:2022-09-29 04:13:32


Finn: Hi, I’m Finn.

Yang Li: Hi, I’m Li. Welcome to Ask About Britain.


To many Chinese minds, they believe that British people are gentlemen. However, I heard that many young people are addicted to[对……上瘾] drinking and other things, and I wonder whether British people

really are still gentlemen as before?

Finn: So I think this is a really good question, Li.

Yang Li: Indeed. But Finn, before we do that, let’s start by asking: what exactly is a gentleman?

Finn: Well, I thought we should speak to a real

expert about this. Diana Mather runs a company called

Public Image which teaches social etiquette[礼仪].

A gentleman in the old days meant somebody who was born with gentle birth, which meant they didn’t have to work. They usually were born to…they were born to a family with money and they were taught how to



Yang Li: Someone of gentle birth, or noble birth.

Finn: Yes, so these gentlemen back in the old days had a lot of time and money, so they could spend their time learning how to behave properly in

society. Like this:

The etiquette of the British

gentleman was always to stand up when a lady entered a room, to walk on the outside of the pavement[人行道],

to always give up his seat, to carry her bags, always to pay for her if he took her out for dinner, never to

swear[用脏话骂人] and not to smoke in front of her. That was a gentleman in the old days. Unfortunately, there are not many of those gentlemen left.


Yang Li: Oh, it sounds just like you, Finn!

Finn: Oh, do you think so, Li, really? Well,

I’m not so sure, but that’s very, very kind of you. Anyway, as Diana said, this was the traditional British gentleman.

Yang Li: But Diana thinks there aren’t many of these left.

Finn: Which is exactly what our listener,

Amanda, was wondering.

Yang Li: So why is this?

Finn: Well, in many ways, the society which allowed the old-fashioned British gentleman to exist has changed. We no longer have such a clear class system.

A gentleman today is somebody who has good manners. And good manners

mean treating other people with

kindness, consideration and respect. And they are in fact ageless, classless and priceless, and we all should have them.



Finn: Okay, so as Diana said, it’s really all about good manners. And good manners mean treating other people with kindness,

consideration and respect. And that these

values are things we should all have. She said they were ageless, classless and


Yang Li: So being a gentleman really isn’t a question of class any more. We can all try to have better manners.

Finn: Yes, and I think those qualities are equally important for both men and women. Now finally, before we go, I do want to clear one little thing up.

Yang Li: Okay.

Finn: The word “gentleman” which we’ve been using today is a noun, it can’t be used as an adjective. So good, language point over; I think we’re almost finished here for the day.

Yang Li: Now Finn, would a gentleman such as you like to invite me to dinner?

Finn: Oh definitely, Li, of course. Now shall we go to a restaurant?

Yang Li: Yes.

Finn: Alright, here’s a taxi. Taxi!

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