“The article in the Vol.179 No.15 Time issue on April 16th 2012…”etc.

时间:2022-09-28 04:25:54

The article in the Vol.179 No.15 Time issue on April 16th 2012, Spain’s Death Spiral and the Hypocrisy of the Euro, mentions that anyone out there who thinks the euro zone debt crisis is over should take a good look at what’s going on in Spain. Here’s just a brief summary of the ugly statistics: (1) Madrid expects the economy to shrink by 1.7% in 2012 – its third contraction in four years. (2) youth unemployment is above a staggering 50%. The mere government’s response is more growth-killing austerity. However, the austerity drive is failing to improve Spain’s financial position and rebuild investor confidence.New taxes and reduced government spending will further inhibit any hopes that Spain’s economy can turn around. Unemployment will go up further, reducing tax revenues and inflicting even more suffering on the Spanish people. Thus the death spiral. Euro zone partners showed no mercy. Euro zone deficit targets trumped any concern about the jobless in Spain. Madrid, fearing a split with the top brass of the zone, were compelled to cut even deeper. The euro zone is, effectively, administering the poison killing off one of its proudest members.

最新一期的美国《时代周刊》一篇题为“西班牙的死亡漩涡与欧元区的伪善”的文章提到,如果你认为欧元区债务危机已经结束的话,不妨把目光转向西班牙。这里有一组令人惊骇的数据:(1)西班牙2012年经济增长预期为-1.7%,这是四年里第三次负增长;(2)青年人口的失业率高达50% 。对此,西班牙政府唯一的对策就是实施抑制增长的紧缩政策。欧元区其他成员对此却毫无怜悯之心,因为和西班牙的失业问题相比,欧元区赤字削减问题显然更为重要。马德里因害怕与欧元区主导国决裂而被迫进一步削减赤字。欧元区用“毒药”残害曾一度最引以为豪的西班牙小弟的行为确为伪善之举。

The article with the title saying Justifiable killings up as self-defense is redefined, on April 8th, 2012, mentioned that “Stand Your Ground” laws — the same kind of legislation that authorities cited for not arresting a neighborhood-watch volunteer after 17-year-old Martin was killed— have coincided with a sharp increase in justifiable-homicide cases. But no long-term studies definitively tie the rise in justifiable killings to the passage of laws that relieve citizens of the responsibility to back away from threats. But the Martin case has focused a spotlight on incidents in which the mere statement that people feel endangered allows them to defend themselves against thugs or act like vigilantes.

2012年4月8日的《华盛顿邮报》刊登一篇题为“正当杀人需重新定义”的文章称, 17岁的马丁被社区治安志愿者射杀后,当局援引“决不后退法”这类法律对该志愿者免于逮捕。该法通过以来,正当杀人案件急剧上升了。该法旨在免除公民在接触威胁时所承担的责任。但是长期的研究没有明确地把正当杀人案件上升同该法获得通过联系起来。但是马丁案让人们开始关注这样一件事——仅凭人们感觉到危险这样一句陈词就能让他们免责地做出防卫之举或者像社区治安志愿者那样行事。

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