Countdown to Budget Day

时间:2022-09-28 08:44:45

Preparing the annual Union Budget is a laborious and lengthy exercise that takes over fi ve months, and is accompanied, in the fi nal stages, by an obsessive emphasis on secrecy

End September Preparations for a detailed estimate of the government’s expenses for the forthcoming fi nancial year begin. Currently, the government spends almost as much in a year as India’s entire population does on food

End October All ministries want more funds every year. Bureaucrats from different ministries hold tough negotiations with fi nance ministry offi cials

December The fi rst cut of the Budget is presented to the Finance Minister. The sheets on which the fi rst cut is presented are always blue. It is claimed that black print shows up better on light blue paper than on white paper

January Representatives of industry and bank associations, as well as select economists, meet the Finance Minister to voice their concerns and suggest measures to address them that could be included in the Budget. The minister listens to all, but makes no commitment

The Press From early January, journalists are barred from fi nance ministry, once again to ensure Budget proposals remain secret

Phone Taps Intelligence Bureau secures the fi nance ministry in January and sets up systems to prevent leaks of Budget proposals. Telephones of key offi cials are tapped

Visitors Visitors to the fi nance ministry are constantly monitored through CCTVs during this period. They are not allowed to use chairs outside the range of the CCTVs

Last Week of February Budget documents are printed at a press in the basement of the fi nance ministry. Around 100 people working there are quarantined inside for a week before Budget Day, to prevent any details being leaked. This year, with the Budget postponed by two weeks, the quarantine will be in March

The Canteen: The watch kept over the quarantined press workers goes to extreme lengths. Food tasters sample all the food served to them to ensure they are not poisoned

Emergency If one of the quarantined workers in the printing press must step out following an emergency, he is always accompanied by an offi cial of the Intelligence Bureau and another from the Delhi police. They do not let him out of their sight

February 28/29 The Finance Minister makes a brief presentation to the President and the Union Cabinet on Budget Day before unveiling the full package in Parliament

Finally The Finance Minister reads out the Budget in Parliament, starting usually at 11 a.m. The only difference this year is the date: the Budget will be presented on March 16

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