The Application of the Method of Vocabulary Teaching in Cruise English Teaching

时间:2022-09-27 07:41:49

【Abstract】In recent years, our country’s oral English teaching has become a part of foreign language teaching practice. In this situation people realize the importance of vocabulary learning more and more, with the method of vocabulary teaching appears in the English teaching domain. Vocabulary teaching achieve learning grammar and syntax structure, and increasing the students' vocabulary and sentence. So, in this article the application of method of vocabulary teaching in cruise English teaching practice carried on the thorough analysis and research.

【Key words】Vocabulary Method; Conclusion; Results

A reading, vocabulary teaching theory

For any method of teaching, it is need to have a set of corresponding system on the basis of theory and practice, which not only requires the corresponding teaching methods, but also need to have the basis of the corresponding vocabulary. In language teaching, it is necessary to involve and reflect some principled opinions, for vocabulary teaching method, to highlight the concept of the core and essence of language, at the same time will be the combination of teaching contents and teaching methods accordingly.

(1) The core concepts of the vocabulary teaching method: chunk

Chunk refers to those social unified recognition of independent word phrases or sentences, the frequent fixed or semi-fixed acquisition as a whole more word phrases or sentences are beyond the existing language learners and is able to automatically as a whole to remember and use. Computer statistical linguistics show that in the natural discourse, fixed or semi-fixed phrases, idioms and idiomatic patterns have the center position. PawleyandSyder thinks, although few people can speak in advance or at the same time encoding a longer than eight or ten words of the sentence, but ordinary, but can say a lot of long and fluent, but free pause of polyphenolic sentences again, this is because the sentence as chunk the stored in the brain, not temporary combination, can blurt out, thus reducing the burden of the brain, process information.

(2) The essence of the language of the vocabulary teaching method

Method of vocabulary teaching thought: language is grammar vocabulary rather than vocabulary grammar; Vocabulary is more important than grammar, especially as cruise English teaching. Traditionally simple dichotomy of vocabulary and grammar is not accurate, between vocabulary and grammar of the chunk is a very common language phenomenon; Successful language is more important than the precise language; Communicative competence is the most important, it is the foundation of grammar ability rather than the result of the grammar.

(3) The method of vocabulary teaching the teaching content

Vocabulary teaching method think more is to rely on words and convey of semantic chunk, rather than grammar. So, on the teaching contents, vocabulary teaching method, therefore, outstanding and chunk teaching, encourage students to catch the block is analyzed before or at the same time try to use them in the analysis. By learning and the use of lexical chunks to improve students' communicative competence, but also achieve the purpose of help learners master the grammar structure.

(4) Vocabulary teaching methods of teaching

Any teaching method must be coordinated with the teaching content. Vocabulary teaching method in teaching method has two characteristics: first, attaches great importance to the students' language content rather than form. If the semantic expression clear, teachers need not too shall be investigated for the grammar of the sentence is accurate, but this does not mean ignore students' errors. Teacher to student's wrong reaction mainly repeat the correct language, rather than directly to correct. This seemingly casual correct can ensure smooth communication, and to maintain students' motive and interest of learning English. In foreign language teaching, teachers should stimulate students' intrinsic motivation to the greatest extent, make the teaching and learning to achieve the effect of get twice the result with half the effort. Second, pay attention to chunk of identification and application. Help students to identify and study in the text of chunk is a important task for English teachers, no identification, no acquisition. Teachers should meet the chunk as a focal point of teaching from the degree of match strength to practical detailed instructions to all students, so as to ensure students to block these words give enough attention and in the later study by using reinforced.

First, the advantage of the method of vocabulary teaching

Vocabulary teaching method the chunk as the basic teaching unit, chunk is a combination of form and function. Method of vocabulary teaching is, in fact, a kind of eclectic teaching method, it avoids the excessive emphasis on grammar, nor because emphasize communication skills but ignore grammar study compared with other methods of teaching, vocabulary teaching method has two advantages:

(a) to improve learners' language fluency

Chunk of use can let us faster think and communicate in a more effective way. Native speakers can speak quickly, because they can call a lot of ready-made from the mental lexicon language; Also, they can understand the rapid speech and a quick read, because they are always in identifying chunk instead of word processing.

(b) To improve learners' language output accurately and authentically

Language is not a use within the framework of vocabulary in the grammar of random packing replacement table, the choice of vocabulary is subject to certain restrictions. Such as enhance the word, the choice of its object is limited to a very limited number of relatively noun or noun phrase, such as his reputation the standing of the company; The choice of verbs do bigger, but is still limited, can be a his best, but it can't be a mistake.

Second, vocabulary teaching method of experimental teaching

In order to verify the method of vocabulary teaching mode in the feasibility and effectiveness of English teaching in our country, the author chose two classes of a school, 100 students as subjects, randomly assigned to one of the class as the experimental class, the other as the control class, respectively, using the method of vocabulary teaching and the current teaching method of experimental class and control class for eight months of teaching. Based on the previous discussion, put forward the following two assumptions: before the experiment classes after the first test of language generation and accept ability score high control class; Experimental classes after the second test of language generation and accept ability score higher than the control class.

Third, vocabulary teaching method of experimental teaching

In order to verify the method of vocabulary teaching mode in the feasibility and effectiveness of English teaching in our country, the author chose two classes of a school, 100 students as subjects, randomly assigned to one of the class as the experimental class, the other as the control class, respectively, using the method of vocabulary teaching and the current teaching method of experimental class and control class for eight months of teaching. Based on the previous discussion, put forward the following two assumptions: before the experiment classes after the first test of language generation and accept ability score high control class; Experimental classes after the second test of language generation and accept ability score higher than the control class.

Vocabulary teaching method in the short term to improve the students' ability of language output is not obvious, accept ability of language or even interfere. But in the long teaching using the method of vocabulary teaching in experimental class language output capacity is much higher than control class, language accept ability of experimental classes is also better than the control class. After the second test in the experimental class is obviously better than the language output ability control class, which confirmed the method of vocabulary teaching is helpful to improve the students' language fluency and accuracy degree of tunnels. In this test, experimental class of language ability is much higher than control class, this is due to long-term use of vocabulary teaching, the students' communication ability was improved at the same time, constantly strengthen the learning motivation, thereby giving impetus to the other aspects of language learning, such as language accept ability is also improved. The success of communication is the best means to promote English learning motivation.

Last, conclusion

Vocabulary teaching method that first language acquisition and second language learning in essentially the same, so to highlight the position and role of the chunk in the teaching, not advocating grammar and words alone, that in the initial stage of learning a foreign language is not realistic. Visible, vocabulary teaching method is not, as its proponents MichaelLewis believes that applies at any stage of the language learning. In cruise English teaching, the students have mastered the basic knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, so is suitable for using the method of vocabulary teaching to cultivate and improve the students' English communicative competence. Experiments show that in the English teaching, using the method of vocabulary teaching

Learning is to improve the students' communicative competence and comprehensive language ability is very helpful. Also found in the process of experiment teaching, the theories on vocabulary teaching and traditional teaching method is different, it is easy to cause the teachers and students from the psychological; This makes the method of vocabulary teaching not only failed to improve the students' academic performance in the short run, but make the language ability to accept interference and fell. Therefore, vocabulary teaching method is not obvious changes in the surface of the methods in the teaching, teachers should first of all in your mind firmly set up the concept of the method of vocabulary teaching, in teaching, random strain, in subtle ways to implement the method of vocabulary teaching. Any kind of teaching method has its own limitations, as a teaching workers, our task is in certain circumstances to choose one of the most appropriate teaching methods to improve teaching efficiency.


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