Bucketlist of Experiences

时间:2022-09-26 02:05:46

Unesco recently added 47 items to its list of treasures of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Remember, this is an organisation that believes cultural heritage transcends monuments and material objects (though many of the items on that list are rather impressive); it also looks at oral traditions, the performing arts, social practices, rituals, and practices concerning nature and the universe. In keeping with the same belief—of preserving traditional knowledge and skills, we are introduced to some rather unusual talent like Ojkanje two-part singing in the Dalmatian hinterland in Eastern Europe. Performed by two or more singers, this art exploits a form of throat singing that involves a unique voice-shaking technique. Each song lasts as long as the lead singer can hold his or her breath while the other provides a kind of counter-melody. Also on the list, are acupuncture and wooden movable-type printing from China, the Chauu dance of India and a hopping procession from Luxembourg. Intriguing as these may sound, they’re not among our top picks on the scroll. To get to our favourites, read ahead and be prepared to call your travel agent when you finish.

Spanish Castells

This Catalan tradition of building human towers (castells) dates back to the 18th century. These human edifices are formed by castellers standing on each others’ shoulders in a succession of stages. Castellers wear a special costume, particularly a cummerbund, that serves to protect and support the back while additionally providing a grip to the person clambering up. The knowledge required for raising castells is passed down from generation to generation within a group, and can only be learned by practice.

Peking opera, China

China’s national opera, this 200-year-old performance art incorporates singing, recitals, acting and martial arts. Although it is widely practised throughout China, its roots are in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. Sung and recited primarily in Chinese and Mandarin, the performance tells stories encompassing history and politics as well as daily life. Music plays a key role in setting the pace of the show, creating the atmosphere and shaping the characters. This art is taught primarily through an oral masterstudent tradition, where the student learns by observation and imitation.

Procession of the Holy Blood, Belgium

Each spring, some 30,000 to 45,000 spectators gather in the city of Bruges in Belgium, to witness the Procession of the Holy Blood on Ascension Day; forty days after Easter. The centrepiece of this tradition is the relic of the Precious Blood of Christ. The colourful socio-religious procession dates back to the 13th century, when a resident of Bruges is said to have brought the coagulated Relic of the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ back from the Second Crusade.

Kyrkpynar oil-wrestling festival, Turkey

Originating in 1357, this is touted as the manliest sport in the world. Here’s how it goes. Some 1,500 men (primarily Turks), gather each year near Edirne for a seven-day event to compete for the coveted Kyrkpynar Golden Belt and the title of ‘Chief Pehlivan’. The wrestlers wear tight, short leather trousers called kispet, made of buffalo leather weighing about 13 kg each and cover themselves with olive oil before they begin grappling. The festival commences with a ceremony where forty bands play the davuldrums and zurna shawms, after which the belt is carried through the city in a procession, followed by prayers in the Selimiye Mosque. Pehlivans are considered exemplary figures, primarily for their honesty.

Scissor dance, Peru

La Danza de las Tijeras orthe scissor dance hails from Quechua village in the Peruvian Andes. A ritualistic and highly competitive dance form, it is considered the ultimate test of the artist’s endurance and spiritual strength. The dancers, called danzaq, perform difficult stunts called atipanakuy to the strains of a violin, a harp and the sound of scissors. The art is passed on orally from master to student, who is in turn considered a source of pride to the performers’ village of origin.

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