The small IT enterprise marketing strategy

时间:2022-09-26 10:24:44

Abstract. With the advent of the information era, intelligent life habits have changed people's original life style, informationization, intelligent equipment has been applied to various fields, a big trend that is social, be a trend which cannot be halted. This also gave birth to the broad market prospects of IT industry, IT industry is due to the development direction, but also can be said to be a sunrise industry, IT technology will be applied to all walks of life, it is this characteristic, in the industry, in addition to the existing enterprises, but also the distribution of small number of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurial enterprise. Due to the development direction is correct, so many entrepreneurs have at this field, market competition is unusually intense, often we see this scene in a software entrepreneur Park, almost every day there are businesses to open, but also every day there are businesses. Why is the imagination? Worth thinking about, I think, an entrepreneur must set up a registered IT enterprise is not difficult, because now have computer technology talent is particularly much, often entrepreneurs and creative out of the product accords with the development trend and market space, but they often ignore the point, is the enterprise need to manage, need strategy, especially the need for marketing strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises, otherwise your product has just come out, no marketing means how to let consumers understand the product characteristics you, especially in today's electronic products software exist everywhere of the times, so to allow consumers to know your product, and then let them choose whether or not to use your software. Namely, first a marketing strategy can guideline company develops, good marketing strategy is the company, especially one of the basic conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, research and innovation, so the entrepreneur or the company leaders must pay attention to, pay attention to market just speak in the mouth on the head, but to carry out the strategic planning of the company.

Key words: Small and medium sized enterprises IT enterprise Market development Marketing strategy.

1. Analysis of the current development status of the domestic market of medium and small IT Enterprises

At present, a large number of market of IT of small and medium-sized enterprises, with the rapid development of the Internet in particular, is the rapid development of the mobile Internet, China Internet users has reached 8 people, many university graduates young or on-the-job personnel, to see this trend, first to start around the network and Internet enterprise. Although many IT industry practitioners, but want to compare to the large, scattered IT industry employees, especially core staff high-end is still lacking, most IT enterprise focusing on research and innovation. Of course, to the enterprise, innovation is the foundation, however the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises forget marketing is a way to survive the strength of weak small business entrepreneurship at the beginning, only to survive, to research and innovation to later and occupy the market, a firm foothold in the tide of informatization, intelligent and occupy a certain market. Otherwise, it is a good idea, good product also can not have a good development opportunities, such stories, in the small and medium-sized enterprise every day in the interpretation of IT. So, IT small and medium-sized enterprises if you want to in the fierce competition and the homogenization of the increasingly serious IT industry, the largest and strongest survive, even become a well-known IT giants of the industry, it must be from the beginning we must establish a good marketing strategy, and to get hundred-percent execution, had the opportunity to establish themselves in the market and show kok.

2. Marketing strategy of small and medium

sized IT Enterprises

2.1 Marketing personnel training

To do a good job in marketing work, the first is the training of marketing personnel, IT industry and other traditional industries is not the same, the marketing personnel must be professional personnel or with IT professional knowledge, but also need to have the professional knowledge of marketing, the only way of professionals, can be competent marketing work. At present, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises generally reflect the lack of IT marketing personnel, or about recruitment marketing staff are not professional enough, or do not attach importance to the marketing work for other technical and administrative staff of marketing work, these practices in the market are not, in the course of competition with rival is uncompetitive. Sometimes, we always like to small and medium-sized enterprises bidding failure attributed to the enterprise strength is not enough, in fact, not so, often is most of the time we need to have a professional marketing staff to explain the enterprise and the enterprise product advantage. Just imagine, if as a marketing staff can not grasp the customer psychology and customer concerns, and can not be well explained the characteristics of the product to the customer, how to convince customers. So, good marketing personnel often is a magic weapon for enterprises in the process of market competition, is to obtain customer trust, get the key factors of orders. How to obtain the good marketing personnel? For most of the IT small business owners or HR answer is, for the market, but IT marketing talent is very difficult to recruit, if through the search, the cost is too high, will increase business operating costs and recruit marketing talents can not adapt to the development of the enterprise, often there will be such a problem, is the marketing director of enterprise high cost of recruitment because can not adapt to the enterprise marketing needs, or only the marketing director is IT professional marketing personnel, staff is the layman IT marketing director, resulting in unable to operate in a short time, with no performance, will cause the marketing director for the market turnover or turnover, such a waste of time and cost and increased operating costs without creating value for the enterprise to the enterprise. So, for the medium and small IT enterprises, the most feasible, be good at discovering and training the employees for the professional marketing personnel, both maximum save the operation cost of the enterprise and can effectively reduce the possibility of job hopping, because after along time of fit, the staff will often and enterprises have considerable cohesion.

2.2 The formulation of marketing strategy

For the IT enterprises, in the beginning, should make the company's products marketing strategy, in the formulation of marketing strategy, we must have a full market investigation, according to the survey concluded that good to determine the position of the company's products in the market, including the positioning positioning the product application field or industry, there are potential the application of industry and potential target customer groups, to fully understand the market dynamic updates faster and faster, in the IT industry, this study market practice is very necessary, and is inevitable. Otherwise, will cause behind closed doors dilemma, if your product has just come out of market, found similar products in the market competition is unusually intense, as a latecomer, difficult and the first to enter the market competition. At the same time, but also to avoid the company's products or regional or potential target customers and the same industry leading enterprises to compete, because we know that in the homogenization competition, small and medium-sized enterprises are unable to compete, because the product performance, your brand, technology, customer service and so on are unable to achieve the enterprise level, the customer recognition compared to large firms is relatively small. So, to plan the development direction of enterprise at the inception of the company, the development direction is the direction of product marketing. On the contrary, as after entering the market for small and medium sized IT enterprises are unable to win in the fierce competition in the market to survive.

2.3 Focus on brand awareness

Brand awareness, for the small and medium enterprises, are often not important, because the IT small and medium-sized enterprises think brand for still in business in their not essential. In fact, even if the company is small, the company's products in the market share of low, also have good brand, must have this kind of consciousness. Because, the brand is often plays two roles: first, the brand can enhance the cohesion of the staff, is the symbol of the enterprise culture, spirit is the driving force for enterprise team to strive for, to work; second, brand awareness is helpful to staff's sense of belonging, also can let the customer know who you are, brand value from every little bit is accumulated, if the company's products have been recognized by customers, the nature will know your brand, in the current customer circles spread, to a certain extent, increased the enterprise's popularity and brand reputation, which also has sales and promotion to enterprise product.

2.4 Strengthen the training of marketing management and execution

IT managers of small and medium-sized enterprises generally think, small enterprises without too much management, they misinterpreted as management is managing people, employees less naturally do not need too much management, at the most is to strengthen the R & D management. In fact, not people, enterprises are in small enterprises, may not follow and desire, to management of enterprises with modern enterprise management system is the enterprise bigger and stronger guarantees, at the same time to the customer a regular enterprise impression. Similarly, marketing also need management, no management marketing is blind, is disorderly, would have failed. The marketing of what? Small business owners will often ask such a question, in fact, the essence of marketing management is to manage the sales team and orderly, hundred-percent, conscientious complete marketing plan in enterprises, and requests the management team incentive and service work, incentive is the incentive for companies to employees and customers, the same service is also good service company employees and customers, give employees a sense of belonging to struggle, let the customer friendly Fang Xin at the same time the orders.


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