
时间:2022-09-25 05:30:41


摘 要 我国高等职业教育层次结构的不完整性,导致终身教育理念、现代职业教育体系、学位教育体系、经济社会发展人才支撑和国

>> 断裂・整合・再造:高等职业教育层次高移发展建构 注重资源整合配置,发展高等职业教育 整合资源 再造销售网络 学校整合与文化再造的探索 整合资源优势 再造吉林品牌 中企通信整合资源再造“云” 农民再造与乡村发展 整合:职业教育发展的密码 整合职业教育资源,促进职业教育发展 城乡结合部组织关系的断裂与整合之探讨 论湖湘文化的第一次断裂与整合 现代职业教育体系建构的整合路径 高等职业教育层次上移:现实与前瞻 高星级酒店财务再造研究 基于全球价值链再造的民营企业跨国并购整合研究 全媒体时代新闻媒介平台整合与流程再造 在思维发展处再造数学 再造传统产业发展新优势 生本教育:课程与教学再造 “回炉再造”教育背后的症结 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.





Fracture ・ Integration ・ Rebuilding: The Construction of Upgrading and Development of the Level of Higher Vocational Education

Sun Yuewen

Abstract The incompleteness of higher vocational education level structure, results in the fracture of lifelong education thinking, modern vocational education system, degree education system, integration between talents structure supporting economic and social development and international convention. The “new normal” economy provides higher vocational education with an opportunity to upgrade and develop its level. National demonstration higher vocational colleges upgrading to undergraduate colleges and regular undergraduate institutions transforming into applied technology higher education institutions are preferred paths for upgrading and development of level of higher vocational colleges. The strategies are to adhere to talents training orientation, solve problems in degree and specialty setting, cultivate “dual-qualification” teachers, strengthen applied scientific research, cultivate students’ humanistic spirit, and implement category management, funding and evaluation systems.

Key words higher vocational education; education level; upgrading; applied technology higher education institutions

Author Sun Yuewen, research associate of Changzhou University (Changzhou 213164)

上一篇:化妆品企业的资本机遇和挑战 下一篇:中职毕业生能否成为高职院校重要生源实证研究