101 Things About Men

时间:2022-09-23 09:20:38

Kiss Him Here… and Here…Oh, and Don’t Forget Here...

We asked guys to ID the places on their body where they’d love to feel lip contact (besides the two obvious ones). Find out their top five choices, plus tips on how to give him seriously sexy goose bumps.

#1 neck Start with light, feathery kisses up and down the sides―it’ll feel ticklish (in a good way). Then slowly retrace the same path.

#2 ears The edge of his ear is the most responsive part, since it’s packed with nerve endings. Kiss and lightly nibble along it.

#3 Chest Teasingly trace circles around the outside of his nipples with your tongue. Then(gently) graze them with your teeth.

#4 thighs Give his inner thighs firm kisses, starting above the inside of his knee and continuing to where his leg meets his torso.

#5 Collarbone The indent in the centre of his collarbone is extra sensitive. Kiss it using your breath to warm the area, since heat intensifies the sensations.

Can He Spot a Real O Face?

Surprise! Almost half the men we asked picked the right one! A new study analysed the expressions of women climaxing and found that it most often looked a lot like you’re in pain (i.e., furrowed brow, closed eyes, dropped jaw).

What Dudes Really Want to Ask On a Date

Guys told us the topics they’re dying to quiz you on...but don’t for fear of being bitch-slapped.“How many dates do we have to go on before it’s okay to split the bill?” ―Gaurav

“Do you like performing oral sex?” ―Gautam

“How many people have you dated?” ―Ashish“Are we going to make out


“How high-maintenance are you on a scale from 1 to 10?”―Raghav

“Do you watch porn?”―Gurung

“How long did it take you to do that smokey-eye make-up thing?” ―Milind

“Have you ever cheated?”―Adhiraj

“Do you talk to your ex?”―Abhay

WHICH ryan is your soul mate?

They may all have the same name, but they have totally different BF styles. Whether you’re a Reynolds, Phillippe, or Gosling girl reveals info about the men you’re drawn to.

ryan reynolds You like the fratty guy-next-door-turnedstud. And while he’s super social with a goofy sense of humour, he’s also low-key and reliable―both awesome traits…unless you’re a more restless, Scarlett Johansson type.

ryan phillippe You go for the mysterious, sophisticated guy. He’s charming, and since you can’t quite figure him out, he can be addictive. Just be careful that his allure doesn’t blind you to whatever red flags (if any) pop up down the line.

ryan gosling You like the adorable indie dude. Yes, he’s sensitive, and he’ll even discuss his feelings without any prompting. But he also expects you to emote just as much, so there may be friction if you have a more bottled-up MO.

Cosmo’s Horndog Meter

Victoria’s Secret models are usually the epitome of hotness, but we were confused by this shot from their runway show. Could clown-inspired lingerie turn dudes on? To find out, we asked guys to weigh in via our horndog meter.

3Clues He’s secretly into you

According to , 59 percent of men believe in love at first sight. Look for these signals to see if he’s falling at warp speed.

He makes the okay sign. If he’s happy talking to you, he’ll unconsciously give this approval gesture. For example, he may rest his hand this way on the bar.

His thumbs point up. A guy is mentally giving you a good review if he unknowingly does something like holding his beer glass with his thumb to the sky.

He flashes the i-love-you signal. You know he’s hooked if he mindlessly drops this signlanguage move when he’s chatting across from you.

The Conversation That Can Cheatproof Love

Turns out, infidelity involves more than just sex and dirty twitpics―guys who cheat also open up about family drama with their mistresses. According to experts, guys feel pressure to be strong for their significant other, and they may not want to share their biggest stresses or insecurities with you because they’re afraid you’ll see them as less capable. If he suspects

you’re going to judge him harshly, he may look elsewhere for that emotional, uh, outlet. To get him to open up, share something that makes you feel vulnerable first, then remind him that hearing about his problems―no matter what they might be―only makes you feel closer to him.

shocker: this Word is a turn-Off to guys

It’s not marriage or period. According to our most recent crop of Cosmo bachelors, it’s the F bomb―more than half said it’s unattractive. Huh? With confident chicks dominating (think Sarah Silverman and Vidya Balan), you figure they’d be used to it. But experts say it’s like burping. He knows you do it, but he’d rather think you don’t...so you maintain a sexy, girlie mystique.

talk so He’ll listen

Shaunti Feldhahn, author of The Male Factor, has researched the words that get guys defensive and those that bring down their guard. Heed her advice and he’ll be all ears.

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