Silicon Valley Lifestyle

时间:2022-09-23 01:50:39

As we embrace the rapid developments of the newmedia age,competitiveness in the field ofinternet and computer technology is an increasingly crucial factor in stimulating new business,jobs and new industry in the region.Accelerating advancements in new media,internet,software and computer technologies offer new commercial opportunities and sources of economic revenue. Silicon Valley has been a model of the new age since its existence.While the dream place not only has a unique business model,but also has a very special lifestyle.

A pattern of stages in Silicon Valleymarriagesoccurs so frequently that it is predictable.The first phase begins when an engineer enters the industry,fresh out of college,perhaps newly married.He comes to Silicon Valley in an excited flush of expectancy.The technology he finds is far beyond what he studied in college.He sees a way to apply his theoretical knowledge in new products.He watches others doing similar work,hears stories of for tunes being made,and begins to dream about his own possibilities.His wife also realizes the rich potential in Silicon Valley and wants success.Both husband and wife make a commitment to achieve their goals.But as the years pass,the high cost of this commitment becomes evident:long hours,little time together,stress,a fast- paced life.But the rewards are lucrative,the life is exciting and they continue in the Valley lifestyle.

The couple matures and reaches stage two.Perhaps fifteen years have passed and they realize just how tough Silicon Valley's demands are.The pressures increase.For the engineer,the thrill of working long hours and of racing to meet imminent dead,Iines begins to fade.The wife who shared a commitment years ago has since decided that her husband's career is not a sufficient incentive for her to live much of her life alone.Thecommongoals agreed to by husband and wife are no longercommon.One or the other decides to leave,theydivorce,the wife retains custody of the children for a few years until they are on their own,then it's all over.

Divorces outnumber marriages in Santa Clara County today.The divorce rate in Silicon Valley is even higher than the rate for California as a whole,and California's rate is 20 percent above the U.S.average.In fast-growing Silicon Valley firms,people find that keeping up with their work means they have no time for people.People have to work at it very,very hard to stay married in this kind of environment because there are so many distractions.

For most families in Silicon Valley,the only time to be together is in the evening.It is not surprising,therefore,that relations between fathers and children are distant.Young children may idolize their dads.They are told their father isn't home because he is doing important things at work where people can't get along without him.As a consequence Silicon Valley mothers are expected to be super moms.They are involved with the kids' athletics Iike refereeing soccer games,transporting kids to after school activities or to the stables to ride the horse,and to volunteer in school programs.The mother is the mainstay for the family,responsivetothetimedemandsofSilicon Valley work on her husband.Silicon Valley women assume roles traditionally assigned to the father,as well as mother.

Many Silicon Valley wives met their engineer husbands in college or at work soon after graduation.The future wife probably moved to Northern California to work and perhaps had a job for several years before marriage.This usual pattern indicates that most Silicon Valley wives attended college and a large proportion are college graduates.Most do not have family or relatives living in Silicon Valley and as a consequence do not participate in established charities or activities that may have involved their family for generations.

Children growing up in Silicon Valley are not typical.Silicon Valley children come from highly educated families in which high- tech talk is part of a rich intellectual atmosphere.Most schools have computers in the classrooms.Kids use the family computer at home and are extremely knowledgeable about electronics.Many children,both boys and girls,seek to emulate their parents.They set high standards and work hard to achieve their goals and be like their parents.Many will make it.For other Silicon Valley kids,success is elusive.Pressure for success grows as they enter adolescence, a time when drugs and alcohol are easily available.

Silicon Valley is full of young people,many unmarried.They flock to singles bars,which provide an easy way for gregarious,well -dressed men and women to meet each other.Silicon Valley also has an unusually large number of computer freaks and hackers.People who sit at a terminal writing computer code for ten hours are in love with their computer.They don't go to the singles bars and fool around.

Living together is hardly unique to Silicon Valley,what is unusual is the large number of men and women in their thirties,forties,and fifties who choose this alternative.Many have been married,in some cases more than once,and the pain of divorce inhibits them from establishing another formal relationship.General acceptance of living together,without negative sanctions from friends or business associates,opens this alternative to people who would not otherwise consider it.

Presidents of companies,executives,and managers are as likely to live with someone as are their college-aged children.Executives elsewhere in the country may want to live with someone,but can not risk the possible harm to their careers caused by their colleagues or corporate displeasure. Silicon Valley is highly tolerant of such alternatives.

Another common living arrangement is two or more unmarried people,men and women,sharing a house or apartment. House-sharing is usually a convenient response to the housing crunch and often those sharing the house have limited personal contact and no intimacy.

Silicon Valley people are definitely aware that their lifestyles are changing and they accept the changes,at times reluctantly. However their flexibility regarding lifestyles reflects the dominant Silicon Valley attitude that the only real consideration is work performance. Nothing else matters,unless it affects work.

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