Profound Memory,Earnest Desire

时间:2022-09-22 01:39:50

Sixtieth Anniversary of Victory of Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and World Anti-Fascist War Commemorated

Profound Memory,Earnest Desire

――On Foreign Friends’ Participation in 60th War Victory Anniversary Commemoration

Our Staff Reporter

At the invitation of the CPAFFC, 206 foreign friends from 22 countries including 126 veterans of China’s war of resistance, 67 relatives of the deceased veterans and 13 friendly personages took part in the commemorative activities for the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War in Beijing and other parts of China. They expressed heartfelt thanks for being invited to China to attend these grand celebrations and spoke highly of these activities and the achievements in China’s reform and opening up. Their profound memory of the past and earnest desire for peace have given us added courage, confidence and strength.

Gen. Vladimir Govorov, chairman of Russia’s War Veterans Committee and vice president of the World Federation of War Veterans, who had served as the commander of the Far Eastern Military District of the Soviet Union, was the leader of the Russian war veterans delegation. When interviewed by the media, Gen. Govorov said, many people do not know what a great role China’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has played in the final victory of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Japan stationed its troops in China’s Northeast with a clear aim of waiting for an opportunity to launch attacks on the Far Eastern Districts of the Soviet Union. Because of the tenacious and protracted resistance put up by the Chinese army and people, the Japanese army did not dare to turn its guns on the Soviet Union. It was under such circumstances that the Soviet Army could concentrate its superior forces to fight against German fascists. He added, after the victory in Europe, the Soviet Army came to the Northeast of China in August 1945 to help the Chinese people fight against the Japanese aggressors. Though having gone through the tests of battle in Europe and accumulated rich warfare experiences, the commanders and fighters of the Soviet Army locked in fierce battles with the Japanese elite Kwangtung Army and made great sacrifices. In only 20 days, 13,000 Soviet armymen were killed in action. When talking about some people trying to distort WWII history, Gen. Govorov was indignant with them saying: “I firmly oppose them. History can not be altered by anyone.” “Now we should look squarely at the calamities brought by the war with an attitude of safeguarding peace and development. I would like to express my sincere hope that Russia and China will make joint efforts to maintain the hard-won peace and unity.” Govorov noted, there are many Soviet Army cemeteries and martyrs’ tombs in China’s Northeast. Every time when we see the well-maintained tombstones, we are all very moved. The Chinese people have not forgotten us. Their remembrance of and respect for the Soviet martyrs deeply touch us.

The 84-year-old Vasily Ivanov, first vice president of the Russia-China Friendship Association, came to China with the Soviet Red Army to fight the Japanese 60 years ago. The most unforgettable battle Ivanov fought was the one to liberate Jiamusi. The Japanese Kwangtung Army dispatched massive forces to the city to put up a last-ditch fight. The battle lasted 7 days. “I buried several comrades-in-arms killed in the battle with my own hands and felt extremely sad.” Scenes of desolation in China’s Northeast after the burning, killing and looting by the Japanese shocked Ivanov. Though the people there were poor, they took out food to welcome the Soviet Red Army soldiers who had avenged them, and rendered assistance to the Soviet troops on the move. Ivanov said, taking part in the battles to liberate China’s Northeast was the most valuable experience of his life. In the past 60 years after the war, Ivanov has forged an indissoluble bond with China. In the 70s of the previous century he had served as military attaché at the Soviet Embassy in China. After his retirement in 1993, he devoted all his energy to the cause of Russia-China friendship. Over the past decade and more, he has visited China many times and received the Medal of China-Russia Friendship conferred by the CPAFFC.

Mikhail Zhukovski, first vice president of the Belarus’ War Veterans Committee, fought in the battles against the Japanese Kwangtung Army in China’s Northeast in August 1945. He remembered very well the battle of Mudanjiang, where the most important and strong base of the Japanese Kwangtung Army in the western part of China’s Northeast was located. He said, it was a fierce battle. Several comrades-in-arms of mine laid down their lives there. Luckily, the Chinese army supported the Soviet army by moving up northward from Chengde. The close coordination between the Chinese army and us was a major factor for quickly defeating Japan. The Chinese army men were our true and reliable allies. Zhukovski recalled with feelings the scenes of people in the Northeast warmly welcoming the Soviet Red Army and the profound friendship forged between the Soviet Red Army and the Chinese army and people when they fought shoulder to shoulder. He said, he has visited China many times since 1997 and seen remarkable changes every time. “China now has become stronger and more beautiful,” added he.

John R. Rossi, 90 years old, is the president of the U. S. Flying Tigers Association and head of the Flying Tigers. He was one of the 20 ace pilots of the Flying Tigers and had shot down 6.25 Japanese airplanes. During his service in war-time China, he created the record of flying the Hump Route known as “Death Route” 750 times. He said: “When we returned to the base, people of Kunming greeted us with fresh flowers and fruits. One should know that fresh flowers and fruits were so hard to get in wartime Kunming.” In Rossi’s heart China is a grateful nation. Therefore, they always take pride in having helped the Chinese people. Rossi said: “I remember clearly that when Gen. C. L. Chennault departed from Chongqing, 2 million people turned out to the streets to bid farewell, which caused traffic jam. The scene was very touching.”

The 83-year-old David Hayward, honour pilot of the U. S. 14th Air Force, said, he came to China as a member of the 22nd Squadron of the U. S. 14th Air Force in 1944 when he was 22 years old and became a pilot of a bomber. He said: “Our planes could fly no higher than 25,000 feet and could not fly above the clouds. When running into dangerous weather, we could only abandon the airplane and escape by parachuting. Then we could only rely on the help of the Chinese to return to the base.” Hayward often told his children, grandchildren and friends these past events and recollected his unforgettable experiences in the war. He had visited China 5 times. This year he came again to find “Chinese cities with high-rise buildings and developed communications, which are totally different from the 1940s.” He was very impressed by the rapid development of China’s economy. He noted, China and the United States are wise countries and have enough wisdom to avoid war. Both sides should strengthen economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchange. He said, peace has a price. The world needs friendship and peace, not war nor hostility. He emphasized, peace is above everything.

Mitsushige Maeda, president of the North China Federation of the Anti-War League of the Japanese in China, said, the Japanese militarists launched an aggressive war against China. The majority of those enlisted were ordinary Japanese people, many of whom were peasants. The Japanese soldiers who practiced burning, killing and looting brought tremendous sufferings to the Chinese people. At the same time, they were also victims of the Japanese militarism. The Anti-War League developed from a membership of 3 at the beginning to over 1,000 by the time of China’s victory of the war of resistance. The main reason was that the Eighth Route Army that fought for justice and had strict disciplines received the support of the Chinese common people. When talking about the speech President Hu Jintao made at the commemorative meeting, Maeda said, the speech moved me deeply and let me know how hard it is for the Chinese people to obtain today’s peaceful and happy life. President Hu said, following the victory of the Anti-Fascist War, Japanese war criminals were tried at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the military tribunals in China, the Soviet Union and other countries. Those are the trials of history! The just nature of the trials is unshakable and allows of no challenge! The Japanese Government should thoroughly remorse for the aggressive war launched by the Japanese militarists with concrete action.

Kancho Kobayashi, head of the Binhai Branch of the Anti-War League of the Japanese in China, said, from taking part in the war to opposing the war was a process of overcoming my narrow nationalist concept and accepting the truth. Faced with the Eighth Route Army soldiers who did not kill me but treated me well and seeing various crimes committed by the Japanese army, I deeply realized the nature of the aggressive war launched by the Japanese militarists and decided to plunge myself into the anti-war movement. Kobayashi said, as pointed out by President Hu Jintao in his speech, to develop Japan-China relations in an all round way in line with the principle of “drawing lessons from history and looking to the future” is absolutely correct. We will continue to contribute our energy to the development of Japan-China relations in the future.

Itaru Maruyama, deputy director general of the Japan-China Friendship Association, said, in other countries those who have taken part in wars of resistance against aggression are national heroes. But in Japan, they are considered dangerous elements who have been brainwashed when returning home and received lots of unjust treatment. Many of them live a hard and poor life and often suffer from attacks by rightists and pressure from various sectors of the society. But they have steadfastly adhered to Japan-China friendship over the years and publicized the correct historical facts under pressure. Having been invited to attend these commemorative activities, they feel very honoured and are determined to make continuous efforts to promote Japan-China friendship.

The Canadian delegation paid a visit to Shijiazhuang. It visited Dr. Bethune International Peace Hospital and the Bethune Military Medical College, and placed a wreath at his tomb in the North China Martyrs Cemetery. During the visit, the members of the delegation highly praised the Chinese people for not forgetting the past and for their remembrance of the contributions to the war of resistance made by foreign friends as well as their treasuring peace. John Klinck, Mayor of Bethune’s hometown Gravenhurst and member of the delegation, pointed out, Dr. Bethune has built a bridge of contact between Gravenhurst of Canada and Shijiazhuang. In the future they will seek more extensive cooperation in the areas including agriculture, education and urban construction so as to promote common development. When asked about his impression of the commemorative meeting at his interview with the Chinese and foreign journalists, Stephen Endicott, son of the late James Endicott, said, Hu Jintao’s speech covers every aspect. He not only reviewed the glorious history of the Chinese people’s resistance against Japanese fascist aggression, but also talked about the Chinese Government’s view on some present-day issues, and reiterated to the world the consistent stance of the Chinese Government to settle disputes through peaceful means and the desire of the Chinese people for peace. Scott Davidson, curator of Bethune Memorial House in Canada, said, the fact that 65 years after the death of Norman Bethune the Chinese Government and people still remember the doctor has left an extremely deep impression on him. He said, in 1972 the Canadian Government realized that Bethune was an internationalist hero and set up the Bethune Memorial House in 1976. The commemorative activities for the 30th anniversary of the Memorial House will be held next year.

Guo Qinglan, widow of Dr. Dwarkanath Kotnis, Manorama S. Kotnis and Vatsala S. Kotnis, younger sisters of Dr. Kotnis, recalled over 6 decades ago how Dr. Kotnis came to China with the Indian Aid-China Medical Mission to help the Chinese people in their war of resistance by healing the wounded and rescuing the dying and finally laid down his life on the soil of China because of constant overwork. Dr. Kotnis’ sisters said, Kotnis came to China in 1938 and went to Yan’an in 1939. The Kotnis family had always supported him until his passing away on December 9, 1942. They have never regretted, but take pride in it. India then was waging a struggle against British colonialists. When they learned that the Chinese people were living in an abyss of misery and carrying on a tenacious resistance against Japanese aggressors, they were willing to sacrifice the lives of their young dear ones for the cause of justice. This time they have been invited to China as Dr. Kotnis family members to take part in the commemorative activities for the 60th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, they felt honoured and gratified. They said, some countries have also held such activities, but those invited to attend are mainly heads of state. China is the only country that has invited ordinary people and those who had given them support and fought shoulder to shoulder with them in the war. In his speech at the commemorative meeting on September 3, President Hu Jintao mentioned India, which moved them greatly. This shows that the Chinese Government and people have never forgotten them. They expressed their heartfelt thanks to China for its attention and invitation, and were proud of Dr. Kotnis. The delegation was glad to see that the deeds of Dr. Kotnis in China were widely spread and that in many places, for instance in the textbooks and war of resistance memorial halls, they could see introductions of the Indian Aid-China Medical Mission. As kinsfolk of Dr. Kotnis, they deeply felt the Chinese people’s respect for them.

When the Vietnamese delegation gave interviews to reporters, Nguyen Thanh Ha, daughter of Hong Shui who had taken part in the war of resistance in Shanxi and Hebei areas and been given the military rank of general by the Chinese Liberation Army, recalled the life of her father as the only Chinese general of foreign nationality and the indissoluble bond between her family and China. The book The Love of Yellow River and the Romance of Honghe by Chen Jiange, her Chinese mother and widow of Gen. Hong Shui, has been published. She was surprised and happy to see an article about her father Gen. Hong Shui in the People’s Daily published on September 1. She said, she will continue her effort to promote the friendship between Vietnam and China through nongovernmental channels. She added, the commemorative meeting was very grand. President Hu Jintao made an important and comprehensive speech. Especially he mentioned in the speech the Vietnamese friends who had helped the Chinese people in the war of resistance, which made her feel that the Chinese Government and people have not forgotten them and the Chinese people still remember her father. She hoped that the friendship between the Chinese and Vietnamese people would continue to develop for a long time.

Ann-Margaret Frija,niece of Austrian doctor Jacob Rosenfeld, and her party went to Junan County of Shandong Province where Dr. Rosenfeld had lived and fought. They visited the Rosenfeld Hospital and the Southeastern Shandong Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. Ms. Frija said, the Chinese people opened their door for Dr. Rosenfeld when he was at the most difficult time of his life. As a member of the Rosenfeld family, she expressed gratitude to the Chinese people on behalf of the whole family, thanking them for still remembering Dr. Rosenfeld and cherishing the memory of him.

Upon returning home, the Ukrainian war veterans delegation went straight to the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine after getting off the plane despite the overnight long flight and had a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador Yao and other diplomats of the Embassy, telling them what they had seen in China and what they thought of the visit. The veterans held that it was of great significance that the Chinese Government held these activities on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. They spoke highly of President Hu Jintao’s important speech at the commemorative meeting and said that these activities enhanced the understanding of the people of all countries in the world of the important contributions China’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression made to the World Anti-Fascist War and enhanced the understanding of China by all countries including Ukraine. The veterans were surprised to see the earth-shaking changes in China since the founding of New China, especially since reform and opening up. A war veteran said: “I saw desolation and extreme poverty in China’s Northeast battlefields when I was there during the war, but now before my eyes are prosperous and thriving modern metropolises, which is hard to believe before seeing.”

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