It’s Geek To Me

时间:2022-09-20 08:54:47


Featuring rodents on this page isn’t something we usually do, but this one had a pretty loud squeak. The LG LSM-100 is a scanner-mouse and actually has some usable innovation. The mouse has a little camera embedded in its base that lets you scan almost everything. Run it over text and you could soon be re-editing Shobhaa De’s books for private circulation. This one works both on PC and Mac and lets you export documents to JPEG, PDF and other acronyms. This one should be landing at elite computer stores soon. Keep an eye out on


Just precisely why one would want to watch Blu-Ray videos in a car, is beyond us normal folks. But, just FYI, should you want to make a louder statement than the Patels, here’s Audiovox with the industry’s first Blu-Ray player that is actually available for sale. Priced at US$ 350, plug these in to your gorgeous 7" backseat screens to feel real-to-life video quality. But having said that, Blu-Ray players do great justice to 42" screens. Trade your car for a vanity van to check out this Blu-Ray player on a full-HD screen? Anyhow, click on for more information.


With Sony’s new range of 3D Cybershot Cameras, you can subject unsuspecting dinner guests to marvel at the long corridors of the Alhambra, right from your living room. That too in full 3D. The DSC-TX100, TX1O and their other cousins offer up to 16.2 MP in full 3D and can also log location data with the inbuilt-GPS. The cameras are out this month, starting at about US$ 220;


Amidst the boasts and the overwhelming number of tablet computers, here’s one we have handpicked after many hours of flat torture—the Notion Ink Adam. The NVIDIA Tegra processor, 10" Screen and customised Android OS have impressed many a critic and should be shipping shortly. Drop a few notes at


If you have been regularly subjected to loud noise like explosions, gunfire, spouses and other such ordeals, the Etymotic EB1 & EB15 ear plugs have been designed to protect your ears from potential permanent ear damage. Costing between US$ 449 and US$ 499, these pair of almost invisible earplugs fit snugly inside the ear and the EB1 also has an option to provide gain for extremely silent noises. Meaning, eavesdrop and shutoff as required.


And cheers to Apple. After realising that India exists and people live there too, they have officially launched the prodigal iPad here. Available in two flavours of wi-fi only and wi-fi+3G and priced 28,000 upwards, these shiny toys are available at your closest iStore. The fun bit: The grey market is frazzled. It’s cheaper to buy one in the store than in the grey!

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