
时间:2022-09-19 09:30:57


摘 要:中专生在英语方面的低能高分现象及“聋哑英语”现象,在任务型教学法的指导下,能够解决这些问题。任务型教学法应该应用于口语教学中,要首先了解目前中专生的口语现状,其次是任务型教学法理论基础和任务型教学法在口语教学的应用。


中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2013)36-022-01

1、The Theoretical Foundation of Task-Based Language Teaching

The task-based approach (TBA), which is based upon a great of researches conducted by scholars is one of the most effective methods in 1980s. Chomsky and its supporters believed that, the heredity gene gives the humanity the universally specialized language knowledge. He called this kind of congenital knowledge “the universal grammar”. TBLT is widely used in English teaching in recent years. Concerning the definition of task, different people have different ideals. A task is made by four components: a purpose, a context, a process and a product. All of them have their own purpose and subjects. It should take the meaning as a center rather than take the meaningless language forms as the purpose.The focus of a task is to solve certain communication problems which must relate to the real world. TBLT can be different from the traditional teaching method as the descriptions above. Certainly, it owes great advantages for English teaching. The advantages are follows: To help motivate the students’ learning interest as well as to finish many sorts of activities; to cultivate comprehensive ability of applying knowledge through combining the language knowledge with the language skills during the process of finishing the task.

2、The Application of TBLT in Oral English

In the Task-Based Language Teaching, especially in oral English, the students play an essential role in it. They are not only the knowledge-receiver but also the participants as well as the persons who interact with them. Teachers’ role can have an effect on the Task-Based Language Teaching. As we all know, in the traditional class, the teachers are the dominant but the students are in the role of subordinates.However, in the task-based class, the teachers are not just controllers, but the designers, organizers, instructors and guiders of the class. At the same time, the students are the task undertakers. Thus the students can reflect the subjectivity of students. In the traditional teaching method, most teachers are dominant in the class with ignoring the students’ subjectivity, which pushes the students in the embarrassing situation they are forced to learn. Therefore, teachers’ role will be one of the important factors. Thus to implement the Task-Based Language Teaching better, teachers should pay much more attention to their role. Their main roles are follows: to create an happy and relaxed atmosphere;to present tasks in an interesting and creative way;to help students when they encounter difficulties; to encourage the students to be more confident; to form personal and mutual relationship with students. Controlled activities mainly focus on form and accuracy. Students should be forced to attach much importance to some structures or functions in order to make those be accurately produced. But teachers should design controlled activities, which means the students should not produce anything the want but produce them with the consideration the meaning whatever the produce.Making good use of information-gap activities can be another good way to make speaking tasks communicative.

Pair work

T: Work with the partners to discuss what healthy issue you think concern people most and make a list of them and then I will ask some of you to share you opinion with us.


T: Let’s go on the page17 and read the words list on the test. ‘Cigarette smoking’; Let’s begin.

T: Do you have any bad habit that affects our health? And tell you partner and ask him some advice to overcome it. Then you two make a dialogue.

write an article about how to live a healthy life and give a report to all of us.

Pair -work:

T: Make a dialogue with your partner to introduce your family with using the sentence “what does he/she look like?’ then I will ask you to practice what dialogue you make.


The most and basic purpose of learning English is to communicate with others fluently and accurately. There are many obstacles and problems for students and teachers to overcome. So the teachers are of great importance to apply the Task-Based Language Teaching method, which can give full play to the subjectivity of students and can maximize the students’ subjectivity. The Task-Based Language Teaching demonstrates its priority to other traditional teaching methods.


[1] 程晓堂.任务型语言教学,高等教育出版社,2004.7.

[2] 胡春洞.英语教学法[M]高等教育出版社,2000

[3] 穆崇华.2005,Task-based learning in Classroom of Elementary School[A].

[4] 王 蔷.英语教学法教程.高等教育出版社,2010.11.

上一篇:最近发展区理论在思想政治教学中的应用探讨 下一篇:徐悲鸿画鸡的独特性