Empirical Analysis To The Level of Comprehensive Economic Development In Chinese

时间:2022-09-19 06:39:18

Abstract: Since the reform and opening up,the regional economy got a rapid development,forming a very large number of specialties economic zones, such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, the Bohai Sea, etc,but the imbalance in regional economic development is increasingly evident.This paper uses inter-provincial data of 2011-2012 to conduct a comprehensive empirical analysis of the level to regional economic development by the analysis of principal component, factor.We see that the overall level of regional economic development is descending from east to west,and regional development has a wide gap between the internal with a non-equilibrium characteristics.On the whole, the overall level of China's regional economy is relatively low, but the economic development of all regions have their own characteristics.

Keywords: regional economy;comprehensive development level;main ingredient;factor; clustering

I Introduction

With the rapid development of China's economy, especially after thirty years of reform and opening up, economic development of the region has changed dramatically,has formed a new pattern that pioneered development of the eastern,Great Western Development,rise of Central China and the revitalization of old industrial bases in Northeast.Cooperation between regions presented significantly accelerate the process.The planned economy Gradually transform to a market economy,and aconomic development is gradually breaking the administrative divisions to form the conflict between the administrative economy and economic zone economy,and there have been the administrative divisions of the economy across the region,for example, the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, the Yangtze River Delta economic zone, the Bohai Sea economic zone.With the further development of market economy, the constant emergence of new economic zones across administrative divisions,such as the Central Plains Economic Zone, the northern Gulf Economic Zone.With rapid development of China's economic regionalization,the imbalance between the development of the region is increasingly evident.The coordinated development of regional economy is the top priority whcih has always been an important issue related to academics and government departments concerned.Regional economic differences is an objective evaluation of the economic issues, it reflects the different of economic phenomena on the quality or quantity and there is no subjective component.For the spatial difference of regional economic development, many scholars studied from different spatial scales.There will be differences in the characteristics of different economic development on different spatial scales.

II.the establishment of indicators

In order to have a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of China's regional economy, I conducted an empirical analysis from a provincial point of view, select Chinese 30 provinces and cities, as the Tibetan Data is deficient, so it is removed.Congress of the Communist Party of China eighteenth states:building socialism with Chinese characteristics,totally laying out economic construction,political construction,cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction.Therefore, in order to better analyze the level of regional economic development, this paper establishes index system as follows table 1:

Table 1 Regional Economic Development Indicator System

III.Empirical analysis

1.Data Source

The data of this paper is the statistical results is 2011-2012, and the data source is 2012-2013 "China Statistical Yearbook",and the software we used is SAS 9.2.

2.Analysis step

1)Specific analysis and conclusions

First, the principal component analysis

By SAS software, we can get the cumulative contribution of the first three principal components was 82.91%.However, according to the criteria eigenvalue is greater than 1?and retain the two main components, the cumulative contribution rate is 75.63%.The first principal component is a weighted sum of 13 indicators,and it shows that the overall level of economic development of 30 provinces.The second principal component factor is plus or minus combination, which means that the equilibrium level of regional economic development and ecological green development.

Because the variance contribution rate of the first principal component is only 59.27%, less than 60%, using it to a comprehensive evaluation is a low convincing, so the use of graphic samples for further evaluation.

Combined with the second principal component diagrams sample, we observed: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin is the overall level of economic developed regions; Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong economic and ecological construction as the less developed regions; Liaoning, Shandong, Chongqing is the economic and ecological balance areas.

Second, factor analysis

Table 2 Nomenclature

In the factor analysis, we still use 30 provinces, 13 evaluation data as the study object to conduct evaluation and analysis of the level of economic development on the mainland provinces in China.According to the principle factor of analysis model, we use statistical software SAS 9.2 to obtain the results shown in Table 2.

Use of the factor scores, the variance contribution rate products as weights to construct a comprehensive evaluation function. Among them, three common factors of ownership are: 0.4436,0.3489,0.2075. Final score shown in Table 3:

Table 3 Ranking of factor scores

In the factor analysis, there is no great difference between the composite score ranking and principal component analysis ranking, just adjust some areas within the range of plus or minus 2. The result has some convincing.

Third, cluster analysis

Use the Average method to analyze the clustering results. Clustering not consider the situation in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, three regions. The remaining provinces and regions can be roughly divided into four categories:

Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Liaoning coastal economically developed areas (the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta Bohai Bay core provincial economic zones);

Fujian, Shandong, Inner Mongolia economic developed areas (east Fujian, Taiwan; Shandong east Japan, South Korea; Inner Mongolia, bordering Russia, and the "neighbors" trade-led economic development in the region);

Guizhou, Yunnan, Gansu and economically underdeveloped areas;

Addition to above areas 20 provinces is general level of economic development of the region.

IV.Conclusions and discussion

Based on the above analysis,we got the following conclusions of economic development of China's mainland provinces:

prehensive development level of provinces in the mainland economy was descending from east to west by the gradient type

Ranking position of principal component score of 1-9, factor all of the eastern region. Therefore, the eastern most comprehensive level of regional economic development is relatively high.The region of whcih composite score between 10-20 is most the central provinces.The vast majority of the remaining area in the western provinces, the level of economic development of the western region is mostly weak.Overall, at this stage, the level of development of China's mainland provinces comprehensive economic characteristics presents gradient evolution,a decreasing trend from the eastern region ---- Central Region ---- western region gradient .

There is a big gap in the level of economic development of the provinces integrated with non-equilibrium characteristics

1)There is a big gap between three regions of eastern, central and western

The composite score of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong is far more than other regions.In the central and western regions, Chongqing is above average with a omposite score of 0.1489,which reflects the east is the absolute leader. Gapbetween the western and eastern is great in terms of comprehensive ability provinces economic development.

2)Large internal gaps in eastern provinces

We can easily find, Beijing, Shanghai always occupy an absolute advantage, ranking first, second, compared with the third-ranked Zhejiang, Beijing comprehensive evaluation score is nearly two times of Zhejiang.Meanwhile, the gap between the level of development of Hainan, Anhui is more obvious in several regions of the foregoing, we can see a big gap between the eastern interior provinces.

3)Small internal gap in the western region

Observed sample graphic chart, we can see that the vast majority of the region which is located in the negative horizontal axis is central and western regions.Sample point distribution is very concentrated, close to the origin, indicating that the level of economic development of China's Ministry of Economic Development closer to the average level here is a smaller development gap between provinces.

3)The level of integrated economic development of the provinces is overall low

In Figure 1, Chongqing as the demarcation point, the mean score above average of the mainland provinces accounted for only 1/3,the remaining area of 2/3 is less in average,whcih reflects the characteristics the level of comprehensive development of China's provinces and economy as a whole is low.

4)Provincial Economic Development presents characteristics

According to the clustering results, we can see that the development characteristics of economy in each provinces .Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Liaoning and other provinces in the eastern coastal economic zone core,their economy geographic location is very advantageous, focused on developing high precision products and information, advising high-grade tertiary sector and the knowledge economy, and gradually realize the optimization of industrial structure, enhance the ability of radiation to drive the development of other areas.Fujian, Shandong, Inner Mongolia has the advantage that they not far from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Russia,vigorously develop export-oriented economy with local characteristics.Although Guizhou, Gansu, and Yunnan is economically underdeveloped regions, but its own resources as well as ethnic regions characteristic industry has great potential.


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About the Author:

Zhu Yuhan(1992-),female,born in Lanxi,Zhejiang,Zhejiang Gongshang University,College of Statistics and Mathematics,research direction:Statistical Methods and Applications.

Lu Jingyi(1992-)female,born in Haining,Zhejiang,Zhejiang Gongshang University,College of Finance, research direction: macroeconomic research.

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