On the Advancement of Introducing Computer to the Student Education Management i

时间:2022-09-19 05:19:20

Abstract. Colleges and universities are the educational institutions which are specialized in professional course education, and the construction quality of colleges and universities plays a decisive role in the quality of professional personnel training. In addition to guiding the conventional course education, it is necessary for the guidance personnel in colleges and universities to lay a stress on the comprehensive management of students' campus life, so that a more harmonious campus environment can be created. However, along with the optimization and improvement of China’s higher education system, many disadvantages of the early education management are obviously presented. Computer technology is an inevitable outcome of the development of information technology, and its application to the student management of colleges and universities can play a role of multiple aspects. This is discussed in this paper.

Key words: Student Education Management in Colleges and Universities; Computer; Advancement


Seeing the disadvantages of the traditional student education management model, colleges and universities should make an enlargement to the investment in hardware and software facilities, create a computer-centered student management system, and drive all teachers and students to commonly participate in educational management activities.

Significances of the Student Education Management in Colleges and Universities

Colleges and universities are the educational institutions which are specialized in professional course education, and the construction quality of colleges and universities plays a decisive role in the quality of professional personnel training. In addition to guiding the conventional course education, it is necessary for the guidance personnel in colleges and universities to lay a stress on the comprehensive management of students' campus life, so that a more harmonious campus environment can be created. Importantly, paying more attention to student education management is of significance in multiple aspects.

Standardizing Ideas. Standardizing ideas is helpful for the standardization of the behaviors of the students in colleges and universities. The majorities of the students are adults, but their personal ideology is still in the stage of exploration and also their cognition on the importance of higher education is insufficient so that their behavioral awareness in professional study is misled. Through carrying out a comprehensive education management among the students in colleges and universities, the personal ideas of these students are standardized, and also they are guided to set up a correct life value and profoundly experience the advanced significance of learning professional courses well.

Guiding Study. Training professional personnel is the ultimate goal of colleges and universities to carry out educational activities and therefore paying more attention to student management plays a great guiding role in the study of the students in colleges and universities. At present, education department has clearly and explicitly proposed that it is necessary to use the guidance of course learning as the core of student management for the purpose of gradually training the self-study ability of the students in colleges and universities, but all these are mutually coordinated with education management work, as shown in figure 1. For example, performance appraisal standards can be added in the management system so that students can be promoted to do a good job in the daily study of courses and improve the level of professional knowledge.

Problems in the Traditional Education Management

For a long time, colleges and universities always adhere to the idea of regarding personnel training as the first goal, and emphatically carry out course education management from multiple aspects. In this process, certain management effect has been achieved. However, along with the optimization and improvement of China’s higher education system, many disadvantages of the early education management are obviously presented. According to today's education management ideas, the problems in the traditional student education management of colleges and universities can be concluded as follows.

Problem in System. Student education management system is improved not perfectly and thus makes the development of related management work directly impacted. Fundamentally, colleges and universities are in shortage of targeted management system for students, because the management work is simply concentrated at course teaching reform and does not really make any adjustment to the system based on the student-centered personnel training. For example, colleges and universities pay more attention to the teaching management of students' specialized courses, but do not implement strict supervision and guidance on the daily behavior standards of students. Therefore, the management system valuing academic results and thinking lightly of practical actions is not consistent with the modern education and subsequently makes the reform and development of the higher education system obstructed.

Problem in Implementation. In colleges and universities, education guidance teams have been established responsible for student education management, and therefore targeted management strategies are made by them each semester. Standard requirements are clearly proposed by the management personnel on student education management, but are not seriously implemented by guiding teachers during the period of managing students, or only part of educational policies is put in practice. Professional course education is taken as an example here: the management personnel in colleges and universities require teachers to regularly review and evaluate the academic results achieved by students, but teachers are in shortage of objective evaluation standards in the process of implementing this task and thus only provide an evaluation based on the classroom performance of a student. This does not accord with the education management strategy requirements stipulated by teachers.

Problem in Technology. Scientific management is one of the most important parts of higher education reform, and the final work efficiency can be guaranteed only if the education management aided by advanced technology is introduced. However, considering education fund investment, colleges and universities do not take many science and technology methods for student education management. For example, the advanced technologies such as computer technology, network communication technology, and distance education technology are applied very little. Because of lacking education science and technology as the support, the development of college student management is with great difficulty: not only should a long time be taken to guide students, but also a lot of work energy needs to invest.

Advancement of Introducing Computer to the Student Education Management in Colleges and Universities

In the new period, higher education is gradually oriented at technology, and also the daily work about student management begins to improve toward informatization. Computer technology is an inevitable development product of information technology. Therefore, the application of computer technology to the student education management in colleges and universities can exert a function of many aspects. Seen from the actual operation situation, the advancement of introducing computer to the student education management in colleges and universities can be reflected from the following aspects.

Systematization. Computer technology provides various helps for colleges and universities in student education management, and student management system is the most widely used and gives a full reflection to the functional advantages of the computer system, as shown in figure 2. Introducing computer -related control technologies can make student education management systematic, and simultaneously the work related to education management can be taken into consideration. The details of professional course teaching can be recorded, but also beneficial helps can be provided for the daily campus life of students. Thus, the campus life of the students in colleges and universities can be constrained from two sides.

Scientific. Introducing advanced technologies as the support of education management work completely changes the disadvantages of the traditional management model and promotes the work of colleges and universities to develop toward a scientific direction, so that a more superior learning environment is provided for students. Usually, education guidance group sets up a data center by using computer network for timely entering the performances of teachers and students in the teaching process, and guides the management personnel to make scientific education strategies according to the acquired data. Thus, the disadvantages of the traditional education model are changed.

Automation. New student education management system is composed commonly by hardware and software facilities and each part has played a good scheduling function, so that the transformation of the automation of student management model is promoted. This can be mainly reflected from two aspects: (1) data processing: the information of students about the study of professional courses can be automatically processed through the computer platform, and thus the disadvantages of manual data entry are prevented; (2) information transfer: an internal network connection is produced between different departments of subjects, and thus it makes the information exchange and work transfer easy between teachers.

The Application of Student Management System based on Computer Platform

The creation of student education management system by colleges and universities makes it easy for most teachers and students to get involved in the teaching of professional courses and also increasingly more education management resources are provided by it, so that teachers can finish all management tasks better. Based on the advancement of computer operating system application, colleges and universities can implement a comprehensive, standard, and professional education management decision on students, and thus a positive campus environment is created.

Scholarship Management. The calculation, statistics and analysis of students' performance and GPA, post scores, honor scores, and comprehensive scores are supported. The functions such as automatic rankings, audit scholarship, and announcing scholarship evaluation results can be implemented, as shown in figure 3. Thus, the suggestion feedback and processing of education management become easier, and the establishment of the communication platform between teachers and students makes all affairs processed fairly and open.

Recognition Management on the Students with Economic Difficulties. Students can apply for economic helps, and teachers are responsible for the examination and approval. This can help schools strengthen the service and management on the students with economic difficulties, simplify the trivial process of the students with economic difficulties to apply for aids. Thus, a simpler and more convenient service channel is provided for the students with economic difficulties, and also the financial aids can be accurately and timely issued.

Employment Information Management. Relying on the idea of "serving for student employment", a targeted, real-time and convenient data acquisition, analysis and management platform can be built, so that the better management of student employment information is gradually realized, the information management level is improved, and also supports are provided relevant decisions.

Party Member Management. Supporting the party member management model cored at Party branch and strengthening and improving the management of party members can help party members timely attend the Party's organizational life, receive Party organization's education, management and supervision, and play a better vanguard and exemplary role.


In short, student management is a key part of the education construction in colleges and universities; the purpose of management is for creating a harmonious campus environment; the effect of education management has a close tie with the personal behavior development of students. The role played by colleges and universities in the training of China’s professional personnel has been recognized, and therefore it is particularly important to create a good campus environment for general students. The introduction of computer technology to the daily management work of colleges and universities symbolizes the arrival of the period of China's information-based education system reform.


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