
时间:2022-09-19 01:07:43










A Collector of Ancient Plaques

By Xing Zengyao

I had long since learned that Zheng Jianfu was a fanatical collector of ancient plaques. Recently, an experts committee for folk arts protection in the province has honored the collector for his protective efforts to rescue ancient plaques. On the other day, I traveled all the way to the ancient village of Huatang in Shengzhou to take a look at his private museum of plaques.

Huatang is more than an ancient village. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty (265-316), Wang Xizhi, presumably the greatest calligrapher in the history of China, resigned from the court and retired to the scenic village. More than 20 kilometers out of Shengzhou, the village looked like a painting: houses with the double-eave roofs, small bridges spanning brooks, age-old memorial archways, and farming fields with crisscrossing footpaths. At the end of a tree-flanked pebble path spread a courtyard. On the grey front wall was the name of the museum: Museum of Hundreds of Plaques. Of course, the title was inscribed in gilt on a plaque. Beyond the wall was a large dooryard where the sunshine splashed luxuriously on flowers. Inside, on display were hundreds of plaques.

Plaques point to an ancient Chinese art that combines ancient totem worship and calligraphy. They date back to the country’s earliest days. They display history, art, philosophy, social virtue and responsibility, lifestyle, family mottos and aspirations, best wishes and celebrations. In short, they stand eloquent witness to China as an ancient civilization.

How come Zheng Jianfu started to collect these plaques? The enthusiasm got ignited in 1998 when he traveled to the southern part of the neighboring Anhui Province on a business trip to seek and buy tree roots and water-logged timber as raw materials for his creative sculptures. In one village, he spotted a plaque in a pigsty at a farmer’s house. After the plaque was retrieved and cleaned, he could see it was made in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). One corner was totally damaged by the gnawing of pigs. It made his heart ache to see such senseless waste. He decided then and there to rescue plaques no matter where they were. He searched widely across provinces over years. His efforts paid off and gradually and steadily his collection of ancient plaques grew.

I wandered inside the museum, fascinated by these plaques. A great variety of calligraphic styles, artistries, celebrated quotations could be seen, a great variety of arts went into the making of these treasures, and a great amount of essences of Chinese culture went into the inscriptions on these plaques. One can easily detect, on these plaques, the teachings of great scholars and thinkers in the country’s history.

After the unforgettable experience inside the museum, I walked out with certain reluctance. The sun was high in the sky. Memories of the past were still with me. Zheng told me more about his collection.

It turned out that he has rescued nearly 1,000 plaques. The museum in the village holds only part of his precious collection. Some of his plaques are displayed in a plaques museum in Keqiao, Shaoxing and some are in the collection of Beijing-based Imperial Examination Museum. On October 15, 2003, President Jiang Zemin, accompanied by the top provincial government officials, visited the museum in Keqiao and wrote an inscription on the occasion for the museum.

As an artist of root sculpture, Zheng understands the importance of these plaques. He explains, “These plaques are unique treasures of the Chinese culture. No other countries and regions in the world have such things. I feel obliged to promote our cultural heritage.”His remark reminded me of ancient sages’statements that plaques offer insight into history, provide lectures on the art of calligraphy, and teach how to write succinctly and poetically.

(Translated by David)

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