A Study of Chinese-English Code-switching in Pop Songs

时间:2022-09-18 08:07:51

ABSTRACT:This paper will continue with the discussion about its application to analyzing pop song lyrics through an adaptation model. Then based on the research results, suggestions are proposed to achieve a better understanding of code-switching and above all to improve the use of this model in future research.

Key Words: code-switching, adaptation model, pop song lyrics


一、 The Pragmatic Approach

This approach gives us a comprehensive explanation and interpretation of code-switching, which combines social, psychological and linguistic factors. Two scholars are to be mentioned in this approach. Verschueren (1999) proposes the theory of Linguistic Adaptation, in which he points out three notions anf four angles. Three notions include variability, negotiability and adaptability. Four angles consist of context correlates of adaptation, structural objects of adaptation, dynamics of adaptation and the salience of the adaptation process. Yu (2001) develops this theory and analyzes the adaptability of Chinese/English code-switching and puts forward his Adaptation Model. In this model, three aspects of adaptability are mentioned: linguistic reality, social conventions and psychological motivations.

二、Adaptation to Linguistic Reality

According to Gao (2008), “linguistic reality refers to the language elements and structures as well as their respective features [...] participating in code-switching such as language conventions and semantic features.” That is to say, two language share some linguistic similarities, which lead to the appearance of code-switching.

Green light/ I’m searching for you

Always 不会却步/哦/珍爱不会结束

Green light/ in my life

Every song conveys a main idea for the audience. Here is the song by Stephenie Sun. Green light is the topic in this song, which emphasizes a kind of hope for the future. The writer needs to remind the audience of its importance while singing and focuses much attention on the phrase “green light” and thus switch it twice within one section.

三、Adaptation to Social Conventions

Social conventions focus on the behaviors and thoughts shared by the same speech community in society. Thus a song writer should pay special attention to different customs, habits and behaviors in different speech communities so that he can avoid social embarrassment.

Every singer wishes to gain acceptance by narrowing the distance from the audience. Here is a song by Gigi Liang.



Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine

I’ll taste your strawberries/ I’ll drink your sweet wine

A million tomorrows/ shall all pass away

Are we forget all the joy/ that is ours today

This song is intended for young people, especiall middle school and college students. In order to draw close social distance, the lyrics are switched to English, which makes it more familiar to students at school. Students find English lyrics in the song and soon learn them by heart.

四、Adaptation to Psychological Motivations

Here we will look at the famous song by Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman.

我和你心连心 同住地球村 为梦想千里行 相会在北京

来吧!朋友 伸出你的手 我和你心连心 永远一家人

You and me/ from one world/ we are family/ travel dream a thousand miles

Meet in beijing/ come together/put your hand in mine

You and me/from one world/ we are family

As the theme song of 2008 Olympic Games, China wishes to promote this song during this period. Code-switching is inevitable under this situation since English is widely used in the world.


As can be seen in Chapter Five, when a writer is engaged in song writing, he has his own communicative goal, either to give convenience, promote acceptance or narrow social distance. In order to achieve this goal, the song writer is required to make linguistic choices. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that song writers switch codes in adaptation to linguistic reality, social conventions and psychological motivations. These functions are realized in song lyrics, with variable linguistic items taken into consideration. When a song is finished and heard, the song will interpreted by the audience.


Gumperz, J. Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Presss, 1982.

Gumperz, J. The Sociolinguistic Significance of Conversational Code-switching. University of California Working Papers. Berkeley: University of California, 1976.

Myers-Scotton, C. Code-switching. In Coulams, F., ed. The Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.

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