Experience Overview of Foreign Teachers in the Allocation of Resources of Compul

时间:2022-09-18 04:52:56

Abstract. This article briefly introduces the successful experience of American "Compensatory Education Program", British "Education Action Zone", French"Priority Education Zone Policy" and Japanese “Regular Flow of TeachersSystem", which are about the optimal allocation of compulsory education teacher resources allocation. Corresponding enlightenment has been gotten based on it. In addition, this article holds the opinion that we can focus on the reference and practice of Japan, and implement the regular flow of teachers. The main reason is that China has possessed the key condition of carrying out this system.

Key words: Compulsory Education; Teacher Resources Allocation; Experience; Overview

1. Introduction

The rational allocation of resources in compulsory education teachers is a global educational problem. In recent years, along with the ever-popular education fair idea, all of the world’s governments and the education sector have made positive effortsabout the optimal allocation of compulsory education teacher resources allocation. In recent years, Chinese government and the education sector have been equally committed to improving the allocation of resources and rural compulsory education teachers’ uneven situation, and achieved remarkable results. However, due to the influence of traditional "dual system",there is still some unreasonable phenomenon. Based on this, this paper has made a brief overview aboutsome successful experiences and good practices in representative teachers in compulsory education in the optimal allocation of resources in the United States, Britain, France and other countries, looking forward to inspiring Chinese government and the education sector.

2. Successful experience of compulsory education teachers in resource allocation in America, Britain, France and Japan

2.1 America's "Compensatory Education Programs"

In the United States, due to the state's social and economic development between the imbalance between regions because of differences in the level of compulsory education lead to racial differences exist, such as the prevalence of migration areas and slums, etc., living in these areas not only did the American people compulsory education should be protected, other safeguards are also lacking. The U.S. government from the 1860s began to pay attention to this issue, in order to make people realize the great basic education and balanced development to achieve fairness educational opportunities for all American citizens to enjoy the same rights to basic education, in order to Some economic opportunities for the United States Department of the group led jointly developed a "compensatory education program" launched in the United States.

Important elements of the program are as follows: First, the weak areas of education and schools to give adequate support by way of financial compensation, hardware support in the region and to enhance the school's educational and optimize the allocation of resources teachers , and to improve the educational quality of the school. At the same time the demand for education for minorities particularity through the funding support and teacher compensation measures to target training and other resources to effectively improve the quality of the education level of these vulnerable groups. Secondly, requires states to raise their own funds in order to continue to narrow the gap in income levels between regions of teachers to teach more targeted at the poor quality of teaching in schools and minority school teachers wages and provide some incentives and subsidies, in order to attract and encourage teachers to educational level of competition is relatively weak areas and school, in order to achieve the realization of teaching resources across the region and throughout the state equilibrium configuration of the target . Finally, the nation's teachers' qualifications committee established in May 1987 in the United States to implement the system of the State Teacher Certification effectively unify the states in terms of quality and level of teacher resources assessment system, which is easy to configure unified teacher resources in the country, breaking barriers to the flow of teachers to promote the rational flow of teacher resources in the country, in order to achieve a balanced configuration provides teacher resources policies to protect the states and inter-school . [1]

"Educational Compensation Plan" not only provides an effective level of financial support for the development of teaching minorities and vulnerable groups, to teach at the school level of education and teachers in a district of the weak links provide special preferential policies and subsidies directly enhance the level of education is weak areas schools and education level, unified national system of teacher qualifications in the country promoted the healthy flow of teacher resources, and promote the balanced allocation of compulsory education teachers in the United States, thus contributing to a fair and public basic education development balance.

2.2 Britain’s"Education Action Zone Plan"

Britain launched "Education Action Zone Program" in 1998. In the book The Third Way: New Politics of the New Century, when he was Prime Minister, Tony Blair proposed to the National Education particular priority and prominence. Legislation should be the primary goal of the government to reform the education system, improving education and increased investment in quality education, and emphasizing the need to develop talent rather than a minority owner. Meanwhile, the Labor government has issued a " pursuit of excellence in school education" white paper, to be referred to the British government is committed to improving student achievement standards to promote and achieve equitable education for all , especially those who want to work towards the elimination of disadvantaged students the weary and help them enhance their academic performance, support the weak areas of education and school education, to achieve a balanced education equality. [2] " Education Action Zone Plan" put forward a balanced education is to promote equitable development aimed at improving the education level of teaching is relatively weak areas, by providing appropriate policies and programs to foster inclusion of poor performance of schools and disadvantaged education areas. Through the establishment of schools, parents, businesses, educational functions consisting of a management team dedicated to the use of appropriate government policies to attract domestic and foreign advanced management philosophy of education, the introduction of social capital, facilitate more attention to the more disadvantaged students. " Education Action Zone Plan " is to give these schools more preferential policies. Such as curriculum, personnel, funds, and related educational resources.

From the British "Education Action Zone Plan"we can see that the British education reform has two main characteristics: First, the schools included in the program may not be included in the assessment of teachers appointed object into national legislation, allowing the corresponding favorable treatment, to attract outstanding management personnel to serve as principal of the school, while paying jobs by the way, to attract more outstanding teachers to enrich the quality of teachers, to further enhance the school's teachers, improve the quality of education in schools more quickly .

2.3 France's "Priority Education Zone Policy"

In France, the policy that teacher resources should be managed directly by the central has been established from the beginning of the 19th century. In the central education authorities through an ad hoc body to be responsible for the management of basic education teachers in the country, including the preparation of teachers, recruitment, pre-service training and salaries, benefits and other aspects. Relevant law clearly stipulates that all basic education teachers belong to national civil servants, teachers' salaries paid by the state and distributed, thus ensuring the quality and quantity of basic education teachers stability.

French teacher qualification system compared to other European countries is more stringent. All posts of teachers must pass the qualifying examination and education of teachers regularly organized by the National Accreditation internship, in order to achieve the double of qualified teacher qualifications and posts. State education department regularly aggregated annual number of students each school district, in order to determine the number of teaching posts and rational allocation of teachers.

In 1981, the French government supported community schools through the introduction of the "Priority Education Zones" policy, the quality of education to the relatively weak relative priorities. These included the government is the "priority education zones" to give the school a lot of supportive policies privilege. Teachers involved in resource allocation has three main points: First, requires "priority education zones" assigned to high-quality, appropriate teacher; Second is appropriate to increase the "priority education zones" to configure the number of teachers for disadvantaged and learning difficulties students in special counseling; third is to improve the "priority education zones" teachers income, government grants special allowance for teachers. In addition to the 1981 "priority education zones" policy, the French government has also reformed the training specifications compulsory education teachers in 1992, and the unity of the French schoolteachers wage. [3]

France, through the implementation of these policies to encourage the promotion of a considerable part of the excellent teachers to school "priority education zones" within the faculty, thus narrowing the gap between the level of basic education, the creation of favorable conditions for the French teachers and reform experience balanced allocation of resources.

2.4 Japan's "Teachers Rgularly Rotation"

Japan's "Teachers regularly Rotation"system was started in World War II, improvedin the early 1960s and lastedtill today. The world recognized quite perfect and mature. Japan's "State Civil Service Law,""Civil exception Education Law" and its amendment clearly states: Teachers are local civil servants, teachers belong to the scope of a regular flow of "personnel flow" of civil servants, public school teachers in basic education in the same school in a row work may not exceed six years. Public school teachers nationwide basis every six years on average flow time; most school principals generally 3-5 years for a school, a school principal from each office to retirement, generally more than twice the flow. [4]

In the "Japan high school teacher exchange program",there are several useful rules: (1) the exchange of teachers must have the conditions: must have more than five years of teaching experience, age between 25-45 years old, hold communication required by the school teacher qualification certificate; (2) the exchange of teachers exchange time from the personnel relationship from the home school to send school started, until after the teacher personnel should return to their home school; (3) a year for the provisions of conventional AC time, and can be adjusted according to the actual situation and the school; (4) to participate in the exchange of schools and teachers, to communicate in the same school and the same subject category; (5) during the communication exchange teachers wages according to send school income standards, norms, all teachers of the relevant rules and regulations shall comply with the sending school. [5]

Japanese "Regular Flow System" has been implemented for 60 years for basic education public school teachers. The countydomain teachers in a dynamic situation make excellent teachers have right to choose and no occupation crisis oppression; the junior teachers in the flow of both incentive, also get to do all one can to catch up the opportunity; the few unqualified and don't think improvement were eliminated from the teachers, thus enhancing the overall quality of teachers. "The teacher regular flow system" to promote the balanced development of the basic education, improve education quality, which is an irreplaceable role to realize the education fair.

3. Inspiration and reference

From the practice experience of the above four countries on optimizing the allocation of teacher resources at the stage of compulsory education, we can get the following considerations: first, the development of compulsory education must be fair and balanced. Due to the uneven development of education, a lot of negative factors have been caused in the developed countries, thereforehoping the world’s governments pay more attention; secondly,different countries will have different balanced teacher allocationsand measures to promote educational equity and the balanced development. It is not difficult to see thatthe implementation of balanced allocation of teachers is an important guarantee to realize the balanced development of education; thirdly, some countries, such as Japan and France, the law explicitly provides for compulsory education teacher identity for civil servants, the wages paid by the national unified financial, and by the National Education Department of teachers unified management and allocation; finally, through strict norms of the unified national teacher qualification system, the teacher in the region, the regional or nationwide mobile provides security.

By other's faults, wise men correct their own. In order to realize the balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education stage, the main way to some developed countries through this list, you can see the balanced allocation of teachers in each solution have the corresponding results. However, you can see the balanced allocation of teacher resources in programmed countries are different, the configuration scheme is according to the actual situation of the national education specified. Therefore, in view of our country compulsory education teacher resources allocation plans and measures should be based on consistent with China conditions, and there is a corresponding Chinese characteristics.

In practice, the author thinks that we can focus on reference of the experience of Japan, implementing the teacher regular rotation. There are three major reasons: firstly, the Japanese public schools for compulsory education teachers belong to the local civil servants; secondly, the management right of teachers in Japanese basic education are relatively concentrated in the administrative department of education; finally, China has possessed the condition of carrying out this system. China and Japan have a lot of similarities in teacher management, and the level of the education administrative department is relatively centralized management of teachers’ authority in primary and secondary schools, which are conducive to macroeconomic regulation and control. Building and unifying the teacher qualification system's implementation can create good conditions for the teacher rotation. Third, from the angle of administration, regularly scheduled faculty exchangecan better balance the social and local different subjects of interest. Not only can it reflect the fairness of society and education to the larger extent, acceptable to most people; and operational reforms needed to lower cost. If the reference flows of teacher management experience in Japan, such as the flow of teachers in a defined area, on the balanced development of China's regional inter schoolteachers, practical and feasible.


[1] Shaoqi Wu, Jiao Xu. Research on salary system for teachers modern education in primary and secondary schools in Korean, [J].2006 (4): 29-31

[2] Wuhua He. British "Education Action Zone" the Reformation Practice and Enlightenment of School Education and Science, [J]. 2006 (3): 78-81

[3] Rufeng Gao. French Compulsory Education Teacher Pay System [J]. Journal of Hebei Normal University: Social Science Edition, 1999 (3): 101-106

[4] Regular Flow System of Japanese Teacher [4] [N]. China education newspaper, 2007-04-09 (3)

[5] Fanqin Kong. The Flow Characteristics of Primary School Teachers of Primary School in Japan and Inspiration to the Management of China [J]. Modern Education Science: Primary School Principals, 2007:70

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