
时间:2022-09-17 03:25:20


“我们刚买下这里的时候,仅房子的外表没有什么变化,室内什么都没有,就是毛坯房。” 京郊大湖山庄一处独立房产的女主人E告诉本刊。但没多久,橘色、绿色、蓝色、红色、白色,这些简单的颜色都被填充到了室内,而填充的工作都是E一个人完成的。怎样才能在满足主人各种需求的同时,又不失其设计感?E向我们详细解说了如何将这些颜色用于自己的设计当中和其中的寓意。










“When we bought the place, it was simply four walls and a roof,”E told us. She is the hostess of the property located in Grand Hill. “We went through extensive construction and decoration, for nearly a year.” she adds. Today, the house is decorated in warm colors tones of orange, red, white, over a beautiful parquet flooring. E conceived the decoration by herself. She explained that her resolution was to satisfy functional needs while highlighting a sense of design.

The house is numbered 618, an auspicious combination in Cantonese. But this is not just luck. House 618 had been built by the developer for his own usage, and forms the “tail of the dragon” of Grand Hill. Additionally a Fengshui master designed a water fountain in front of the gate, to ensure happiness, health and prosperity.

E and her family used a many rich Chinese elements in their house. Several pairs of Chinese wood carvings have been embedded into white walls in the corridor. In other places, Chinese antique stones mark a wall. E said she found these antique pieces in various places, including the Panjiayuan antique market. There are even Chinese patterns on slippers!

The study is to the right of the front door. You wouldn’t have noticed it if the host didn’t alert you. The door to the study is embedded seamlessly into the wall of the corridor, and when you push it lightly, double doors open into the large and comfortable study. E designed the study here for privacy, and efficiency. If her husband has a business visitor, the visitor can walk straight into the study, without interfering with family life.

There are three floors to the house with each a different color theme. A soft, pleasing to the eyes, orange color dominates the decoration on the ground floor: a set of comfortable sofas on one side, the walls in the study, the armchairs in the library, chairs in the dining room, curtain and walls, and even one of the walls in the breakfast room and kitchen are all made of a rich and warm golden orange color. E feels that orange has a peaceful effect on people. She has lived in different places, and each time, she designs the interior and expresses with colors the culture of the country. For instance the family has a house in the Alps, and then pure white has been used to echo the snow covering the Alps. E knows Chinese traditions and admires the Chinese red. “But red in decoration could be too strong, and that’s why I settled on orange, giving the house a lot of warmth. Orange is close to gold, and gold has great connotations in Chinese tradition a touch of prosperity.”

We walked from the basement to the spiral staircase at the top, surrounded by towering bamboos, another Chinese symbol. To match the natural green of the bamboo, E chose green for the basement. The two guest rooms downstairs have each an indoor terrace and bamboos have been planted along the wall. The sun nourishes the bamboos. The rooms are bright and fresh because of the terrace and bamboos. E decorated the rooms with stone carvings, also from the antique market. There is also a massage and spa room. E wanted to give herself and her family some “time of indulgence”. She told us this was the only house they owned presently that had a spa. There are not so many opportunities for relaxing. Just grab it when it comes. There is also an entertainment room for kids and a very comfortable family cinema on the lower floor. E said this floor is always very enjoyable for her family.

The second floor accommodates the master bedroom, bedrooms for two kids and a small gym. The master room has too large bathrooms and dressing rooms for the host and hostess. The children have their own private bathrooms. E’s decoration emphasizes very much on privacy. Blue is the color for the children’s floor, a favorite for the kids.

Apart from colors, E pays great attention to layout inside each room. This is especially true on the first floor. There is a Western and a Chinese dining room, separated by a door. Another door separates the Western dining room and the drawing room, the library and dining rooms, and the drawing room. When all the doors are closed, every room is an undisturbed space. And when all the doors open, a large open space becomes a wonderful place for parties. That’s why E wanted a unity of color per floor, to avoid contrasting feeling.

E is also very particular about furniture, which have been shipped from England and France. She trusts British quality and likes the durability of chairs and sofa after many years of usage without repair. She uses curtains from France, as only in Paris was she able to find this light silk floating golden orange material.

E is the interior designer of her house. But all these would probably not have been possible without the assistance of her husband. “I have no clue about dimensions and volumes,” she said candidly. The best color mix cannot compensate for wrong volumes. E said her husband imagined the volumes in advance, and what she needed to do was to fill in the details. They are a formidable pair. And what was the kids’ contribution? “They had the right to choose the color of their rooms and beds,” E responds humorously. But the children have grown up and the couple now lives mostly in Switzerland. Their houses quietly remember all the happy tales.

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