Discuss the Changes and Development Trend of Adult Education in China

时间:2022-09-16 09:55:57

【摘要】成人教育转型的必然性,成人高等教育的发展属性将由政府主导型转向市场,然而其发展依据将由主导型将由 “资源约束”转向“需求约束”;成人高等教育机构的职能将由管理转向服务,其办学形式将由以学历教育为重点转向以非学历教育为重点。但是目前由学科化转向模块化的课程设置让大多数人能够很好的接受,吸收,也同时秉承了由“以教师为中心”转向“以学生为中心”的办学理念,学生也慢慢适应了由传统教学模式转向现代化的形式。

【关键词】管理转向服务“资源约束”“需求约束”非学历教育为重点 学科化转向模块化

Adult education is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and sustained learning activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values.It can mean any form of learning adults engage in beyond traditional schooling, encompassing basic literacy to personal fulfillment as a lifelong learner.In particular,education reflects a specific philosophy about learning and teaching based on the assumption that adults can and want to learn, that they are able and willing to take responsibility for that learning, and that the learning itself should respond to their needs.Driven by what one needs or wants to learn, the available opportunities, and the manner in which one learns,learning is affected by demographics, globalization and technology.Adult education is important part of China’s education, moreovereducation helps improve the education level for the whole nation, has an important role for the social development.Nowadays more and more new business model comes up and the Scientific and technological development causes must keep learning to catch the growing.

The current status ofeducation in China

1.Teachers plays a major role in Education, also is a most important part of the whole education system.Along with Expand the scale ofeducation short supply of qualified full-time teacher become more obvious.Sometimes education institutions have to hire Retired teacher or part-time teacher, mosteducators come from other professions and are not well trained to deal withlearning issues.Most of the positions available in this field are only part-time that might last for only a couple of years.So that might reduce the overall quality of the teachers and the teaching progress.

2.Concepts of education outmoded.Currently there are a variety of problems; some schools only emphasized the expansion of the scale and the number of student increases, but ignoring numbers of teacher and school facility.This will result in poor education quality.

3.Educating adults differs from Traditional education in several ways given that adults have accumulated knowledge and work experience which can add to the learning experience.For traditional education most of students are graduated from high school, all got same education background and same aim.But mosteducation is voluntary, therefore, the participants are generally self-motivated.Adults frequently apply their knowledge in a practical fashion to learn effectively.They must have a reasonable expectation that the knowledge they gain will help them further their goals.

4.Different objective circumstances ineducation.College or university student the only task is study.The purpose ofeducation in the form of college or university is distinct.In these institutions, the aim is typically related to personal growth and development as well as occupation and career preparedness.Most ofstudent have to work and study at same time, and contradictions between family and study is also very prominent.For objective reasonsstudent might not study on time or for work reasons must go for business trip and have to stop study for a period.All of these makes more difficult forlearner to keep study,student need to overcome the difficulties.

Development and changes ofeducation

Education plays most important role in a country’s development.The development of science and technology are depends on education.Another goal might be to not only sustain the democratic society, but to even challenge and improve its social structure.

1.strengthen staff education and the development of community education to built and improves a wide coverage of multi-level education and training network will helps people to get needs of educational services.Also helps to built a good foundation for learning society.

2.On-the-job training and continuous education have effectively improved the skills of workers.According to relevant statistics, an average of more than 30 million workers receive various forms of on-the-job training each year; several million specialist technical personnel receive continuous education each year; and several million serving officials are trained each year.By offering effective training activities,education has remarkably improved the overall skills of those in work and has played an important role in the socialist modernization drive.

3.Tertiary education institutions for adults have produced specialist personnel

Adult higher education has emerged to satisfy the practical needs of the development of the socialist economy, science and technology and the modernization drive.With those in work as the target,higher education is aimed at training qualified talent for the front line of production and management.In addition, there were also other evening universities and correspondence colleges sponsored by regular institutions of higher learning.

Adult colleges and universities have not only offered opportunities for all citizens to receive higher education, but also satisfied the learning needs of those in work.At the same time, a large number of specialist personnel in short supply have been produced.So far,education has become an important means for the development and popularization of higher education in China.

It should be specially stressed here that the establishment of the national examination system for self-learners in higher education is a new type of higher education which integrates self-learning, social sponsorship and national examinations.This type of education has broken the limitations of time, space, norms and content oneducation and created ideal conditions for lifelong learning.

4.Preliminary achievements have been made in the experiment of constructing a lifelong education system and building a learning-based society

In order to construct the lifelong education system it is necessary to build a learning-based society.With the Chinese government’s encouragement and support, the local educational authorities at different levels have made great efforts to develop community education and have included the development of community education in the government’s key agenda for the purpose of promoting educational reform, building up the lifelong education system and forming a learn- ing-based society.At present, there are in China 28 pilot zones of community education, involving 17 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and 5 specially planned cities identified by the Ministry of Education.What is more, the pilot zones of community education are now expanding to the townships of the developed regions.It is certain that the development of community education will accelerate the pace of the construction of the lifelong education system and a learning-based society in China.

5.The study ofeducation serves as the forerunner ofeducation development

Along with the rapid progress ofeducation, the study ofeducation has also extensively expanded.As a result, there has developed a strong contingent of full-time and part-time researchers from the administrative sectors ofeducation, research institutions,education institutions and academic organizations ofeducation.In addition, there are dozens of magazines and newspapers oneducation, with “Adult Education in China” as the leading magazine.In the national plans for educational research projects from the seventh Five-Year Plan to the tenth Five-year Plan, quite a number of research projects oneducation have been included as national key projects, including such projects as “A Study of the Methods of Post-Upper Secondary Education” and “A Study of the On-the-job Training System in China” by Prof.Dong Mingchuan, “On the Development of China’s Adult Education toward the 21st Century” by Prof.Huang Yaoxian, and “A Study of Literacy Education in China” jointly by Prof.Yu Bo and Prof.Xie Guodong.The increase in research achievements and the improvement in the research level have energetically promoted the progress ofeducation in China.


Although great achievements have been made in the development ofeducation in China, there still exists a giant gap between the development ofeducation and the needs of individual citizens’ learning activities and the socialist modernization drive.Today, along with the profound changes in various fields of social life in the new century, the development ofeducation is confronted with both opportunities and challenges.

In a learning-based society in the 21st century, one must be able to learn before being able to be.However, many people today are still shackled by the traditional idea of just-for-once education and they are lacking in the concept and action of lifelong learning.

In the 21st century, all citizens in various social sectors are required to bring into full play their creativity and ability and take an active part in social progress.But, society today cannot provide citizens with enough opportunity to receiveeducation.

Although the 21st century is an age in which knowledge dominates development, the present shortage and unbalanced distribution of educational resources threaten a widening gap between urban areas and rural areas, between the eastern regions and western regions, and between rich people and poor people.

Globalization and technical innovations in the 21st century are increasingly influencing individuals’ lives and social activities, and citizens’ career changes are becoming closely connected withlearning.In this sense, the content ofeducation must be expanded to the whole life of all citizens and linked up with the renewal and improvement of citizens’ vocational skills and ideas.

As far aseducation is concerned, the lack of due emphasis by the whole of society oneducation, of an efficient management system and operation mechanism, of the integration ofeducation with economic and social progress, of enough financial investment ineducation and of new teaching content and methods will restrict the full play ofeducation’s role in the construction of a learning-based society.

We have obtained inspiring achievements in the development ofeducation, and the challenges are also opportunities.Therefore, we must make bolder efforts to realize the important role ofeducation in the establishment of the lifelong education system and a learning-based society and in the promotion of citizens’ all-round development.

作者简介:李小桥( 1980―),女,湖南长沙人,湖南交通职业技术学院,研究实习员,本科,研究方向:成人教育。

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