
时间:2022-09-16 08:40:49


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来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》 杂志社 初中部 收

石继忠 男,中学高级教师,济宁市骨干教师,市级教学能手。工作中,立足实际,认真搞好教学,创造性地开展了学校的教育教学、教改科研工作。在教育这片田园里勤奋耕耘,积极探索。不断改进教学手段,吸收先进的教育理念,在多年的英语教学工作中,积累了丰富的教学经验,形成了自己独特的教学方法。从教以来一直担任初中毕业班的教学工作,在历年的中考中,所执教的班级都取得了优异的成绩,受到学校和社会各界的一致好评。先后在省级、部级报刊一百多篇,现担任《英语周报》、《英语辅导报》、《学生英语报》、《英语画刊》、《英语园地》等多家报刊的特约编辑。


Summer is like a lovely baby. It is very hot but not so quiet. Summer, unlike spring, is a very hot season. In summer, the sun is shining brightly in the sky, and the trees and crops are growwing① fast. It is a lovely season.

In summer, people wear cool cloth②. Children can go boating and play many kinds of games. People who like swimming should love such a hot season because they can go swimming as much as possible.

People in summer usually look young and healthy. They can do as many sports as they can happily and freely. That maybe③ the only reason why people love summer.

I love summer because it is full with④ life and hope.

山东省梁山县洋营中学七年级 于海洋

1. 优点:

短文把夏天的热烈、轻松、健康以及人们对夏季的热爱烘托出来。文章显得简洁而有力、描写轻松而不乏诙谐、细腻而不乏精美。开头的第一、第二句话“Summer is like a lovely baby. It is very hot but not so quiet.”用了拟人化的手法,使短文声情并茂、惟妙惟肖;短文结尾的“I love summer because it is full with life and hope.”简洁有力,写出了自己对夏天的喜爱。

2. 需要修改的地方:

① growwing去掉一个w。grow的现在分词不能双写w。

② cloth加上es。cloth意为“布料”,clothes意为“衣服”。

③ maybe改为may be。maybe是副词,may be是动词短语。

④ with改为of。be full of是固定搭配,意为“充满……”。

3. 评分:


上一篇:小学六年级数学复习方法探究 下一篇:以读导说,依说理解,促进学生思维发展