Commemorating 32nd Anniversary ofIssuance of the Shanghai Communiqué

时间:2022-09-16 10:36:07

On February 27, 2004 the CPAFFC held a meeting in Beijing in commemoration of the 32nd anniversary of the issuance of the Shanghai Communiqué. State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui, United States Ambassador to China Clark T. Randt, Jr., CPAFFC President Chen Haosu, CPAFFC Vice President Li Xiaolin, former Chinese ambassadors to the United States Chai Zemin, Zhu Qizhen and Li Daoyu, and Vice President Tang Wensheng of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, among others, attended the meeting.

State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan gave an important speech entitled Endeavour towards Stable and Growing China-US Relations at the meeting. In his speech he said, the Shanghai Communiqué put an end to twenty-three years of mutual estrangement that had existed between China and the United States and opened the door for their renewed exchanges. It embodied the extraordinary vision and political courage on the part of the leaders of the two countries, and produced a profound impact on bilateral ties and the world situation as a whole. Tang pointed out, the Shanghai Communiqué laid down some basic guiding principles for the conduct of China-US relations. These are: all countries, no matter what social systems they may have, should conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of others, non-aggression of others, non-interference in others’ internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. The United States acknowledged that there was but one China and Taiwan was a part of China. These principles were subsequently reaffirmed and expanded in the Communiqué on the Establishment of China-US diplomatic Relations and the August 17th Communiqué. The three communiqués together formed the political basis of China-US relations, and provided a programmatic guideline for the development of China-US relations. The very core of the three joint communiqués is the one-China principle. The Taiwan question was and remains the most important and most sensitive issue at the heart of China-US relations. A proper handling of this question has always been the key to a stable and growing relationship between China and the United States.

Tang pointed out, the resolution of the Taiwan question and the realization of the ultimate reunification of China are China’s internal affairs, which bear on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the national sentiments of the Chinese people. It is also where the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation lie. “Peaceful reunification and one country, two systems” is our basic policy for the resolution of the Taiwan question. The Chinese government and people have made unremitting efforts over the long years to resolve the question. However, the separatist forces in Taiwan have turned their back on the fundamental interests of the Taiwan people and the common well-being of the people across the Taiwan Straits by constantly pushing for Taiwan independence, erecting one barrier after another to cross-Straits relations and creating endless troubles to peace in the Taiwan Straits. In recent years, the leader of the Taiwan authorities abandoned the one-China principle, advocated the separatist slogans such as “one country on each side” and aggressively pursued “incremental Taiwan independence”, even to the point of setting a timetable towards independence through referendum and “constitution-making”. Facts have proved that the referendum which the leader of the Taiwan authorities launched unilaterally has got nothing to do with democracy in Taiwan’s society. Neither will it serve peace in Taiwan. It can only aggravate the divisiveness and turbulence in Taiwan and lead to tensions across the Straits. Such a provocative action is bound to meet widespread opposition from the people across the Straits and the international community at large.

Tang Jiaxuan noted, attempts at Taiwan independence pose the biggest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits right now. China and the US have important common interests in opposing Taiwan independence and maintaining peace in the Taiwan Straits. We have noted the position recently expressed on many occasions by US leaders and the US Government on the Taiwan question. Namely, the US opposes any referendum that might change Taiwan’s status or lead to “Taiwan independence”, opposes any comments and actions made by the leader of the Taiwan authorities indicating that he may be willing to make decisions unilaterally to change the status quo of Taiwan, and will not support either of the referenda in Taiwan’s “March 20 referendum”. We give positive assessment on the US position and hope that the United States will stick to the one-China policy, abide by the principles of the three joint communiqués, oppose Taiwan independence and uphold its stated position on the issue of Taiwan’s referendum so as to preserve the common interests of China and the United States and maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

In his speech, Tang Jiaxuan also recalled the development of Sino-US relations in the past 32 years since the issuance of the Shanghai Communiqué. He said, over the past 32 years, China-US relations have moved forward despite many twists and turns and delivered tangible benefits to the two peoples thanks to the concerted efforts by the leaders and people of the two countries. Thirty-two years ago, bilateral exchanges between China and the United States were almost non- existent. China-US cooperation was at its infancy. Two-way trade was next to nothing. Personnel exchanges between the two countries were few and far between. Today, leaders and officials of various levels interact frequently and stay in close contact on major issues bearing on the well-being of the two peoples and that of the whole world. Cooperation agreements concluded by the two governments total more than thirty. The two countries are each other’s major trading partners. In 2003 the China-US trade stood at US$ 126.3 billion. Over one million travels are made by citizens of the two countries every year. Thirty-five pairs of friendship provinces and states and 114 pairs of sister cities of the two countries have been twinned. In the 21st century ChinaUS relations are faced with new opportunities and challenges. Tang expressed his belief that as long as China and the United States set themselves to view and handle their relations from a long-term strategic perspective, adhere to the principles of the three joint communiqués, work hard to expand their common interests and properly handle their differences, especially the Taiwan question, China-US relations will move ahead along the track of a constructive and cooperative partnership.

In his speech, Clark T. Randt, Jr., US ambassador to China, said, the Shanghai Communiqué which opened the door for US-China exchanges remains as one of the cornerstones of US-China relations and a vital document and necessary compass in bilateral relations. The Communiqué provides for resolving differences through the exchanges of views on issues of common interest. Such frequent high-level exchanges have laid the foundation for the candid, cooperative and constructive bilateral relations. He sincerely hoped that the impressive progress in US-China relations over the past 32 years is a harbinger of even more progress in the decades ahead.

In his speech at the meeting, CPAFFC President Chen Haosu said, the issuance of the Shanghai Communiqué, which put an end to an over 20-year history of mutual confrontation and estrangement that had existed between the two countries and opened a new chapter of exchanges and cooperation, is an important event of historic significance not only in the history of China-US relations but also in the history of contemporary international relations.

Chen specially pointed out, the CPAFFC, as the largest nongovernmental diplomatic organization with the longest history in China, has witnessed the development of Sino-US relations amid twists and turns, and made unremitting efforts for the healthy development of bilateral relations and enhancing friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples. He said, this year marks the 25 anniversary of the establishment of China-US diplomatic relations. The CPAFFC will carry out a series of commemorative activities to build a more harmonious and friendly atmosphere for China-US relations.

More than 100 relevant personages from the Chinese National People’s Congress, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the Foreign Ministry, the Department of International Relations of the CPC Central Committee, the Cultural Ministry, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the All-China Women’s Federation, the CPAFFC and the media in Beijing attended the commemorative meeting.

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