
时间:2022-09-15 08:40:23


stricken dolphin asks diver for help


keller laros, a professional diving instructor, was leading a group of divers for a dive experience when suddenly they heard a dolphin cry and the dolphin swam in their direction. laros soon noticed that the dolphin was entangled (缠住) in fishing line and a hook was lodged in its pectoral fin (胸鳍). "the way he came right up and pushed himself into me there was no question this dolphin was there for help," said laros. "the line wrapped around his pectoral fin was so tight and he had cuts both front and aft (尾部). i was worried if i tugged (拉拽) on it, it might hurt him more." however, the dolphin patiently and calmly allowed him to work to remove the fishing line.

海豚懂得找人求助的智慧让人不禁赞叹,不过它们对人类的信任更令人佩服和深省。 [论文网]

ear battery becoming possible


deep within the ear of all mammals is a spiral-shaped structure called a cochlea (耳蜗). it contains two chambers, each filled with a different liquid. one fluid contains dissolved minerals, while the other has a higher proportion of potassium (钾). a thin membrane (隔膜) separates the two chambers and cells in it continually pump potassium from one chamber into the other. the difference in potassium concentrations (浓度) between the chambers creates a small voltage (电压) difference between them. so it's like a battery that never loses its charge, explained anantha, an electrical engineer at the mit. his experiment shows fluids in the inner ear can actually power an electronic device. but it is far less powerful than those used to run watches or calculators.


heroes for reading


disney xd and marvel comics have launched a new children's literacy campaign at the burbank library in california. the campaign is called marvel comics close-up (特写). the goal is to use comic books to encourage kids to read. disney and marvel donated 210,000 books to libraries and schools across the united states. many stars from disney xd read spider-man comic books to 70 kids from boys & girls clubs in southern california. david levine, the vice president of disney xd worldwide, says great stories and great characters, like spider-man and the avengers, are key to making reading fun.


上一篇:跟Superheroes学英语,做英雄 下一篇:新生代的新式剽窃:拷贝粘贴也是抄袭