大开眼界 第10期

时间:2022-09-15 06:12:00

The rest of my semester was fantabulous poking around with Dr. Bob. He led us off campus, into market- place or neighborhood. We observed the changes of the city planning of Cedar Rapids, thus learning the vicissitude of Cedar Rapids―of its landscape, its economics; of its society, its local culture; and of its people’s life. To my surprise, the conclusion of this sort of field research reflected almost a miniature of modern American culture that I found I learned more than my textbooks had covered. After class, I buried myself in the library, collecting my thoughts and polishing my skills for the next day’s discovery. I came to know the complexity of the inter-relations between nature and culture, culture and culture; I came to understand the crucial role their balance played in our life; I also came to an awareness how paradoxical we are to rip ourselves from our Mother Nature, to destroy her for selfish fears and to beg her for mercy because she still keeps our soul... I started to join my friends and discuss philosophy, which I had never dreamt of before. On the other hand, timely book-reports reduced my flowery writing to clean, clear words. I became more used to an adroit style―It was almost an unconscious improvement, both in reading and writing. I felt as if my brain had become a sponge, soaking up new stuff so fast that I could not help it. I was addicted to Bob’s class!

Since then every bit of my life seemed so genial to me. I fell in love with poking around. Even a dead redbud would draw my attention and delight my eye. A small hardback notebook recorded how I enjoyed observing and perceiving. A considerable handful of wizen leaves were my footprints. The beauty of details bewitched me and proved to me a writer, a language learner can also has access to a world exclusive to people like Charles Darwin though the angles from which we see this world are quite different.

Can you imagine it? A wrongly-taken class proves to be a lovely mistake. Thank goodness! I didn’t drop it in the first week.

Eyes-Wide-Open Spot 3

Coe College was founded in 1851. In the 21 Century, it still maintains its old look. New buildings were painstakingly modified or darkened so the colors of the campus are perfectly tuned to each other. Even the construction style of college campus reflects the next high spot of American education―teamwork.

The Coe faculty unites with student clubs, knowingly organizes weekend-barbecues, football matches or off-campus activities like community service, boating, and fall-break trip to build students’ sense of solidarity.

Chicago trip was one of my best memories at Coe. It was a particular honor Coe provided for international students.

We had actually packed for several days before we set off, for International Club had informed us a week earlier. It was 9 hours’ drive from Cedar Rapids to Chicago. We almost collapsed when we were told to get off the bus with our baggage. Coe had already reserved a motel for us―for free! Hehe~And the living condition was not bad at all. We were only reminded once we were Coe students (which means we stood for Coe College;and for sure, my companions and I self-warned our representing Wuhan University and China also) before the group went loose. We were responsible for ourselves for the next 3 days, besides, we were free.

We had Coe IDs with us. This little card warned us who we were all the time so we would not lose hold of ourselves in this grotesque city. Apart from self-conscience, our advisors gave no restriction on us. We were like released birds, following respective interest and winging for the woods we liked. Some Japanese girls went straight to the Chicago plaza, where Old Navy and Macy’s were their paradise. Korean girls headed for Lake Michigan, whose blue brought them back to their hometown. My friends and I visited the Chicago Art Institute first because we could not wait to devour the marvels we had been able to see in our history textbook only. Everyone dreamed a sweet dream that night. Someone laughed in her dream.

It’s reputed afterwards that Coe College has kept this Chicago-trip-tradition for years. Its purpose is to broaden Coe students’ horizons and to strengthen their will. Unruly as some freshmen are, no one has ever let Coe down in that tempting city.

Sometimes self-discipline is better than a thousand rules.

So I have said, Coe College has given too much to me―too much surprise, too much happiness and too many touching memories―like seashells I got on the shore, too beautiful and too lustrous for me to leave out even a snippet. I had been biased against American students, thinking they were lazy and stuck-up; I had been horrified by American professors, thinking they were extremely arrogant and hard to approach. My trip to America changed my views. Americans are just like us―no more mystical, no less approachable. What we need is more initiative to interact, to learn from each other’s strong points and offset each other’s weakness. What we need is a heart to progress two abreast.

The past is gone and static. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings us new frontiers if only we recognize them. We can never get them by working for them directly. They come, like pleasant amazement, to those who are poking around with consciousness and always ready to notice. Life lies not in aiming something higher, but under our feet.

Open your eyes― we’re just beginning.

之后的日子可是棒极了。我们跟着Bob教授四处“淘宝”。他带领我们走街串巷,教我们观察Cedar Rapids的城市规划是如何变迁的。通过对Cedar Rapids人文景观、历史风俗和经济生活的考察分析,整座城市的兴衰荣辱尽收眼底。最令我意想不到的是,“淘宝”得出的结论几乎是现代美国文化的一个缩影,有些甚至是我读过的相关书本里所未曾提及的。课后,我便一头钻进图书馆,潜心静思,并为第二天的“大发现”做准备。我渐渐懂得了文明与自然、文明与文明之间千思万缕的联系有多么复杂,协调它们以求达到一种和谐对我们的生存有多么重要,以及实践中的我们有多么愚昧――以至于为了自己的利益千方百计糟践大自然;另一方面又不得不为母子间割舍不断的血脉相连而苦苦挣扎,甚至付出惨重的代价。我开始主动加入哲学讨论,这在我来到这里之前还只是一个梦。除此之外,恰到好处的课外读书笔记帮助我顺利走出写作时爱堆砌辞藻的误区,使我逐渐对清新简练的文风情有独钟。这些提高与变化几乎是潜移默化地进行着,阅读、写作一箭双雕。我的脑子仿佛变成了一块海绵,汲取新事物之快达到了疯狂的地步。我迷上了Bob教授的这门课!







由于国际学生俱乐部提前一周就通知了我们,我们有着充裕的时间打点行李。从Cedar Rapids 到Chicago 有9个小时的车程。等到校车司机唤我们下车时,每个人都快散架了。还好,寇伊学院已经为我们免费预订了旅馆――条件还挺不错的。住所总算是有着落了。自由活动开始前,我们只被提醒了一次我们是寇伊的学生(暗示我们的一言一行都代表着寇伊学院――当然了,我和我的同伴们还不能忘记我们还代表着武汉大学和中国)。接下来的三天我们将成为无拘无束的“自由人”,但有一点――我们得为自己负责。

我们每一个人身上都携带着寇伊学院学生证。这张薄薄的磁卡无时无刻不在提醒着我们不要迷失在这座光怪陆离的城市里。除了个人意志的约束,带队老师对我们的活动不加任何限制。我们就像放飞的鸟儿,奔向各自心仪的树林。一群日本女生直奔芝加哥商业中心,在那里,Old Navy和Macy’s等品牌店是她们梦寐已久的天堂;韩国女孩子们漫步到了密歇根湖畔,久违的湛蓝将她们送回了祖国母亲的怀抱;我和朋友们决定先去参观举世闻名的芝加哥艺术中心,因为那里的瑰宝珍奇将把我们带入历史长河的无止玄妙。当晚每一个人都睡得很香。睡梦中有谁在尽情欢笑。






上一篇:心灵日记 第10期 下一篇:癌症疫苗 第10期