
时间:2022-09-14 12:55:51


【教学内容】Mike’s report:Seasons in Canada


Step 1:Greetings

T:Good morning,boys and girls.

Ss:Good morning,Miss Gong.

T:Am I a woman?

Ss:No,you aren’t. Oh,good morning,Mr Gong.

(学生平时称呼女教师用“Miss”,因此也习惯性地称呼笔者“Miss Gong”。于是,笔者笑着问学生:Am I a woman?学生们会心一笑,恍然大悟,齐声改口说“Mr Gong”。)

Step 2:Pretext teaching

T:It’s a little bit hot today. What’s the weather like in Haimen today?

S1:It’s sunny.

T:Yes, it’s sunny.

S2:It’s fine.

T:Sure, it’s fine.


Step 3:Pre-reading

T:Today we’ll talk about“Seasons in Canada”. First,read the questions.

Ss:All right.

T:Now,please read the passage and answer the questions.(出示PPT)


T:Whose report is it?You,please.

S1:It’s Mike’s report.

T:Good. What’s the report about?

S2:About the seasons in Canada.

T:Where is Canada?Who knows?


T:Oh,no one knows. No one can answer the question. Now here’s a map of the world. Look at the map.(通过PPT课件,出示课前准备好的一幅世界地图。笔者指着地图中的“中国”的位置。)

T:Look. This is...(故意停顿)


T:Yes. China is a country. Look,this is Japan. Japan is a country. And this is Russia. Russia is a big country.And this is the USA. The USA is a big country,too. Well,look. This is the UK. The UK is a country, but it’s not so big. It’s a small country. OK. What does“country” mean in Chinese?


T:Yes. Country means“国家”in Chinese.

T:Canada is a country. Look,it’s near the USA. It has coasts on three oceans. Look,this is the Atlantic. This is the Pacific...


Step 4:While-reading

T:Now please read the passage again and answer the following questions.(出示PPT)

T:Now who can answer Question One?OK,the girl,please.

S1:It’s usually very hot.

T:Yes. Is it often rainy in spring in Canada?

S2:Yes,it is.

S3:Yes,it often rains in spring.(这里,笔者为避免话语结构的机械重复,改用行为动词一般现在时态来表达。)

T:Then,what can Mike do in autumn in Canada?

S4:He can pick apples.

S5:He love to watch the leaves fall.

T:You mean he...(这里,笔者没有直接指出学生话语表达中的语法错误。)

S5:He loves to watch the leaves fall.

T:Yes,he loves to watch the leaves fall. The leaves fall in autumn,so people call autumn“fall”. Right?


T:Where is Mike now?

S7:Mike is in Canada.

T:In Canada?Do you all think so?


T:OK. Now, please read the passage again.(学生再读课文。)

T:Where is Mike now?

Ss:Mike is in Beijing.

T:Yes. You’re clever. Pay attention to the sentence.“Sometimes it snows here in Beijing,too.” The word “here” means“in Beijing”. In Canada,is it really very hot in summer?

S8:Yes,I think so.

T:Oh,no. In fact, in Canada, summer is usually comfortable,with the city temperatures ranging from 20°C to 27°C. For a few days(almost always in August)it can get pretty hot,reaching up to 32°C with no breeze.(笔者边说边板书具体的气温。)

(以上有些问题在语篇中是没有直接答案可找的,需要认真研读文本和仔细思考后才能回答。如:问题5,只有找到语篇中的关键句子“It usually snows in winter in Canada.Sometimes it snows here in Beijing,too.”并理解关键词“here”在这里的指代才能作答。这里,问题的提出和练习的设计既源于教材,又高于教材,具有一定的深度,有助于提高学生语篇阅读的技巧和通过语篇阅读来获取信息、整理信息、加工信息及运用信息的能力。)

Step 5:Post-reading

A. Read the text again,and fill in the blanks with the right words,one word for each blank. The first letter of each word is given.


B. Discussion



T:All right. Who can make a report?This boy,please.

T:You discussed Question...?

S1:Question Three.

S2:Question Three.

T:OK. You’re interested in Question Three. Which season do you like best in Haimen?And why?

S1:I like summer,because I can eat ice cream.

T:I like eating ice cream,too. But when I was as young as you are, I mean when I was a small boy, I liked ice cream very much, but I had no money.So you’re a lucky boy.(有机呈现“...,but ...”和“When ...,...”复式句式结构。)


S2:I like autumn,because I can pick apples and oranges in autumn.

T:Where can you pick apples or oranges?

S2:In the farm.

T:Oh,I see.You mean “on the farm”,right?


T:Is there a farm in Haimen?(当第二个学生回答可以在秋天去农场采摘苹果或橘子时,笔者马上又问她“Is there a farm in Haimen?”并指正。)


T:So you can’t pick apples or oranges on the farm.Maybe you have to buy some apples or oranges.Please don’t cheat me.


Step 6:Homework

Surf the Internet and try to find out:

1. Why apples are delicious in autumn?

2. What’s the average temperature(平均气温) in spring,summer,autumn and winter in Canada?



上一篇:设问引路,让学生在美术鉴赏活动中渐入佳境 下一篇:教学理念与教学行为的高度统一