
时间:2022-09-13 11:25:53



>> 智慧旅游背景下智能手机APP的旅游应用研究 智慧旅游背景下App在定制旅游中的应用研究 “智慧旅游”背景下的京郊旅游发展研究 智慧旅游背景下旅游企业的发展策略研究 分析智慧旅游背景下南昌旅游发展研究 智慧旅游背景下旅游APP大学生用户行为调查 环境友好型智慧旅游APP发展研究 鞍山市智慧旅游背景下智慧营销策略研究 智慧旅游背景下长春市旅游业发展研究 智慧旅游背景下的旅游体验提升研究 浅析智慧旅游背景下博物馆营销策略 智慧城市背景下吉林省延边州体育旅游发展策略研究 “互联网+”背景下徐州智慧乡村旅游发展研究 全域旅游背景下浙江苍南旅游发展研究 新媒体背景下金华乡村旅游营销策略研究 金融危机背景下政府旅游营销研究 智慧旅游背景下本溪旅游资源开发现状及问题研究 智慧旅游背景下城市旅游公共信息服务系统构建研究 智慧旅游背景下长沙市公共旅游信息服务体系构建研究 智慧旅游背景下旅游公共信息服务的建设 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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Research of Tourism APP Marketing Development under the Background of Wisdom Tourism

TANG Jing; ZHOU Bingqin

( Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073,China)

Abstract: With the development of internet technology and the progress of the society, wisdom planet, wisdom city, derived from the concept of wisdom tourism obviously has aroused extensive attention of scholars. The change of internet technology under Web2.0 era, accelerates the development of the tourism APP marketing. Based on the current development of Wisdom tourism, this paper argues that the wisdom tourism and travel APP marketing development can promote each other, that is to say, the development of travel APP marketing accelerates the realize of wisdom tourism, in turn, the development of wisdom tourism can also promote upgrading of travel APP marketing. This article starts from the advantages of tourist APP marketing and then deeply discusses the relationship between wisdom tourism and tourism APP marketing development. Finally, the paper combined with current user's demand, improves some strategies about tourism APP marketing, in order to better develop tourism APP marketing's positive role.

Keywords: Wisdom Travel; Tourism APP; Tourism Marketing

上一篇:浅谈小学班主任对学生进行道德教育的方法 下一篇:贫困少数民族地区女童教育行动研究