
时间:2022-09-12 09:52:21




[中图分类号]K892 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005-3115(2011)02-0058-02




二、 对开门节和关门节民族文化的理解






四、 对关门节和开门节节日的翻译



The Close-Door Festival,also called “Haowasha” in Dai language,is one of the traditional festivals for the Dai ethnic nationality. It takes place on September 15th of the Dai calendar (the second ten days in June of lunar year). The festival is originated from the nestle habit in the raining season in ancient Indian Buddhism similar to “summer rest” in China Buddhism. The festival may last for three months starting from the Close-Door Festival to the Open-Door Festival. It is the nestling fast period for the Hinayana Buddhism. During this period, the Buddhist monks are not allowed to go outing cruise but remain at the temples residing,studying and receiving fostering. Since many Dai ethnic minority people believe Buddhism,the civil followers also often go to the Buddhist temples to receive a silent sitting-in,visit the Buddha and listen to the teaching of the Buddhist lords. Every the other week they may respect the Buddha with food,fresh flowers,candles,silver papers or some paper money. Starting from the Close-Door Festival, the Dai families may close their “doors” from doing any love affairs and marriages but dedicate in their labor work, prepare to use all their strength and industrious sweat for a bumper harvest for the main farm crops of the whole year.



During the three-month-festival period,one of the very important activities is for people to go to the Buddhist temple listening to the honored monk masters teaching the Buddhist scripture. The content of the renowned monk master’s talk never lacks of the Buddha stories in order to courage the myriad living beings to become Buddha with their resolutions. Furthermore, during the three-month-festival period, people are not allowed to hold any wedding ceremony, neither constructing a building of a new house nor traveling outside, but concentrating in their production, going to the Buddhist temple to worship and donating the Buddha faithfully. The elders who devoted in believing in Buddhism should quit fast, wear their white clothes,and wrap plain white turbans. Some of them may also go to the temple for accommodation. The Buddha-worshipping activities are held once every seven days. By the time the believers sacrifice some food and wax to worship the ancestry Buddha,and listen to the senior monks chanting Buddhist scripture and explaining the religious doctrines and the stories of the Buddhist scripture. Still an important activity called “donation” (dedication of classics) is also held. When the three-month-period of the Closed-Door Festival goes to the end on December 15th of Dai calendar,the Open-Door activities are celebrated accordingly. Just like what they celebrated in the Closed-Door Festival,the believers take paper flowers,candles,sacrificed food and paper money to the Buddhist temples for holding the solemn and impressive activities of donation and chanting Buddhist scripture.

开门节傣语叫“奥瓦萨”,是傣族等民族的传统节日,时间在傣历十二月十五日(约在农历九月中)。 开门节象征着三个月以来的雨季已经结束,表示解除关门节以来男女间的婚忌,即日起,男女青年可以开始自由恋爱或举行婚礼。节日这天,男女青年身着盛装去佛寺拜佛,以食物、鲜花、腊条、钱币敬献。祭献完毕,举行盛大的文娱集会,庆祝从关门节以来的安居斋戒结束。主要内容有燃放火花和高升、点孔明灯、唱歌跳舞。青年们还将举着画有着各种鸟、兽、鱼、虫等形状的灯笼环游村寨。这时,正逢稻谷收割完毕,故也是庆祝丰收的节日。


The Dai Open-Door Festival,a traditional festival for the Dai nationality,also called “Aowasha” in Dai language, takes place on December 15th in the Dai calendar (the second ten days in lunar September). The Open-Door Festival symbolizes the end of the three month raining season,and the end of the three-month forbidden days for love affairs and marriages since the Close-Door Festival. From the Open-Door festival the young men and women can start their love affairs or hold a wedding. During the Festival, the young men and the young women dressed in their beautiful clothes go to the Buddhist temples to pay respects to the Buddha,and dedicate the Buddha with some sacrificial food,fresh flowers,candles,silver papers and paper money. After the sacrificial rites are done, the grand performances are held for celebration the end of the nestling fast since the Close-Door Festival. The main contents are displaying firecrackers,sending the Kongming lanterns, singing and dancing. The youth will also dance around the villages holding lanterns formed in various shapes,such as birds,animals,fish and insects etc. Bumper harvest is also celebrated since it is just the season for rice harvest.

五、 结语


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