
时间:2022-09-12 04:09:08


Guy Raz (Host): It’s time now for music. And this is quite possibly the song of the summer. The singer is 26-year-old Carly Rae Jepsen. The song is called “Call Me Maybe.” Does everyone who…who meets you think it’s really, like, clever to give you their number?

Jepsen: (laughs) It’s happened a few times, yes. And they usually think that they’re the first person to do that.

Raz: What do they say to you?

Jepsen: “Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy.” (Both laugh.) Like, “Here’s my number.” They’re, like, “Wow.”



Raz: A year ago, Carly Rae Jepsen had a respectable[达到一定标准的] music career in Canada. She’d been on stage there since age seven. She got her big break a few years ago after appearing on Canadian Idol. But today, her single “Call Me Maybe” is a monster summer pop hit—No. 1 on iTunes and No. 2 on the Billboard charts, and this one song has helped her get a huge record deal. But the phenomenon behind the song may be even bigger. It spawned[大量涌现] a host of[众多] fan-made music videos by everyone from the Harvard baseball team to Justin Bieber to actor James Franco to the commander-in-chief[总司令] himself.

This version, of course, was edited from the president’s speeches. Carly Rae Jepsen is barely keeping it up with it all. She’s taking up on a national concert tour later this year. And when she sat down with us, I asked her how it all started.

Jepsen: It began, I think, with Justin’s support—Justin Bieber. He came home for Christmas in Canada. And it was at that exact moment that “Call Me Maybe” was getting some radio play. And he heard the song and just kind of innocently enough tweeted that he liked it and thought it was one of the catchiest[易记住的] songs he’s heard. And that just sort of sparked a fire. And all of a sudden, people in Germany I’ve never met before were tweeting back to me saying how much they liked the song, too. And then…and then we were, kind of, off to the races[忙于某事].

That was totally the game changer. And not just Justin, but that video kind of sparked these new, sort of, different online celebrities...

Raz: Yeah. I mean, you have Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez did a version of it. Katy Perry...I mean, this is…this…it is crazy. I mean, it is crazy.






Jepsen: Yes. It really, really is.

Raz: So tell me about the guy that the song is about.

Jepsen: His name is Jordi. He’s just…my boyfriend, and he’s an architect[建筑师] student, so kind of different worlds. He kind of likes to keep his world a little bit more private than mine. But he’s an amazing guy. And I feel very, very lucky to be with him.

Raz: I mean, so lucky that you wrote this lyric:“Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad.”

Jepsen: Yeah, it’s exactly how I felt. As soon as he came into my life, I was, like, you are the man that I missed.

Raz: That’s a perfect line. I sing it…sing it all the time to my kids.

Jepsen: Do you? Oh, I love that.

Raz: Yeah. I actually read that you don’t have a TV and that…that you and your boyfriend, you play a lot of chess at home.

Jepsen: We do, yeah. It’s kind of a breakfast


Raz: (laughs) Breakfast!

Jepsen: And the TV just didn’t end up actually happening because…my…my roommate, who was living with me at the time, moved out. And she…she took the television with her, and I just…I never really replaced it, and found that I enjoyed having time to read and write songs. I think “Call Me Maybe” probably wouldn’t have happened had I had a television! (Both laugh.)

Raz: You’re touring with…with Justin Bieber later…later this year.

Jepsen: Yes. I’m so excited about that.

Raz: No…no pressure there, right?

Jepsen: (laughs) I mean, definitely, I…I’m looking forward to putting together, sort of, the show of my dreams. It’s the first time that I can actually, you know, think about dancers and lighting and…and the outfits and really get to…to put these, sort of, dreams to reality. It’s going to be a ball.
















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